Should corn be cooked or steamed? The nutritionist tells you the answer, you will never eat wrong again

2019/11/1514:55:06 food 169

Speaking of vegetables we often eat in our lives, corn must be indispensable. This brightly colored and unique plant can provide us with the nutrients our body needs. So it is a dish that often appears on our table. Whether it's used in a stew or fried with other vegetables, it's delicious. Many people also steamed corn and sweet potatoes for breakfast. So is corn better to be eaten boiled or steamed? Let the nutritionist tell us the answer.

Should corn be cooked or steamed? The nutritionist tells you the answer, you will never eat wrong again - DayDayNews

Should corn be cooked or steamed?

Many people like to boil corn in water and eat it. They think this can make food more watery and more delicious. In fact, if you want to preserve the nutrients in corn to the greatest extent, it is best to steam it and eat it. When corn is boiled in water, sugar will be lost to the water. So boiled corn contains less sugar than steamed corn. If you want to absorb all the nutrients of corn, you must steam it to eat.

Should corn be cooked or steamed? The nutritionist tells you the answer, you will never eat wrong again - DayDayNews

Then how to make steamed corn to ensure the taste?

When we buy corn, try to choose corn with moist whiskers and green leaves. After buying it back, soak it in salt water for a few minutes, and then clean it. Before steaming in the pot, do not strip all the corn leaves, but leave the innermost layer of leaves. The purpose of this is to ensure that the water in the corn is not evaporated during the steaming process. If steamed in this way, we can not only enjoy the sweetness of corn, but also fully absorb the nutrients in it. Eating corn regularly can supplement the protein and fiber needed by our body, making our body healthier. But not everyone is suitable for eating corn, the following three kinds of people are best to avoid this kind of food.

Should corn be cooked or steamed? The nutritionist tells you the answer, you will never eat wrong again - DayDayNews

Which three kinds of people are not suitable for eating corn?

People with weaker immunity

Corn contains a higher composition of cellulose, which makes our immunity weaker. For people who have normal body functions, eating corn will not affect us. However, people with weaker immune systems are more susceptible to viruses if they eat corn. Therefore, people with poor immunity are best not to eat corn.

People with poor gastrointestinal function

In our lives, many vegetables and fruits contain dietary fiber. This substance can nourish the intestines and help us defecate. However, the dietary fiber in corn is very rich, and people with poor gastrointestinal function are prone to diarrhea and abdominal pain if they eat corn frequently.

Should corn be cooked or steamed? The nutritionist tells you the answer, you will never eat wrong again - DayDayNews

People with higher blood sugar

Although corn contains many beneficial ingredients for the human body, it also contains high sugar. For people with high blood sugar, eating corn can easily lead to a spike in blood sugar. So these people must eat less corn. If you really want to eat, you can eat a small piece between meals.

In order to maintain good health, people pay more attention to the details of the diet. We have already got the answer to the question of whether corn is eaten well when cooked or steamed. Just pay attention to the method, the steamed corn is both delicious and nutritious. However, people with poor gastrointestinal function, low immunity, and high blood sugar should eat less such starch-rich foods. To have a strong physique, in addition to paying attention to healthy diet, you must also exercise moderately when you have free time. In addition to these two points, we must also face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. If you can do this, you can be full of energy and strong.

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