Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you?

2021/11/2902:38:03 food 2374

"Pictures come from the Internet"

coriander, snail noodles, stinky tofu, houttuynia , snail noodles, I all love to eat them. We have snail noodles in Guangxi. Haven't really been to Liuzhou to eat snail noodles once. I have lived in Guangxi for so many years. I have been to Qinzhou, Beihai, and Nanning. Everywhere I go, I will find snail noodles and eat a few. , I choose which one tastes good.

When eating hot pot, my favorite thing is to put coriander. I like to put a lot of coriander in hot pot dipping, and it tastes good.

I didn’t like to eat stinky tofu before. The taste was simply unacceptable. My sister ate stinky tofu and I disliked her. She said it smelled so stinky and it tasted delicious. Then she stuffed it for me. I think it's quite delicious, so now I slowly like to eat stinky tofu, every time I eat barbecue or go shopping outside, I buy a portion to eat.

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Yuxingcao three provinces there is "Zhe Ergen"

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

Coriander, houttuynia, snail powder, stinky tofu, which one is most unacceptable to you? - DayDayNews

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0I used to cough when I was young, and my family would go to the ground to find Houttuynia cordata to boil water to drink. In some seasons, when there were no vegetables, I would also go to the ground to find Houttuynia cordata to eat. So now I am married to Guizhou from Guangxi. So I can eat all the houttuynia they eat over there, and I like to use it in cold dressing, or order it when making chili water. The more I eat, the more I think about it, haha, it seems that I eat all these people who don’t eat, maybe I’m a heavy taste person? Do you have something you don’t like to eat?


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