This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com

2024/05/1914:26:32 food 1609

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring.

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife (a food writer), support each other through the company of their family and the wife's words, starting from cooking, and learn to get their lives back on track. Slowly, the hearts of father and daughter gradually got closer, and a reconciliation was reached bit by bit. The two gradually came out of the haze of the death of their wife.

Food has healing properties, and it has the power to heal sadness.

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

Food once gave me great comfort. Whether there are joys worth celebrating in your life, worries that are worrying, or dull and dull, you can put on an apron and cook yourself a meal. ——Qiu Chi

Although food writer Qiu Chi passed away from illness and could no longer accompany his husband and daughter, he passed on his attitude towards food to them in every meal in the past. This is the most precious wealth that Qiu Chi left to them, and it is also the key to supporting them to finally get out of the haze..

A steaming meal from the tip of the tongue to the stomach never brings not only the energy of survival, but also the power of healing. Zhao Yixing and Cheng Que relied on this power to survive the days when they lost Qiu Chi. Little by little, the pain in my heart was healed, and my life slowly returned to normal.

Good family love is like a good medicine that can heal people's pain

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

In addition to delicious food, the father and daughter can slowly recover from the gloom, and the understanding and support of their family members is also particularly important. The generous and loving father-in-law and mother-in-law, the warm-hearted and kind-hearted Zhang Yumo and his wife, faced Qiu Chi's death. They did not dodge or shy away. They frankly admitted their sadness, weakness, and that they missed Qiu Chi all the time. These made Zhao Yixing had no excuse to avoid, and he also helped them slowly open their minds, accept reality, separate themselves from the pain, and start a new life.

We meet in heaven and earth, and it is fate that we gather and disperse. Separating from Junsheng, forgetting the smoke in the waves

This is an uncommon food story. There are not many beautiful and gorgeous descriptions of food details, but more of a simple meal, warm and caring. The story mainly tells the story of a father and a daughter who, after the death of their wife, supported each other through the com - DayDayNews

At the end of the article, I saw that Zhao Yixing will be accompanied by a new person soon. Is it uncomfortable? Do you blame him for being callous? definitely. We all yearn for lifelong love between two people, but life is destined to have boundaries. Qiu Chi left the meeting early. She couldn't resist, Zhao Yixing couldn't resist, and none of us could resist. We could only accept it with open hands.

Besides, no one left this world, the earth still rotates, and the living people will always continue. Zhao Yixing has not forgotten Qiu Chi, but calmly accepted the fact that Qiu Chi will be absent from his future life. In the days to come, he will indeed have The right to pursue happiness.

You all understand the truth, but you still feel sad and regretful when you see that Zhao Yixing, who traveled to a foreign country for love, found someone new within just a year. So cherish it while you have it, because we don’t know what is waiting for us at the corner of fate.

Finally, I would like to share my favorite sentence in the book: "Meeting in heaven and earth, gathering and separation are all fate. Separation from you, we will forget each other in the mist." Since fate is not up to us, and since life is destined to have boundaries, it is better to remind yourself to live in the present, love yourself well, and strive to live every day to the fullest in this world, so that you will have fewer regrets when you leave. Some.

food Category Latest News

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t

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