Recently, the Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau announced the first batch of eagle and gazelle companies to be included in the database in 2022. Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone has 356 young eagle companies included in the public list this time, accounting for 40% of

2024/07/0304:05:32 finance 1784

Recently, the Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau announced the first batch of eagle and gazelle companies to be included in the database in 2022. Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone has 356 young eagle companies included in the public list this time, accounting for 40% of  - DayDayNews

A few days ago, Tianjin Science and Technology Bureau announced the list of the first batch of eagle companies and gazelle companies to be included in the database in 2022. Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone There are 356 Eagle companies included in the public list this time, accounting for 40% of the selected companies in Binhai New Area and 15.3% of the city; there are 50 gazelle companies, accounting for 44.6% of the selected companies in Binhai New Area. Accounting for 19% of the city's total, the number ranks first among all districts (development zones) in the city.

The Eagle Enterprise is a technological enterprise with strong innovation capabilities and high development potential in the future; the Gazelle Enterprise is a high-growth enterprise supported by technological innovation or business model innovation. These two types of technology-based enterprises represent the innovative vitality and growth potential of regional development. In the first half of this year, Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone, in accordance with the "Evaluation and Support Measures for Tianjin Eagle Enterprises, Gazelle Enterprises, Technology Leaders and Technology Leaders Cultivation Enterprises" and the work arrangements for organizational certification, through data analysis, in-depth mining, key guidance, Various measures such as precise docking will be used to fully promote the cultivation and identification of eagle and gazelle enterprises, so that enterprises can truly enjoy policy dividends and release development vitality. In the first half of the year, a total of 8 policy trainings and lectures were organized, covering more than 1,000 participating companies. Business symposiums, "entering the industrial park" and other docking activities were carried out to accurately serve more than 100 companies, and scientific and technological innovation policies were sent to the companies. The power of science and technology empowers industrial development.

Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone has always been based on focusing on independent innovation and original innovation and creating an "upgraded version" of scientific and technological innovation. It strives to accelerate the implementation of the gradient cultivation plan of scientific and technological enterprises and make the innovation main body bigger and stronger. In order to further strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation and stimulate their innovation vitality, we will implement gradient cultivation and support for high-growth enterprises with innovative capabilities and development potential. In March this year, Binhai High-tech Zone issued the "Six Policies for Science and Technology Enterprises" to specifically support high-growth enterprises such as national high-tech enterprises, gazelles, technology leaders, and unicorns to help enterprises achieve leapfrog development. In the next step, Binhai High-tech Zone will continue to carry out in-depth cultivation of scientific and technological enterprises, highlight the main position of enterprises in innovation, strengthen the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation, and polish the golden sign of the national self-created zone.

Jinyun News reporter Duan Wei

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