As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people." Changsha is a city that never sleeps with delicious food on the tip of the tongue, satisfying almost everyone's yearning for delicious food. As a true foodie, I can’t stop talking about Changsha’s delicacies.

2024/06/0221:05:33 food 1062

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people." Changsha can be said to be a city that never sleeps with delicious food on the tip of your tongue. It satisfies almost everyone's yearning for delicious food. As a true foodie, I can’t stop talking about Changsha’s delicacies.

Changsha's food street is even more lively, ranging from mouth-watering -flavored shrimp , boiled fish to stinky tofu that is both delicious and delicious. How attractive is the food in Changsha? Today I will introduce to you Changsha's 5 special delicacies . They all have the characteristics of "spicy, fresh and rich" and will make your mouth water!

1. Boiled fish

As the saying goes,

Boiled fish is a famous dish in the Sichuan and Chongqing regions of China. The key to this dish depends on the quality of pepper and pepper ingredients and the degree of cooking with red oil. If the fresh and delicious Jialing River grass carp is paired with the mouth-watering chili red soup, who wouldn't say "top" after seeing it. The taste of this "numb top, addictive spicy" is unforgettable! Of course, in addition to the tender and delicious fish, the rich soup can be cooked with tofu, noodles, konjac and other side dishes for two to three minutes. Use chopsticks to pick up the side dishes covered in spicy soup and then serve a few bowls of rice. It’s so satisfying!

2, stinky tofu

As the saying goes,

If you don’t eat stinky tofu in Changsha, your trip is in vain. The stinky tofu is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and spicy. It is a very unique traditional Chinese snack. When you first smell the smell, you can smell the strong aroma carefully. First heat the oil in a pot, and throw the marinated stinky tofu piece by piece into the hot oil pan. The stinky tofu bubbles in the oil pan, making a "squeaking" sound, and the fragrance wafts out.

The finishing touch is of course to top it with the soup containing chili oil and chopped green onion, and you're done. After taking a bite, the soup splashes in your mouth, and you immediately feel ecstatic, making you want to stop!

3. Rice noodles

As the saying goes,

The biggest feature of Changsha’s rice noodles is its lightness, and the soup base is made from large bones. Pour the soft and smooth flat noodles into the bowl, add shredded pork, crispy peppers, fried sauce , spare ribs, diced chicken and other extremely rich ingredients. Garnish the surface with freshly fattened beef brisket, add a little chili pepper, radish , and beans, and sprinkle with coriander. This bowl of noodles is ready. Changsha people love rice noodles very much. As the saying goes, "If you don't eat rice noodles for three days, the gods will not be able to stand still." Then take a sip of steaming bone soup. This has a different flavor !

4. Flavored shrimp

As the saying goes,

Changsha’s flavored shrimp is a traditional famous dish in Hunan Province and a very unique food representative of Changsha. The flavored shrimp is not only spicy and fragrant, but also has a beautiful color and smooth texture. It can be called the best flavor among shrimps. In recent years, flavored shrimp has become all the rage and is popular on the streets. Its fresh and tender shrimp meat penetrates all the flavors in the soup. Open the shrimp shell, it's fragrant, soft and smooth. The spicy feeling surrounds the tip of the tongue, and the soup is not willing to be wasted. I can't help but suck my fingers after eating. If you drink a glass of beer at night and then eat a plate of spicy and tempting flavored shrimp, how can you say "refreshing"!

5, Salted duck with soy sauce

As the saying goes,

This salted salted duck with soy sauce is a famous dish in Hunan. It is cooked with Chinese herbs, spices and marinades, then air-dried, trimmed and roasted. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation, smoothing qi, nourishing the stomach and beautifying. Sauce board The duck skin and meat are crispy, rich in color, spicy and flavorful . This spicy flavor will make you sweat all over.

The chewy duck meat gets better and better as you chew it. I only felt a little bit delicious when I first ate it, but as I continued eating, I wanted to swallow the bones as well. Salted duck with soy sauce can be used as a delicacy on the wine table or as a casual snack that can be eaten out of the bag. People who come to travel can take it back and give it to relatives and friends, so that they can also experience the mellow taste of this salted duck..

The above are the five Changsha delicacies I introduced. Changsha, a city on the tip of the tongue, has captured people's taste buds. "Drunk with Changsha wine at night, and travel on the Xiangjiang River at dawn." Everyone who has been to Changsha will be deeply impressed by the mellow and spicy taste of the local food.Their rich variety of delicacies, various cooking methods, and distinctive taste with local characteristics make people want to stop.. Welcome everyone to taste Changsha’s special delicacies, let’s have a tasteful feast!

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