If we learn the four-part chant well, we can use metaphysical knowledge to help us find lost items. Let’s look at the first paragraph of the formula: Jia Zhen Yi is separated from Bing Xinkun, Ding Qian Wukan is at the Xunmen gate, the lost items on Geng are found on Gen, and Ren

2024/06/2918:48:32 fengshui 1322

If we learn the four-part chant well, we can use metaphysical knowledge to help us find lost items. Let’s look at the first paragraph of the formula: Jia Zhen Yi is separated from Bing Xinkun, Ding Qian Wukan is at the Xunmen gate, the lost items on Geng are found on Gen, and Ren - DayDayNews

If you learn the four sections of the song well, you can use metaphysical knowledge to help us find lost items.

Let’s look at the first paragraph of the formula: Jia Zhen Yi Li Bing Xin Kun, Ding Qian Wu Kan Ji Xunmen, Geng Ri Lost things are found on the exchange, Rengui can be found on Gen. This is a formula for reasoning based on the Heavenly Stem on the day when the item was lost. To master this formula, you must have basic knowledge of Ganzhi and Bagua.

Specifically, if the Tiangan of the day when the item was lost was A, then the lost item was due east, because the direction corresponding to "shock" is due east. If the Heavenly Stem of the day the item is lost is B, then the lost item is due south, because the direction corresponding to "Li" is due south. If the Heavenly Stem is Bing Fire or Xin Metal on the day the item is lost, then the lost item is in the Kun position (southwest). If the Heavenly Stem is Ding Fire on the day the item is lost, then the lost item is in the Qian position (northwest). If the Heavenly Stem of the lost object is Wutu , then the lost object is in the Kan position (due north). If the Heavenly Stem of the lost object is Jitu, then the lost object is in the Xun position (southeast). If the item is lost, it will be Gengjin on that day, and the lost item will be in the exchange position (due west). If the Heavenly Stem of the day when the item is lost is Rengui Water, then the lost item is in the Gen position (northeast).

If we learn the four-part chant well, we can use metaphysical knowledge to help us find lost items. Let’s look at the first paragraph of the formula: Jia Zhen Yi is separated from Bing Xinkun, Ding Qian Wukan is at the Xunmen gate, the lost items on Geng are found on Gen, and Ren - DayDayNews

Let’s look at the second verse: Ziwu and Maoyou are by the roadside, Yinshen and Sihai have returned to their hometown, and Chenxu Chou has not moved. This is a formula for calculating according to the time when the item was lost. It means: The items lost during the four hours of Zi, Wu, Mao, and You were lost on the roadside. The lost items at the time of Yin Shen Si Hai have gone to a different place, and the possibility of finding them is slim. The items that Chenxu Chouwei lost in the past four hours were not actually lost, but the person involved forgot where they were stored.

The third verse of the song: Jia Ji is five miles away, Yi Geng is searching for thousands of miles, Bing Xin is ten miles away, Ding Ren is hiding within three miles, Wu Gui is wandering around. Interpretation: The items lost on the day A are five miles away, the items lost on the day Yi and Geng are thousands of miles away (hard to find), the items lost on the day Bing and Xin are ten miles away, and the items lost on the day Ding and Ren are three miles away. On the ground, the items lost on Wugui Day were in the same place and were not lost at all.

The fourth paragraph of the formula: Jia Ji Yang, Yi Geng Yin, Bing Xin boys secretly invade. Ding Ren will not leave his relatives' hands, and Wu Gui will not go out if he loses his belongings. Explanation: The items lost on Jia and Ji are in the hands of men, the items lost on Yi and Geng are in the hands of women, the items lost on Bing and Xin are in the hands of children, the items lost on Ding and Ren are in the hands of close people, and the items lost on Wugui are actually in the hands of people close to them. Not lost at all.

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