Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. Food is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ordinar

2024/06/0415:54:32 food 1065

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. This delicacy is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals every day. At the same time, I hope that today’s delicious food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Cold Chinese Cabbage

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage200g, 30g peanuts, Chaotian pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of salt, a little chicken essence, appropriate amount of sesame oil

Method 1. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, and then Add the peanuts and stir-fry until each peanut is coated with oil, then heat over high heat and stir-fry continuously. When one or two peanuts rattle, the peanuts are almost 9 ripe. , reheat for about half a minute, then turn off the heat

2. Wash the cabbage, blanch it in boiling water for 30 seconds, remove and squeeze out the excess water

3. Wash and chop the peppers; peel and chop the garlic

4 .Crush the chili pepper and garlic onto the cabbage, pour hot pepper oil, then add salt, chicken essence and sesame oil, mix well, and finally add the crushed peanuts.

Special roasted grass carp

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 1 grass carp (about 800 g), 15 grams of garlic sprouts, 10 grams of celery segments, millet, , 5 grams each of ginger slices, 250 ml of beer, appropriate amounts of dark soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and vegetable oil.


1. Slaughter and clean the grass carp , cut a knife on both sides of the fish body, put it in the basin, add ginger slices, green onion knots and cooking wine, mix well and taste.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the pot, and when it is 70% hot, add the ginger slices and sauté until fragrant, then add the fish and fry until both sides are golden.

3. Pour beer into the pot and mix in 250 ml of water. Simmer over low heat for 8 minutes. Pour in dark soy sauce and add salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence. Sprinkle in garlic sprouts, millet pepper and celery segments and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from pot and plate.

Luffa, Egg and Mushroom Soup

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: Luffa, seafood mushrooms, eggs, salt, pepper, sesame oil, ginger, green onions


(1) Wash and cut the loofah into strips , wash the seafood mushrooms, beat two eggs in a bowl, peel and slice the ginger, and chop the green onions.

(2) Heat oil in a pot and pour in the egg liquid, fry over low heat until it takes shape, stir-fry until smooth and cooked, put it on a plate and set aside.

(3) Leave oil in the bottom of the pot and sauté chopped ginger, green onions, summer loofah and seafood mushrooms until fragrant. Pour in an appropriate amount of water to cover the ingredients.

(4) After boiling the pot, add the scrambled eggs, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, cover the pot and simmer for a while.

(5) Turn off the heat and take out the pot, add a little sesame oil to taste, put it into a bowl and start drinking. The soup is simple to make and delicious. It is a must-have soup on the summer table, suitable for all ages!

Stir-fried beef with double peppers

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: Beef, hot peppers, color peppers, oil, salt, onion, ginger, garlic, oyster sauce, chicken essence


1. The beef has been marinated and set aside.

2. Wash the hot peppers and colored peppers and drain them. Moisture. Remove the stems of the peppers and colored peppers, cut the peppers into pieces, and tear the colored peppers into small pieces and set aside.

3. Mince the onion and ginger, and slice the garlic.

4. Put oil in the pot and put it on the fire. When it is 50% hot, add the pickled garlic. Beef, stir-fry until cooked, take out

5, leave the bottom oil, add minced onion and ginger, garlic slices and sauté until fragrant

6, add hot pepper, colored pepper cubes, salt, stir-fry for a few times over high heat

7, stir-fry the beef Pour in, add some oyster sauce, stir-fry evenly, and add some chicken essence. Ready to serve

Pickled pepper terrine

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:


Fatty meat, lean meat, Braised tofu, pickles, pickled peppers, salt, light soy sauce, garlic sprouts


1. Cut tofu, lean meat, and pickled vegetables separately. Cut into cubes, cut the fat into strips, and chop the peppers.

2. Put a little peanut oil in the pot, put the fat meat into the pot and fry it until the oil comes out.

3. Pour the chili into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the diced tofu and pickled vegetables and stir-fry for 1 minute.

5. Add the garlic sprouts and stir-fry evenly.

Roasted Lotus Root Balls

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 150 grams of meat filling, 1 section of lotus root, 1 egg

Accessories: 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 3 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of starch, 2 green onions, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, oil and salt Appropriate amount of


1. Prepare the raw materials

2. Add salt, eggs, pepper, minced ginger, starch and small sesame oil to the minced meat, stir evenly in one direction, and marinate for five minutes

3. Then add finely chopped lotus root. and a little salt

4. Stir evenly in the direction just now and set aside.

5. Roll the filling into small balls and put them in the drawer of the oiled air fryer .

6. Preheat the air fryer to 180 degrees and bake for 15 seconds.

7 minutes. After frying, take it out and set aside.

8. Heat the pan, add a little oil, add the seafood mushrooms and stir-fry

9. Stir-fry for a few times, add the prepared lotus root balls and stir-fry

10. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, Light soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little water

11. Stir well, cover and cook for two or three minutes

12. After cooking, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, and reduce the juice over high heat

13. After the juice is reduced, put it into a bowl and sprinkle some on the surface. Minced shallots

Eggs, fried garlic sprouts

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: garlic sprouts, fungus, eggs, salt, green onions and ginger


1. Wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into small pieces.

2. Soak the fungus in warm water in advance.

3. Beat the eggs into egg liquid, put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, pour the egg liquid into the hot oil, spread it into egg cubes and set aside.

4. Heat the oil, add onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Add garlic sprouts and stir-fry until color changes.

5. Pour in the fungus and stir-fry evenly. Sprinkle in salt and continue to stir-fry until the fungus is cooked. Pour in the eggs, stir well and remove from the pan. You can drizzle in a little sesame oil before serving.

Fried river shrimp with green pepper

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: river shrimp, green pepper, ginger, salt, garlic


1. Process the shrimp. Cut off the long legs, antennae, and the pointed thing on the head of the shrimp. I don’t know. what is it call. Prepare auxiliary ingredients, cut green pepper into small pieces, and slice ginger and garlic.

2. Heat fried shrimp until the skin is crispy, remove and set aside. Under hot oil, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant and add green pepper. Pour in the fried garlic sprouts and stir-fry together, then add salt.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms and Black Fungus

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:


Ingredients: 15 dried shiitake mushrooms, 10 grams of dried fungus, half pheasant , 1 chive, 2 slices of ginger

Seasoning: 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 3 salt grams, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of pepper, 1 tsp of Yanyou sesame oil


1 Soak the mushrooms and black fungus in cold water in advance, soak them and wash them.

2. Cut the chicken into small pieces, cut the chives into sections, and shred the ginger. Add seasonings to a bowl and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Add mushrooms and fungus, put them into the steamer that has been boiled, and steam over high heat for about 15 minutes.

Pork belly and fried lotus root slices

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:


Pork belly, lotus root, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, cooking oil, garlic, sugar, cooking wine, salt


1. Slice the pork belly and lotus root and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, sauté the garlic until fragrant, add the pork belly and stir-fry.

3. Add light soy sauce and dark soy sauce for seasoning and coloring.

4. Add lotus root slices, salt and cooking wine and simmer for a while.

5. Just stir in a teaspoon of sugar before cooking.

I am Jinxiu V Shandong, an author in the field of food. If you like my articles, please follow me! Follow me, cook every day without getting lost, and update delicious food every day. What's your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor. Let’s talk about the most unforgettable food you have eaten in the comment area. If you don’t know what to eat every day, please follow me and share delicious food with you every day. Articles are updated every day. See you there or not. Welcome to forward it so that more people who love food can share it.

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