Ingredients: half fresh local duck, about 1.5-2 pounds, konjac, about 1.

2024/05/2601:36:32 food 1422

Ingredients Ingredients:

Half a fresh duck, about 1.5-2 jins Konjac About 1.5 jins Dried chili segments 10 grams of seeded ginger 60 grams of Pixian Douban 30 grams of cooking oil 1 jin of cooking oil


Cooking wine 10 grams 2 star anise 30 pieces of Sichuan peppercorns, 5g of chicken essence, 5g of millet, 50g of spicy , 2 wattle sticks, 330g of beer, a can of Sichuan pickled pepper, 50g of pickled ginger, a head of garlic

1. Wash the duck, chop it into small pieces, soak in the bleeding water for about half an hour, then drain it and dry it for later use.

2. Slice the konjac and add water for later use. Then prepare all the ingredients.

3. Cut the seed ginger into shreds and cut into small sections or cut into horse ears.

4. Heat the oil in a pan until it is 70% hot. Pour in the duck and stir-fry the excess fat from the duck. After frying, add Pixian watercress and star anise pepper and other ingredients and continue to fry.

5. After frying the red oil, add a can of prepared beer. It must be equal to the duck. If the beer is not enough, you can add water.

6. After the fire boils, continue to simmer for half a minute. hour, then add the prepared konjac and cook for 15 minutes

7. Add shredded ginger and chili in turn, and reduce the juice over high heat

8. An authentic konjac roast duck is ready!!!

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Ingredients: half fresh local duck, about 1.5-2 pounds, konjac, about 1. - DayDayNews

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