Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a

2024/05/2415:06:33 food 1384

Crispy bombs Shrimp balls

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Potatoes and prawns toast slices, flour, eggs, ketchup, pepper, salt, chicken stock, wine, oil


1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes;

2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns. , leaving the tail and the last section of shrimp skin, peel off the shrimp lines shrimp lines ;

3. Blanch the peeled shrimps in hot water until the shrimp bodies curl up;

4. Marinate the blanched shrimps with salt, chicken essence and cooking wine, and catch them well Let stand;

5. Freeze the toast slices for 2 hours, remove the edges of the toast, and put the remaining part into the fresh-keeping bag and mash it;

6. Take out the steamed potatoes and grind them into mashed potatoes, season with salt and pepper The mashed potatoes are delicious;

7. Knead the mashed potatoes into potato pancakes with your hands, wrap the prawns, leaving the tail;

8. Dip the wrapped shrimp balls in flour, then dip them in egg liquid, and then dip them in homemade bread crumbs ;

9. Heat oil in a pot, add a little salt, bring the oil to a boil, then turn down to low heat;

10. Put the shrimp balls with their tails facing up, fry them in the oil pan until they float, and serve with tomato sauce. .

Shrimp with shredded coconut

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


250g mantis shrimp, shredded coconut 60g, 1 egg, 2g minced garlic, 3g minced basil


3g chicken powder, 50g butter Produced by gram


1. Cut off the head, tail and two teeth of the mantis shrimp, add a little cornstarch and deep-fry in 70% oil until crispy;

2. Heat the butter, add the egg liquid and quickly beat it into shredded eggs, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add Add the fried mantis shrimp and chicken powder and stir-fry evenly, then add shredded coconut and chopped basil, stir-fry, and serve on a plate.

Huadiao Phoenix Wings

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Chicken whole wings, green and red peppers, ginger scallions, dried chili peppers Huadiao wine Soy sauce, white sugar, salt oil


1. Cut the chicken whole wings into pieces with a knife, add Huadiao wine, ginger slices, and green onions and stir well. , marinate;

2. Put oil in the pot. When the oil temperature is 70% hot, drain the chicken wings and pour them into the pot, fry until golden and serve;

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot and add dried chili peppers, green onions and ginger. Sauté the slices until fragrant, pour in the chicken wings, Huadiao wine for marinating the chicken wings, salt, soy sauce, and sugar, cover and simmer for 10 minutes;

4. Finally, pour in green and red peppers, Huadiao wine, and reduce the juice.

Fried Vegetarian Sesame Duck

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Mushrooms, spring bamboo shoots, carrot, coriander, soybean oil skin, flour, starch, white sesame seeds, white sugar, pepper, chicken essence, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, oil,


1. Cut the soaked mushrooms into thin slices, blanch the spring bamboo shoots and slice them;

2. Slice the carrots and cut the coriander into sections;

3. Pour oil into the pot, stir-fry the mushrooms until golden brown, then add the spring bamboo shoots;

4. Season with soy sauce Season with color, pour in the water for soaking the mushrooms, season with sugar, pepper, chicken essence and salt;

5. Thicken with starch, add carrot slices, turn off the heat and drizzle with sesame oil;

6. Sprinkle with coriander and stir evenly. , let cool and set aside;

7. Stir the flour with water and starch, pour the soybean oil skin over the batter, and wrap the fried filling;

8. Seal the batter with a toothpick, then coat the surface with batter, sprinkle with flour, and dip in white sesame seeds;

9. Pour oil into the pot. When the oil is warm and mature, add the wrapped sesame duck;

10. Fry until golden brown, remove and pull out toothpicks, cut into pieces and place on a plate, ready to eat.

Goose meat with corn on the cob

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


850g goose meat, fresh corn on the cob 350g


flavored black bean sauce 50g, Gold Label light soy sauce 20g, 10g bean paste, 150ml olive oil Production: 1 2. Cut the goose meat into 2-inch long and 1 cm wide strips, marinate it with Gold Label light soy sauce for 10 minutes and set aside; 2. Steam the corn cobs, cut into 1 cm thick circles and set aside; 3. Heat the wok and stir-fry the goose meat. , cook the bean paste, flavored black bean paste, Golden Label light soy sauce, stir-fry until fragrant, put it into the bowl and put it in the steamer until crispy and set aside; 4. Place the juice in the bowl over medium high heat to reduce the juice, pour it into the bowl Plate the corn and goose pieces and serve.

Beef braised noodles with fish

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Beef Chinese toon Green onions and ginger Millet pepper Sweet potato powder Mung bean powder Peanuts Sesame Chili powder, octagonal salt, white sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce, pepper oil and oil


1, will be fragrant Tsubakiri Blanch the sections, remove and chop into pieces, sprinkle with salt, and drizzle with 60% hot oil; cut the beef into small pieces, mince the green onions and ginger;

2 pour oil into the pot, add the chili noodles, stir-fry over low heat until the aroma is released, and then add Ground onion and ginger; add beef cubes, stir-fry until they change color, then add star anise; add rice vinegar to submerge the ingredients, season with soy sauce, salt and sugar, and simmer over low heat;

3, mix sweet potato powder and mung bean powder, and slowly add water to prepare Form a slightly thin batter; slowly beat the batter into hot water, stirring constantly until thick; pour the batter through a sieve into ice water to form a fish shape, soak for 10 minutes, drain and set aside; use soy sauce , millet pepper, Sichuan pepper oil and prepared Chinese toon, pour it on the noodle fish ; then add the fried saozi, mix well, take it out and sprinkle with crushed peanuts and sesame seeds, and it is ready to eat.

Large bowl of fried sauced meat

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Braised pork belly slices 150g, 500g lotus root slices, 50g garlic, 15g Thai pepper, garlic leaves 25g


oyster sauce 10g, 325g spicy beef sauce html, 2g chicken essence, 15g steamed fish soy sauce, 4g braised soy sauce, 50g second soup, 10g lard, 10g salad oil


1. Drain the auxiliary ingredients and drain them. Stir-fry the garlic with oil until fragrant, add oyster sauce and beef sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, add the main ingredients and season and stir-fry until fragrant;

2. Pour in the soy sauce and soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, add the auxiliary ingredients, stir-fry evenly and serve.

Crab Meat Chicken Head Rice

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


150g chicken head rice, 50g swimming crab meat, 15g minced ginger


3g chicken powder, 5g concentrated chicken juice, 3g salt, 2g white pepper, 3g rice vinegar grams, 10 grams of cornstarch, 20 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of chicken fat, 150 grams of chicken soup


1. Steam the swimming crab and take the meat, fresh chicken head rice, boil in water for about 30 seconds, take out and set aside;

2. Clean Add an appropriate amount of chicken oil to the pot, add minced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Add crab meat and stir-fry together. Add cooking wine, clear chicken soup and seasoning. Bring to a boil and thicken. Add chicken head and rice, mix well and serve on a plate.

Steamed yellow croaker with fermented wine

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


200 grams of yellow croaker belly, 5 grams of ham slices, 10 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 35 grams of fermented wine, 2 grams of ginger, 10 grams of fresh orange peel, 5 grams of shredded green onion


Concentrated Chicken 3 grams of juice, 10 grams of chicken broth, 10 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of cooked chicken fat, 2 grams of salt.


1. Wash the yellow croaker, cut the middle section of the belly with a knife, marinate with fresh orange peel and cooking wine for 15 minutes to remove the smell. To increase the freshness;

2. Blanch the marinated yellow croaker in boiling water and put it into a plate;

3. Arrange the bamboo shoot slices, ginger slices and ham slices evenly on the fish, and finally put the fermented rice wine, seasonings and chicken oil on the basket. Steam for 5 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with chopped green onion and drizzle with hot oil.

Waji Huadiao Chicken

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews

Ingredients: chicken, Huadiao wine, shallots , onions, bay leaves, tangerine peel, star anise, grass fruits , etc.


Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews. Pour the chicken through water first, and remove the excess from the surface of the chicken. oil content. Then use light soy sauce to smear the chicken body evenly to make the color of the chicken more beautiful. After applying the chicken, place it in an air-conditioned room and turn on the fan to dry it for about twenty minutes.

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews. Heat the pot, add peanut oil, put the chicken down and fry until the skin is golden. During the frying process, turn the chicken from time to time, otherwise the skin will burn easily.

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews. Take the fried chicken and set aside. Add lard to the clay pot and fry until fragrant, then add shallots and scallions one after another and sauté until fragrant. Pour in a little chicken broth. If you don’t have chicken broth at home, you can use water instead. Add spices, then add sugar, seasoning powder, chicken powder, salt, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce to taste.

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews. Then put the chicken sideways into the pot, pour a little Huadiao wine over it, cover it and simmer for ten minutes, then flip the chicken over and simmer it for another ten minutes. Chicken cooked for 20 minutes is ready. At this time, take the chicken out, chop it into pieces, and put it back into the pot. Finally, pour Huadiao wine over it while heating it, and this delicious dish is done!

Stone-cooked wine-flavored beef short ribs

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Snowflake beef short ribs 400g, 100g shallots, shallots 50g, garlic 50g, 20g ginger slices, basil leaves 25g.


A ingredients (10 grams each of Dongzi soy sauce, rice wine , 5 grams of Jinlan soy sauce, 2 grams each of Jinlan ointment, industrial salt black cake, honey, 3 grams of dark soy sauce) 20 grams of salad oil, 310 grams of brandy .


1. Cut the snowflake steak into 1.2 cm thick pieces, defrost and marinate in vegetable juice for 4 hours.

2. Add oil to the pot, add cowboy ribs and fry until medium cooked. Add ginger slices, shallots, garlic , and basil leaves. Add ingredient A and stir-fry evenly.

3. Heat the medical stone in advance and pour it into the stone pot. Pour the fried beef ribs on the medical stone and cook the brandy.

Vegetable juice: 100 grams each of carrots, dried onions, 150 grams of papaya, 3500 grams of celery, 50 grams of garlic, 5 grams of salt, 6 grams of MSG, 3 grams of sugar, and 300 grams of water: put in and squeeze the juice Make juice in machine.

Stir-fried shredded eel with fresh cordyceps flower

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


650g of eel


150g of fresh cordyceps flower, 30g of ginger, 50g of green pepper


Spicy soup 30g, 20ml of light soy sauce, 5g of pepper , oyster sauce 50ml, spicy 10 ml of fresh shrimp, 100g of vegetable oil


1. Debone and skin the eel, cut into thin strips, cut the ginger into strips, and cut the green pepper into strips and set aside.

2. Soak the ginger in light soy sauce for 1 hour for a very fresh taste.

3. Use 1 bowl to mix the seasonings into a sauce;

4. Heat a large amount of oil in a wok and smooth the eel until cooked, remove and drain, leave the bottom oil in the pan, stir-fry the soaked ginger shreds to create the flavor and add fresh cordyceps flowers. . Add in shredded green pepper and shredded eel. Spray in seasoning and stir-fry to reduce the juice. Serve.

Vinegar flavor Braised sauce Boiled pork chops

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Pork ribs 850 grams


Green onions 100 grams


Secret braised sauce 50 ml, Zhuhou sauce 20 grams, olive oil 50 ml, Shanxi mature vinegar 50. Production of


1. Cut the pork ribs into 3-inch long pieces, drain them and set aside;

2. Remove green onions and cut into thin strips; set aside;

3. Heat a wok, stir-fry the ribs, and add Zhuhou sauce and Add secret braised sauce, Shanxi mature vinegar, stir-fry until fragrant, add clear soup and cook until the sauce thickens over high heat, then serve on a plate, sprinkle with shredded green onions and serve.

Yipin Health Mushroom Pot

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Matsutake mushroom, Black tiger palm fungus , Black truffle , Morel , ginger slices, green onion segments, green and red pepper horns


Salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar A small amount of olive oil


1. Pour all the fungi into the water, heat the olive oil in a wok and stir-fry the ingredients until fragrant. Add the fungi and stir-fry until fragrant. Add water, add salt and sugar, and thicken the juice.

Spring is full of catfish stew

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Catfish, spring bamboo shoots, green bamboo shoots, apples, onions, garlic, ginger, oyster sauce, chili sauce, fermented bean curd, five-spice powder, cooking wine, red Zhejiang vinegar, white sugar, dark soy sauce, white wine, salt and oil


1. Remove the head, debone the catfish, and cut it with a knife. Cut the spring bamboo shoots and green bamboo shoots into pieces;

2. Add oyster sauce, chili sauce, fermented bean curd, five-spice powder, cooking wine, red zhejiang vinegar, white sugar, salt, and dark soy sauce into the pieces of catfish, spring bamboo shoots, and green bamboo shoots, stir evenly, and marinate Cook for about 15 minutes;

3. Put the stir-fried garlic, onions, ginger slices, apple slices, garlic oil in the casserole, and then add the marinated catfish meat;

4. Cover the lid and heat over high heat until it starts to steam. , simmer for about 12-15 minutes, pour a little white wine along the edge of the pot, and serve.

Mushroom stew fish maw

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


60 grams of water-fried shiitake mushrooms, 250 grams of fermented golden dragon fish maw, 30 grams of green onion


50 grams of oyster sauce, 300 grams of stock, chicken powder 8 grams, dark soy sauce 5 grams


1. Add the fish maw and mushrooms to flavored water and simmer for three minutes with ginger and green onion to remove the fishy smell and increase the aroma;

2. Add the broth, double oyster sauce, salt and chicken powder to taste, then add the simmered fish maw Simmer the juice with the mushrooms;

3. Add dark soy sauce to adjust the color, sprinkle with green onion, and put it into the hot casserole.

stone cooked lotus pond three delicacies

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews

raw materials:

Gorgon fruit 100g, dried lotus seed rice 100g, wild water chestnut 200g.


4 grams of salt, 2 grams of MSG, 2 grams of chicken juice, 40 grams of soup.


1, soak the gorgon seeds and dried lotus seeds in water for 3 hours, add thick chicken soup, add salt and MSG, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, pour in the water chestnuts, and simmer for another 20 minutes.

2. Place the pebbles in the oven to heat and set aside.

3. Pour the cooked soup into high-temperature cellophane paper, tie it tightly, and put it on the hot pebbles for one minute.

Braised bitter gourd with pork ribs

Ingredients for Crispy Shrimp Balls: Potatoes and Prawns Toast Slices Flour Eggs Tomato Sauce Pepper Salt Chicken Essence Cooking Wine Oil Preparation: 1. Slice the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes; 2. Remove the heads and skin of the prawns, leaving the tail a - DayDayNews


Braised pork ribs 500g, bitter melon 300g, red pepper 10g


Garlic chili 15g, bean paste 15g, God of Wealth oyster sauce 5g, Tiancheng Yiyi5g


1. Cut the steak into about 1.5 cm Section, drain and set aside;

2. Remove the seeds from the bitter gourd and cut into ribs of about 4 cm;

3. Add a little oil to the pot, add the above seasonings and stir-fry until fragrant, add 200ml of stock, add the ribs and simmer until the meat is tender;

4. Heat the oil in the bitter gourd, add it to the simmered pork ribs, remove the juice from the pot, and serve on a plate.

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