"Zhen Gua" is one of the eight basic hexagrams in the Book of Changes. Zhen is thunder. The upper hexagram is the Zhen hexagram, and the lower hexagram is also the Zhen hexagram. The two Zhen hexagrams overlap.

2024/06/2918:49:32 fengshui 1024

" Zhen Gua " is one of the eight basic hexagrams in " Book of Changes ". Zhen is thunder. The upper hexagram is Zhen hexagram, and the lower hexagram is also Zhen hexagram. The two Zhen hexagrams overlap.

Zhen is thunder

The hexagram of Zhen Gua can be explained as follows: the ground is moving, and Kun is the ground. It is a Kun hexagram with three yin lines. The lower line moves and becomes a yang line,

Kun hexagram becomes Zhen hexagram. , Kun is the earth, and the movement of the earth is the earthquake

This hexagram is formed by the overlap of the two earthquake hexagrams. The two thunders overlap each other, and the thunder is louder, teaching people to be alert and cautious. This hexagram tells us that we should always be alert, walk on thin ice when dealing with others, and be cautious in order to avoid sequelae.

Shock as thunder

The original text of " Preface Hexagram Chuan" is: The master of the weapon is nothing more than the eldest son, so he is shaken by it; the one who shakes will move.

is shocking. In the "Book of Changes" Bagua, it also represents the eldest son. In ancient China, the first son of a family is very important to a family. The consciousness of the "master" is the person in charge of the family. The people who care about the overall situation are the future parents. Parents are not just as simple as inheriting the family's property, but more importantly, they have great responsibilities. They are responsible for the future prosperity and decline of the entire family. Taking care of a large family has a profound meaning.

So the eldest son is actually a big shock to the family. Many people choose names with the word "Zhen" in them, which are usually the first sons in the family, except for those who don't know how to name randomly.


In modern times, when a son is born, many people say that they need to prepare a car and a house for their son's future marriage. This is actually a shock to a modern small family. Of course, I do not support making these preparations only for sons. Men and women are different and have different divisions of labor. They should not be treated differently. Material and spiritual matters are equally important. Sons should also have daughters. This is just my opinion and will not be discussed in this hexagram. scope of discussion.

The original text of the hexagram "Zhen Gua" : Zhen: Yu. The shock comes, and the laughter is mute; the shock is hundreds of miles away, but the dagger is not lost.

is directly translated as: Zhen Gua, prosperous. The thunder shook and frightened people, and it took a while before they could talk and laugh as usual. Although the thunder shook hundreds of miles away, the person offering sacrifices still held the spoon in his hand, and the sacrificial wine in the spoon did not spill out at all.

probably means that because this person is fearful and cautious, things will be solved perfectly. He already has good experience, and he is more qualified than others to be the person in charge of the overall situation. Even if something scary happens, this person can take responsibility and complete the matter well without any sequelae.

The truth also tells us that from fear, we should seriously reflect on ourselves, cultivate our mind and character, stay vigilant, and be cautious, so that things can be completed without leaving anything bad behind.

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