No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should

2024/06/2523:09:32 food 1527

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and think of some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!


What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should be noodles. Even if I am a southerner, I will cook a pot of noodles every three days. Even I think noodles are more delicious than rice noodles. After a few days, it will start to fall. In folk proverbs, there is also mention of eating noodles, such as "Toufu eats dumplings and Erfu noodles, and Sanfu pancakes stand for eggs." In fact, nowadays, regardless of whether it is Erfu or not, people are quite interested in eating noodles. interest.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

There is a noodle seller downstairs in my house. The boss is from Chongqing. Every time I go to their store to buy noodles, I have to call in advance to inform them. Otherwise, if I go late, they will be sold out. This shows that people are interested in noodles in summer. The popularity is far beyond my imagination, at least in the area where I live.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

China is considered by the world to be the "founding country of noodles". Literature records since the Eastern Desert include suo biscuits, shuiyin biscuits, dried noodles, etc., including " boiled cakes" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, " soup" in the Wei and Jin Dynasties "Cake " are the original names of noodles. Noodles can be eaten in a variety of ways. They can be fried, served cold, or boiled. Of course, there is a very important process before this, which is boiling the noodles.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

Cooking noodles: It is wrong to boil the water in the pot! Keep 5 points in mind. The noodles are chewy and smooth, and taste better than those in noodle shops. I used to think that when cooking noodles, you should boil the water and put it in the pot directly. In fact, this method is wrong. If you want to cook noodles that are chewy and smooth, you need to remember 5 key points.

First, different noodles require different cooking times.

If we are cooking dried noodles, we don’t need to wait until the water boils. We only need to put them in directly when there is bubbling at the bottom of the pot. The approximate temperature is 90 When the noodles are put into the pot, you need to stir the pot lid. After the water boils, add some cold water and cook it for a while. The noodles cooked in this way will cook quickly and will not stick to the soup, making them more delicious.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

Secondly, it is suitable to add some seasonings when cooking noodles.

Many people cook noodles, throw them directly into the pot, and wait to eat. This is not right. When we cook ordinary noodles, it is best to add some salt. No need. Too much, this will ensure that it will not be mushy when cooked. In addition, if you add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water when cooking, the noodles will not only not stick to each other, but also prevent the noodle soup from foaming and overflowing the pot.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

Third, when cooking alkaline noodles, it is suitable to put vinegar

Alkaline noodles have a certain alkaline smell, and many people don’t like this taste. So when we cook, we can put some balsamic vinegar in it. This can remove the alkaline smell of the noodles, and also has the advantage that the noodles will turn white and look particularly appetizing.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

Fourth, knife-shaped noodles or hand-rolled noodles . You need to add a little salt after the water is bubbled and then put it in.

The knife-shaped noodles are relatively difficult to cook. When we cook, it is best to order water twice. Remove from the pot after cooking thoroughly. Wet noodles and dry noodles are boiled in different ways. Dry noodles do not need to be salted, while wet noodles need to add a little salt. Otherwise, the temperature is not high enough and the noodles will not easily form a mucous membrane on the surface, and the noodles will melt in the water.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

Fifth, the noodles are refreshing, non-sticky, not hard, and not soupy. The best thing is to put the water in before it is boiled.

When we see the water surface bubbling, then put the noodles in and cook them like this. The noodles will be relatively stronger, and the time is easier to control. Generally, after boiling, they will be cooked again by boiling them again. After they are cooked, we can prepare a basin of cold water and pour it in the cold water before eating. A little more powerful.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

[Shi Ke Shuo]

When cooking noodles, it is wrong to put the water into the pot directly after the water boils. We should put the water in two or three minutes before it is almost boiling. According to the characteristics and attributes of the noodles, add some salt or oil appropriately. The noodles cooked in this way are chewy and smooth, and taste better than those bought in noodle shops.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: What is the most suitable staple food to eat in summer? I think it should  - DayDayNews

[This article was originally created by "Xiao Tan Shi Ke" and may not be deleted or copied without permission. Infringement will be prosecuted]

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