Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this "rare thing", buy more at one time. It will be fresh and nutritious, delicious and without fishy smell. It is a pity not to know how to eat it! Hello everyone, I am Lingzi who loves to cook, a Shandong girl who love

2024/06/2303:39:33 food 1003

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this "rare thing", buy more at a time. It will be fresh and nutritious, delicious and without fishy smell. It's a pity that you don't know how to eat it! Hello everyone, I am Lingzi who loves to cook, a Shandong girl who loves food and enjoys cooking. Lingzi shares delicious food with everyone, uses simple ingredients to cook home-cooked dishes, and uses home-cooked methods to make simple dishes bring the taste of home to everyone. No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat well~ Fireworks in the world are the most heartwarming thing, did you know that? The dog days of summer are hot and humid, and it coincides with the rainy season; summer is the time for the body to replenish nutrients; during this period, there is not much farm work in the rural fields, so if you have nothing to do, you can go to the morning market, go for a walk, and go shopping; in addition to cleaning every day, It means preparing three meals a day for my family. In the past, when I was busy with farm work, I didn't cook properly for my family. I just made do with it every day and felt sorry for them. No matter how busy I am, I have to eat well and prepare delicious food for my family every day. Meals.

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

It’s not like I’ve been busy with farm work recently. My friends sent me some “rare things” fish offal. This is the first time I’ve seen it. My friend said it’s delicious! Fish offal has the benefits of improving eyesight, reducing cholesterol , etc. Do you like fish offal? Fish offal, in a sense, generally refers to the internal organs, that is, fish bubbles, fish roe , fish belly , and other parts; that is to say, the fish tail and head in the fish meat are all fish offal, or It's said to be a fish delivery. Generally, when making fish products, most of them are made with fish paste, fish roe, and fish maw! Now let’s share a very delicious braised fish maw using fish maw . This kind of fish maw is delicious and has no fishy smell, and it goes well with both wine and rice. Friends who like this dish, let’s make it together!

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

Prepare ingredients : fish offal (fish maw), onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, bean paste, light soy sauce, sugar, beer, salt, chicken powder, pepper, star anise, peppercorns.
[Specific method] 1. First put a little salt in the fish maw, then rub the mucus on the surface of the fish maw more, and rub it several times. This will rub the mucus on the fish maw clean, about 6 or 7 times. , then turn the fish belly over and wash it too, until everything is clean.

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, then add the washed fish maw, add cooking wine, green onion segments, and ginger slices, bring the pot to a boil over high heat; skim off the foam on the top after boiling, cook for another 3 minutes, and remove Put it in cold water to cool down, then clean it.

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

3. Cut the washed fish maw into strips and set aside. Prepare some chopped green onion, ginger slices, garlic cloves and coriander and set aside.

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

4. Heat the pan and add oil. Add chopped green onion, ginger slices, garlic cloves, star anise and peppercorns until fragrant. Add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant. Add fish maw and stir-fry until fragrant. Add light soy sauce, a little salt and pepper, stir well, then pour in a can of beer. If the beer is not enough, add some cold water. After the beer is not enough, add some cold water. After the fire is boiled, turn to medium to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

5. When the time is up, simmer the soup until it thickens and serve. Finally, sprinkle some coriander, stir-fry the chicken powder evenly, and serve. A tender, nutritious, delicious and fishy-free braised fish maw is ready!

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

Introduction: In the dog days of summer, when you encounter this

In the dog days of summer, I encountered these "rare things" and bought more at a time. They are delicious, delicious and satisfying. It is a pity not to know how to eat them!

I am Lingzi who loves to cook, a Shandong girl who loves food and sharing. If you like Reiko's sharing, use your little fortune to help Reiko forward + like + collect and support Reiko ~ Thank you for your support. We will make progress together on the road of food and enjoy the fireworks. Let Reiko discuss food with you, and see you in the next issue!

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