Zhiyanzhan Industrial Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current products and services it mainly provides include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special report

2024/07/0216:10:33 finance 1014

Zhiyanzhan Industrial Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current products and services it mainly provides include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special report - DayDayNews

Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current main products and services provided include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special reports, customized reports, etc. Covering fields such as culture and sports, logistics and tourism, health and elderly care, biomedicine , energy and chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, automotive electronics, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, it also conducts in-depth research on smart cities, smart life, smart manufacturing, new energy, new materials, and new consumption. , new finance, artificial intelligence , " Internet + " and other emerging fields.

Power operation and maintenance refers to the maintenance of power lines, power operation, and power emergency repair by professional teams.

Power operation and maintenance hosting is an emerging industry after the development of modern industry. The core is to provide comprehensive and systematic services for various power stations through experienced teams and mature technologies. At present, my country's power operation and maintenance hosting industry is still in the development stage. Due to the long operating cycle of power stations, complex technology, and market development, especially foreign market development, which focuses on brand and reputation, the industry has developed slowly in the early stage. At present, some companies in the industry rely on professional technology and mature operating model to occupy a place in overseas markets.

Overview of China's power operation and maintenance hosting industry

The support and guidance of the national energy-saving policy has enabled many companies to enter the power operation and maintenance hosting market, promoting the rapid development of the industry. Data show that the output value of my country's power operation and maintenance custody industry was 9.80 billion yuan in 2014, increasing to 50.51 billion yuan in 2020.

From the perspective of industry segments, in 2020, the output value of my country's hydropower operation and maintenance custody was 7.071 billion yuan; the output value of thermal power operation and maintenance custody was 27.538 billion yuan, and the output value of wind power operation and maintenance custody was 8.263 billion yuan.

With the extremely strong penetration of the power operation and maintenance hosting business and the fluctuating rise in the price of the power operation and maintenance hosting business, the scale of my country's power operation and maintenance hosting business has maintained a growth trend in recent years. Data shows that the scale of my country's power operation and maintenance custody business reached 48.37 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 21.47% compared with the same period in 2019.

As developing countries vigorously develop power infrastructure and my country's power station construction scale continues to expand, the market demand for power operation and maintenance hosting is strong. At present, there are about 4.6 million industrial and commercial dedicated users in the country. For dedicated users, the power distribution facilities within the enterprise are operated and maintained by the enterprise itself. In 2020, the number of domestic power operation and maintenance hosting users is approximately 1.29 million, and the penetration rate of and is approximately 28.04%.

data shows that the average annual user cost of my country's power operation and maintenance hosting industry was approximately 30,200 yuan/household in 2016, and increased to 37,500 yuan/household in 2020.

Prospects of China's power operation and maintenance hosting market

In recent years, with the development of the power operation and maintenance market, the average annual user costs of power operation and maintenance hosting have been rising. It is expected that the market size of my country's power operation and maintenance hosting industry will reach 145.2 billion yuan by 2027.

What is the prospect of the power operation and maintenance hosting industry? The "Research Report on Competition Status and Development Trends of China's Electric Power Operation and Maintenance Trusteeship Industry from 2022 to 2028" released by Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute provides a detailed analysis of the definition and classification of the power operation and maintenance trusteeship industry and the development of the power operation and maintenance trusteeship industry. Environment, development status of China's electric power operation and maintenance hosting industry, regional market of China's electric power operation and maintenance custody industry, my country's electric power operation and maintenance custody industry industry chain, power operation and maintenance custody industry competition landscape, China's new energy electric power operation and maintenance custody market, China's electric power operation and maintenance custody market The overall operation of the custody industry, the competitiveness of domestic power operation and maintenance custody manufacturers, the development trends and prospects of China's power operation and maintenance custody industry, etc., help enterprises and investors understand the market investment value of the power operation and maintenance custody industry.

Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute focuses on studying the development trends and changing trends of industry segments in China and the global market, and provides industry analysis reports, segmented market research , and market research reports for corporate executives, market investors, and consulting industry professionals. Services, analyze the current market situation and future development trends and put forward constructive suggestions to provide reference for industry investors and business operators.

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