Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope.

2024/06/3017:06:32 fengshui 1290

Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope. - DayDayNews

Residential Feng Shui knowledge:

The meaning of residential Feng Shui

Residential Feng Shui strictly divides a home into eight parts. They are east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest. Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope. (Add Mr. Yilong Feng Shui to WeChat to get tutorials on house Feng Shui knowledge)

The eight hexagrams of residence

The eight hexagrams of residence are represented by the eight trigrams of Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun. The specific directions are: Qian is northwest, Dui is due west, Li is due south, Zhen is due east, Xun is southeast, Kan is due north, Gen is northeast, and Kun is southwest.

Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope. - DayDayNews

The sitting direction of the house

How to decide the sitting direction of the house? It depends on the direction of the door. When we stand in the house and face the door, the direction we are facing is "Xiang", and the direction opposite to "Xiang" is "Sitting". For example, if the gate faces west, the house must sit in the east; if the gate faces southeast, the house must sit in the northwest; if the gate faces northwest, the house must sit in the southeast, and so on. The orientation of sitting and facing must be relative, no matter what the shape of the house is, there are no exceptions. When we see where the house is located, we can know which hexagram the house belongs to, that is, which house it belongs to. There are eight categories of these houses, namely:

1. The house sitting in the northeast is Genzhai, and the door faces southwest.

2. The house located in the southeast is Xunzhai, with the main door facing northwest.

3. A house located in the south is a departure house, with the door facing north.

4. The house located in the southwest is Kunzhai, with the main door facing the northeast.

5. A house in the west is vs. , with the door facing east.

6. The house located in the northwest is the Qianzhai, with the main door facing the southeast.

7. The house in the north is Kanzhai, with the main door facing south.

8. The house facing the east is zhenzhai, with the gate facing west.

These are the eight types of house styles based on the Bagua. After reading it, readers will understand why it is called "Eight Houses Feng Shui". Among the residences, they are divided into East Fourth House and West Fourth House. The four east houses are Zhenzhai (sitting east to west), Lizhai (sitting south to north), Xunzhai (sitting southeast to northwest), and kanzhai (sitting north to south); the west four houses are Qianzhai (sitting south to north). Take northwest to southeast), Dui Zhai (take west to east), Gen Zhai (take northeast to southwest), Kun Zhai (take southwest to northeast).

Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope. - DayDayNews

Illustrated knowledge of House Feng Shui:

Introduction to House Feng Shui

There should never be a big tree directly opposite the door, as mentioned in the Introduction to House Feng Shui. Although the big tree can provide shade, it is fine if it is on the side of the house, but it will not work if it is in front. The big tree in front blocks the light, and the door of the house is the air vent. If the place where the air is received is blocked, the house will Can Feng Shui be good? The turbid air does not come out and the wealth does not enter. Generally, self-built houses in rural areas are prone to this problem. In urban commercial residences, large trees blocking the corridors are also not allowed.

Introduction to House Feng Shui

Houses should not be built in low-lying areas. The two sides are high and the middle is low. The vision is not wide and the future is worrying. Moreover, if it rains and the drainage channels are not good, there is the possibility of water accumulation, especially in the rainy season. During this period, it will be difficult to go out, and the water cannot be drained away and the moisture cannot be released, which not only affects Feng Shui but also brings health risks, such as rheumatism.

Introduction to House Feng Shui

The best choice for a house is to prevent evil spirits. Avoid temples, altars, churches and other buildings in front of the house, because these buildings have too strong evil spirits. Now when buying a house, we need to have complete supporting facilities, especially if there are elderly people at home. , all hope that the hospital is nearby, but be careful not to face the hospital directly. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it. This situation will not only affect your health, but may also lower your luck.


Introduction to House Feng Shui

Introduction to House Feng Shui It is mentioned that a house in the middle of the road is a big evil. If the house lives in the middle of the road, people and cars come and go, it will be affected by evil spirits, and people living in the middle of the road will also be affected by evil spirits. Not only will there be a lack of energy, but the noise from passing vehicles will also have an impact on life, especially those with children at home.

Introduction to House Feng Shui

Introduction to House Feng Shui It is mentioned that the topography of the house is the key. We all say that it is a good thing to have a backer behind the house, but it is unlucky to have a backer at the front and back of the house. The feng shui of house building says that if there are mountains in the front and back, and the left and right sides are uneven, the feng shui will not be good. The person in charge of the house will get rich first and then become poor, which will appear like a prodigal. Moreover, if there is no accumulation of wealth, the career will not go smoothly.

Theoretically, for some people, some of these directions are very auspicious, while others are unlucky. This needs to be determined by studying the personal horoscope. - DayDayNews

Introduction to House Feng Shui

It is very common to lay small stones in the garden. Whether it is a small high-rise or a private courtyard, this situation will occur. If it is for private use, we need to match the width of the courtyard when laying. If In a narrow courtyard, paving a lot of small stones will attract Yin and weaken the house in Feng Shui. Many times we say that when buying a house, we should not buy the first floor. First, we need to consider the lighting. In summer, the heat absorbed by the stones will also affect the temperature of the home. In the rainy season, it will block the evaporation of water, and the moisture will not easily dissipate.

Introduction to House Feng Shui

The front door of a house cannot lead directly to the back door. It is mentioned in the Introduction to House Feng Shui that this is something to pay special attention to in Feng Shui of rural houses. The front door and the back door are relatively straight, which affects the Feng Shui of the home because money comes in through the door and through the front door. If you go out the back door, money that comes or goes will be in vain. No matter how hard you try, you can't keep it, so a house with this layout affects your wealth.

Introduction to House Feng Shui

The so-called benefits are numerous. Living at high places not only makes you feel psychologically insecure, so many people are afraid of heights because of their mental endurance. The introduction to house Feng Shui says that a tall building is not good for Feng Shui, which means that it is surrounded by low houses, but the building you live in is so tall, it looks very abrupt, because you are high and low-key, and you feel uncomfortable living high. Living in a single building will make you feel like you have no support and no sense of security.

Residential Feng Shui is the study of the relationship between destiny hexagrams and directions. For knowledgeable people who are interested in studying the profound knowledge of Feng Shui, it is of course best to gradually deepen it, starting from the basics of various Feng Shui studies, until they can fully master it, and can combine it with modern natural science to use it freely and comprehensively. To develop it in a scientific and practical direction, everyone has learned the introductory diagram of residential Feng Shui to better create a comfortable home place for themselves and their families.

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