Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep

2024/06/0405:53:33 food 1231

mustard tofu shreds

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 320ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 350g red oil chili html, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence , 10 grams of seafood sauce, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, appropriate amount of salad oil

Preparation method:

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Cut the old tofu into slices about 1 cm thick. Put it into the oil pan and fry until golden brown, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Remove and drain the oil.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Let the fried tofu slices cool, cut into shreds, put on a plate, sprinkle with shredded green onions and garlic, then top with red oil chili, pepper noodles, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, vinegar, hoisin sauce, spicy Sauce made with fresh dew and mustard oil is ready.

Stir-fried soaked cowpeas Cowboy ribs

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Preparation method:

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. The cowboy bones wrapped in black pepper juice are delicious and tender. When mixed with soaked cowpeas and cooked, they are sour

and flavorful. Sprinkled with fragrant dried chili peppers, it makes people salivate.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Rinse the cowboy bones with water to taste, put them into the oil pan and drain them. Then blanch the soaked cowpeas and fresh cowpeas

beans and stir-fry them dry.

3. Add butter to a clean pan, add ginger and garlic slices and saute until fragrant, then add dried chili shreds, stir-fry until fragrant, add dried cowpeas and cowboy bones and stir-fry together, add black pepper particles, monosodium glutamate, white sugar, Maggi fresh soy sauce, Cooking wine, stir-fry over high heat until fragrant, then pour in peppercorn oil and sesame oil, and serve.

Spicy Clawed Winged Frog ( days for gold)

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 400g clean bullfrog, 7 clean chicken feet, 7 clean duck wings, 8 kelp segments, 100g cucumber strips, 100g konjac chunks, 100g ginger slices, 10g garlic, 10g celery section 20 grams of dried chili pepper, 5 grams of dried Sichuan peppercorns, 3 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of MSG, 5 grams of spicy fresh dew, 8 ml of white sugar, 1 gram of pepper noodles, 1 gram of homemade spicy base, Sichuan style brine, and vegetable oil.

Preparation method:

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Clean Cut the bullfrog into pieces; put the clean chicken feet and clean duck wings into a Sichuan-style brine pot and marinate them separately. In addition, put the kelp segments, cucumber strips and konjac cubes into the water pot and cook them, then put them into the container to make the bottom.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Heat the vegetable oil in a pot, add ginger slices, garlic, dried chili knots, and dried Sichuan peppercorns and sautƩ until fragrant. Add in homemade spicy base and stir-fry until fragrant. Add bullfrog cubes, braised chicken feet, braised duck wings and turn over. Stir-fry, add water and bring to a boil. Then add chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, spicy fresh dew, sugar, pepper noodles, wait until the ingredients are cooked, add celery sections, remove from the pot and pour on the side dishes, and it's ready.

sea cucumberidoudou

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 250 grams of sea cucumber skin, 100 grams of dried soybeans, 15 grams of ginger, 15 grams of garlic, 10 grams of ginger slices, 10 grams of green onion slices, 20 grams of soaked wild sansho pepper, soaked red millet pepper 20 grams of green pepper rings, 1 gram of sugar, 1 gram of pepper, 500 ml of fresh soup, 20 ml of spicy fresh dew, 20 g of oyster sauce, 20 ml of cane pepper oil, 20 ml of green onion oil, 30 g of chicken fat , corn starch, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, chicken juice, and salad oil in appropriate amounts

Preparation method:

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Soak the dried soybeans in water for one night until they are thoroughly softened, then put them into a pressure cooker, add 1000 ml of boiling water and 5 grams of salt, and cover with steam pressure After 4 minutes, pour out and drain the water, then add 30% hot oil to the pan to pull out the oil, pour out and drain the oil and set aside.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Clean the sea cucumber skin, cut into uniformly sized cubes, boil in water in a pot, pour out and drain.

3. Heat the chicken oil in a clean pan, add sliced ā€‹ā€‹ginger and green onions, stir-fry until fragrant, pour in fresh soup, add diced sea cucumbers, then add oyster sauce, chicken juice, white sugar and pepper, stir to taste, pour out and pat dry with a clean towel Moisture, coated with a little cornstarch, then put into 50% hot oil pan and fry briefly, pour out and drain the oil and set aside.

4. Heat the chicken oil in a clean pan, add the ginger, garlic, soaked wild peppercorns, and soaked red millet peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, then add soybeans, diced sea cucumbers, oyster sauce, and green pepper rings, stir-fry, and stir-fry Thin the gravy, pour in the spicy fresh dew, cane pepper oil, and scallion oil and stir-fry evenly, remove from the pan and place on a plate, garnish slightly and serve.

Old marinated pecans

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 20 pecans 1 pot of spicy brine 1 pot of small yellow pepper section

Preparation method:

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Take the pecans and gently pinch the shell (be careful to keep the shape), and put it into the boiling spicy brine pot After simmering for 20 minutes, remove from the heat and soak until the flavor is absorbed.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. When serving, put the marinated walnuts on a plate and pour spicy brine on them, and sprinkle a little fragrant small yellow pepper knots on top, and it's ready.

Abalone Golden Chicken

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews

Use sea cucumber, abalone, fish maw , etc. to increase the added value of the fish head. The taste is rich and the presentation is grand. This type of combination was once popular in high-end restaurants, and "Shunxinlou" focuses on the mass banquet market. , also caught this ride, choosing a more popular grass chicken and 10 fresh small abalones per catty, simmering them in batches in advance, then putting them into large clay pots according to portions before serving, heating them thoroughly before serving Quick, delicious and practical.

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Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Rinse 12 grass chickens with a net weight of 1 kilogram, clean the blood, chop off the claws, tails, and mouths, split them along the back, keep the abdomen connected, pat the chicken skin upwards with the blade of a knife, and set aside; the specification is 10 chickens per catty. Brush the fresh abalone clean, put it into slightly boiling hot water, add green onions, ginger slices, and cooking wine and blanch for 15 seconds. Remove the shell and internal organs, rinse under a trickle of water, drain and place on one side. Make a diamond-shaped flower knife and set aside.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Put 24 yellow gardenias, white cardamom 40, 12 star anise, and 36 bay leaves in a basin, soak in warm water for 15 minutes, drain and set aside. Heat rapeseed oil in a large pot, add 150 grams of green onions and 150 grams of ginger slices and stir-fry until slightly dry. Pour in the prepared medicinal ingredients and stir-fry until the aroma comes out. Take a bamboo grate to cover the stir-fried ingredients, add the grass chicken processed in step 1, add thick soup to cover the ingredients a finger deep, bring to a boil over high heat, add appropriate amounts of salt, chicken powder, and MSG, and reduce the heat to low Simmer for 1.5 hours, then add 96 abalones processed in step 1, continue to simmer for 10 minutes and then turn off the heat.

3. Take out the stewed chicken and abalone, place them in a tray, seal them with plastic wrap and let them cool for later use. Drain the original soup and pour it into a crisper, let it cool and set aside.

4. Place a layer of shredded raw onions on the bottom of the casserole. Heat a clean pot with an appropriate amount of rapeseed oil, add 10 grams of green onions, 10 grams of garlic cloves, and 5 grams of ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour into a casserole, cover with a bamboo grate and set aside.

5. Put the simmered golden chicken into the steamer to reheat, take it out and place it in the casserole prepared in step 1. Heat a clean pot, pour 600 grams of the original soup into the boil, put 8 simmered abalones back into the heat, pour a little water starch to thicken the soup, scoop out the abalones and place them on the back of the chicken, pour in the original soup, and garnish with coriander on the side of the plate Appropriate amount, cover with bottom heat and serve.

Lantern Chicken

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews


Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. 1 young native hen (a hen about to lay eggs, net weight about 500 grams), cut the throat and bleed, remove the feathers, remove the internal organs from the tail opening, rinse, remove the skeleton, add salt and rub Make sure the inside and outside of the chicken body are fully flavored, put it in a crisper, add appropriate amount of green onions, ginger slices and cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.

Ingredients for shredded mustard tofu: 200g old tofu, 5g shredded green onions, 10g garlic, 20ml mustard oil, 10ml vinegar, 50g red oil chili, 5g pepper noodles, 2g MSG, 2g chicken essence, 10g hoisin sauce grams, 5 ml of spicy fresh dew, and appropriate amount of salad oil. Prep - DayDayNews. Take out the marinated hen and put it into a deep plate. Stuff the belly with 60 grams each of pre-boiled squid slices, fresh mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots to make the belly full again, and seal it with a toothpick. , finalize the shape, pour five-spice brine to immerse the chicken body, heat it in a steamer over high heat for 1 hour, take it out, drain and put it on a plate.

3. Heat 15 grams of salad oil in the pot until it is 50% hot. Add 10 grams of Pixian red oil bean paste and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. When the oil turns red, take out the bean paste and add 80 grams of red lantern chili peppers and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. Add 5 grams of salt, add 40 grams of chicken stock and bring to a boil over medium heat, thicken the glass of gravy, turn off the heat and pour it over the chicken. Garnish the plate with " " "Lantern" is ready to go.

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