Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the "Dog Days" are coming to us. Co

2024/07/0214:12:32 food 1582

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physically strong, and to spend the summer with peace of mind.

July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that " Dog Days " is coming The hot weather is coming to us, and men at home still have to work hard, so in the dog days of summer, we must take good nutrition. In the "dog days of summer", we will be energetic and physically strong, and spend the summer with peace of mind.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

During the hot summer period, I suggest all male friends: If you don’t have money, you should eat more of these three kinds of food, so that you will always be full of energy and spend the whole summer with peace of mind. Today, the editor will share with you the foods suitable for men to eat in the "dog days". If your conditions permit, you may want to eat more, your health will be better, and your whole family will be happy. Let’s take a look at these 3 types of food.

The first type: blueberry

Blueberry is an extremely refreshing delicacy in summer. It is rich in anthocyanins , flavonoids and various vitamins. To be honest, it is very friendly to men, so it is very necessary for men to eat more.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

I believe everyone knows that blueberry has the reputation of "Queen of Fruits" and "King of Berries". The appearance of this food is very beautiful, with a dark blue coat and a substance similar to hoarfrost, like a queen wearing a cloak. , wearing a crown, noble and charming.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

Although it is small, it contains very sufficient nutrients. Its taste is very special, sour and sweet, and it is very refreshing. It is right to eat it during the "dog days", it will bring you a different feeling. summer experience.

The second type: selenium general emperor chrysanthemum

Why is it said that men should drink more " chrysanthemum tea " in the "dog days"? That’s because chrysanthemum tea has a very long history. Mingyue Mountain in Yichun, Jiangxi, is known as the “Land of Longevity” and “Selenium-rich Land”. Mingyue Mountain is a scenic spot in my country known as the “Natural Oxygen Bar” and “Natural Animal and Botanical Garden” , " Geological Museum " reputation.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

The geographical location of Mingyue Mountain is very advantageous. Under the nourishment of selenium-rich soil, each of the chrysanthemums growing are very full, and the fragrance of the flowers is very rich and delicious.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

"Taking the aura of Mingyue Mountain and absorbing the essence of Mingyue Mountain", uses the most traditional planting method to grow chrysanthemums, so that each chrysanthemum has been carefully cared for by tea farmers, and it is very green and healthy without using pesticides.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

Every chrysanthemum is hand-selected, and every process is checked by dedicated personnel. It has an excellent reputation. Chrysanthemum tea is rich in selenium, and this feature alone makes this chrysanthemum tea stand out from the crowd.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

The aroma of chrysanthemum is relatively elegant, and the faint bitter fragrance makes people deeply miss it. The feeling in the mouth is mild and cool. Drinking a cup of refreshing chrysanthemum tea in the hot summer is really refreshing in the summer.

The third type: lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are called "China's No. 1 Lotus". Why are men supposed to eat more lotus seeds? Because it is rich in various nutrients and is a cold food. Men are the backbone of our lives and work very hard in the dog days of summer. Men eating more lotus seeds can strengthen their bodies and resist the scorching heat.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

is a delicacy mentioned in humanistic writings. It is also the most common delicacy on every household table in summer. It tastes very cool, light and delicious, and is very suitable for summer!

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

Lotus seed is actually the fruit of the lotus, and it is also a small nut. Its appearance is oval, and the round one is very cute.

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

In daily life, there are many ways to make lotus seeds, such as making soup, making porridge, etc. The most common way in summer is to make soup. The fragrance of lotus seeds can be completely integrated into the soup, making it very refreshing to drink after get off work. A bowl of lotus seed soup when I get home makes me feel so refreshed!

Introduction: In the Dog Days, wages allow men to eat 3 more kinds of food, to be energetic and physical, and to spend the summer with peace of mind. July is the hottest period in summer, and the Xiaoshu solar term has arrived, which means that the

After entering the ambush in July, I suggest men: If you are not short of money, you should eat more of these three kinds of food, so that you can always be full of energy, spend the whole summer with peace of mind, and enter the ambush safely. friends, what other ingredients do you think are suitable for men to eat more? Everyone is welcome to leave a message to discuss

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