The water flows through the acupuncture points and cuts the feet! The question from netizens is: What is the feng shui like for the ditch water under the tiger's arm on the right side of the tomb flowing through the front hall? The simple understanding and answer is: the stream f

2024/03/2209:25:33 fengshui 1062

Water flowing through acupoints and cutting feet!

netizens asked: What is the feng shui of the ditch water under the tiger's arm on the right side of the tomb passing through the front hall?

The simple understanding and answer is: the stream flowing through the front of the hall is called "flowing water connecting acupoints", and "water comes to visit acupoints", which is based on the theory of "sentiment".

Feng Shui requires that the water in front of the acupuncture site flows across the acupuncture site from right to left, or from left to right, bends and meanders, and then flows to the distance. As long as there is no situation of cutting feet and the water flow is calm, it is excellent running water. Performance!

If it does not flow through the front of the acupuncture point, it is called anti-back water or reverse flow water in Feng Shui. It can also be called ruthless water.

As for the feng shui of the mountain stream flowing in front of the hall, it depends on the overall mountain topography, the coming and going of the water, and the position of the water outlet on the compass . A comprehensive assessment can make a final conclusion.

The water flows through the acupuncture points and cuts the feet! The question from netizens is: What is the feng shui like for the ditch water under the tiger's arm on the right side of the tomb flowing through the front hall? The simple understanding and answer is: the stream f - DayDayNews

Folk saying: "It is not right to build a house without a tiger's mouth"!

In rural areas, there are many requirements and quite a lot of emphasis on building new houses and cemeteries. This is due to traditional customs, and at the same time, it is the experience and lessons passed down from ancient times that have to force people to do this.

Folks have always believed that "the house will make you rich, and the cemetery will make people."

The relationship between the cemetery and the house farm means mutual assistance. The meaning of the cemetery represents "seeds", and the meaning of the house represents "fertile soil". You cannot live without "seeds"; without "seeds", no matter how fertile the land is, there is no point. On the contrary, no matter how good the seed is, if planted on barren soil, it will definitely become a useless withered seedling. It doesn't matter whether the seeds are close or not, as long as there are seeds and planted in fertile land, strong seedlings will surely grow.

Therefore, whether it is a house where living people live or the graves of deceased ancestors, it is related to the fortune of the entire family and whether the population is prosperous. Therefore, there is a complete set of standards among the people for the location of house foundations and the location of tombs. There are many folk sayings and ancient sayings related to this aspect. Among them, "Don't make a grave without cutting your feet, and build a house without a tiger's mouth." This is an important aphorism in this regard!

There is a lot to pay attention to when choosing a cemetery. As the saying goes, "There can't be nothing behind to lean on." It means that there should be a mountain peak behind the cemetery. It can't be empty and without leaning on. "The front cannot be pressed and covered" means that the front of the cemetery should be open and flat, and cannot be "oppressed" or "covered", just like a beast in a cage, and its power is dimmed. The situation in front and behind is exactly the opposite, forming a sharp contrast.

The cemetery is "empty" at the back and "pressing the cover" in front. The front is high and the back is low. Mountain people also call it "Inverted Grave Mountain".

There is another situation called "concave wind sweeping cave", which means that the tomb should not be built on the wind outlet of the mountain col. Such a location is easy to be intruded by strong winds all year round. The implication is like passing by a pavilion with wind blowing from all directions. Only a homeless beggar can spend the night in such a place!

In addition to this, there is also a more common and serious problem in nature: "You can't cut your head and cut your feet"!

Shower head means that the cemetery cannot be built directly under water flows and waterfalls. The rainwater above the cemetery cannot hit the cave directly! Many terrain locations, when there is no rain, seem to have a cave atmosphere, but as long as it rains heavily, the water will rush directly to that location. On the contrary, many terrain locations look useless at first glance, but when it rains, the water will not rush to that place.

There are different opinions among the people about the water used to cut feet. Liao believes: "To drench means to get wet. To cut means to cut off."

From the literal meaning of "drench, soak", one view is that the cemetery is in a low-lying terrain and is easily soaked by rainfall, resulting in the cemetery being wet all year round, and there is water in the coffin in the tomb for a long time. This led to the existence of foot-cutting water, because it was believed that the water soaked the bones in the grave, thus cutting off the family's fortune. Such a cemetery would cause the family's fortune to decline.

There is another saying: The ancients believed that water in a narrow sense refers to water coming and going, natural water flowing back and forth. Cutting feet refers to the water in the lower part of the acupuncture field, and the water slowly washes the acupoints in the lower part over the years. The foot of the field. In addition to natural flowing water, it is also believed to refer to roads. Water in a broad sense should include the performance of heavy traffic on the highway. This kind of "cutting water" refers to the fact that the tomb is close to the road, forming a "cutting water".

Regarding the water for cutting feet, "Shanlong Yulei Lun" explains this: "The water for cutting feet is to clasp the feet before the water is applied to the acupoints." This sentence has a very clear explanation of the foot-cutting water. The foot-cutting water mainly refers to the existence of water around the cave site. The water flows close to the foot of the mountain in front of the cave site, eroding and washing the foot of the mountain, forming a tendency to cut the foot of the mountain.

In a broad sense, foot-cutting water also includes terrain very close to the road. Busy traffic on the road, swirling around the acupuncture point, is a form of foot-cutting water. Whether it is running water or roads, it will cause "cutting of the feet".

The most straightforward way to describe the so-called road cutting is that there will be erosion and landslides. There are high ridges on the inside of the road. Due to the action of wind, rain, snow and frost, a thickness of four to six centimeters of sediment is lost every year, and there is even a thicker layer. Under the influence of wind, rain, snow and frost, the soil, sand and gravel will disappear and disappear without notice.

According to folk wisdom, such a location should not be turned into a cave or a tomb. At the same time, it is not advisable to build a house, otherwise it will affect the fortune of future generations and lead to poor family fortune.

Building a house is a major event in life, and the requirements for building a house should be quite high. This is especially important for precise site selection. From a metaphorical perspective, this cut-off terrain is shrinking and retreating every year.

In fact, people who choose to build their houses in such terrain are troubled by unsatisfactory things every year for some reason. If there are no unpleasant things to worry about, there will be disharmony in family relationships!

"Building a house is wrong" means that when building a house, it is best not to choose a "valley" or "cave" terrain location in front of the courtyard. With such a geographical location, the front of the courtyard looks like a tiger with its mouth open, which means "tiger stares eagerly" and "lion opens its mouth wide", giving it a sinister look. This kind of terrain will have a serious impact on the family's fortune. Such a terrain position is in a "wind tunnel", "wind channel" and "wind outlet", which is easily disturbed by strong winds. The unsafe factors are significantly increased, which has a great impact on life. When the rainy season comes, there are still It will become a zone directly impacted by mudslides and flood discharges. The location of the "wind tunnel", "wind channel" and "wind outlet", and the wind blowing from the "valley" and "cave" have the problem of "yin rot, dampness and poison", and contain many uncertain factors. The above factors, no matter from which point of view, are not suitable for living.

In fact, the four sides of the house, whether front, rear, left, or right, are not suitable for "valley" or "cave" topography. In such a topographic location, the ancient sayings are "yin wind" and "yin air". In fact, the cold current generated in the valley is mixed with the moldy smell produced by the retting of leaves. Driven by the local environmental air circulation, the flow direction stays in the building. s position! The house faces such a "valley", which allows the smell of mold and rot to invade.

Folks have always had many opinions about house foundations and tomb foundations. These opinions should all be derived from the accumulation and summary of ancient and modern experience. They have profound truths. They also contain bloody lessons of annihilation, so until Today, many common sayings are still firmly remembered by people as a lesson learned from the past and passed down from generation to generation. This further illustrates from another aspect that Feng Shui culture has its practical and operable side.

The water flows through the acupuncture points and cuts the feet! The question from netizens is: What is the feng shui like for the ditch water under the tiger's arm on the right side of the tomb flowing through the front hall? The simple understanding and answer is: the stream f - DayDayNews

Poetry and aphorisms related to ancient books:

Avoid cutting the feet before the acupuncture point!

Pingyang does not suffer from water splashing on the head, but it hurts when the water comes from cutting your feet.

The water flows faintly in front of the mountain, and I feel worried when encountering such a calamity.

At that time, the master only said that water comes to gather, but it is not washed away in front of the acupuncture point.

There is no need to worry about the distance from the acupuncture point, and the water in the heart of the sky will naturally be superior.

is back to the water!

Leave your hometown for adultery and become a military thief, go to the bright hall and rebel;

This is taboo in the history of water law, and rebounding is not worth a penny.

is leaking!

The treasures of the springs in the cheeks often flow away, and the dragon of leakage does not tie up with the ground;

After the burial, the wealth retreats and declines, and the hemorrhoids paralyzed by the killing disease are prevented.

shower water!

Be careful when the water comes out from the shower, you are most afraid of the Ziwu Maoyou prescription;

It is hard to hear the dirty words, and every family's misfortune comes from the Xiaoqiang.


The flow of water is divided into eight characters. Father and son have their own things.

Who cares about each other in the family? Hunger and cold cry day and night.

dumping water!

If water is removed layer by layer, the Qi of this point will not gather.

Children will die, orphans and widows will be worried, and it is said that family wealth will not be maintained.

breaks the heart of heaven!

The crosses are constantly crossed, and there are clusters of sharp evils in front of you.

It is really disgusting to have a broken heart, and there are frequent losses of wealth and harm to people.

Zhengshen avoids Liushen's breakthrough technique!

The shape is not like cutting off the feet, but it looks like a carefree one. It belongs to the righteous god and should be looked at from a distance.

When water meets ditches and water mouths, it flows across and causes disaster.

The dragon's body must be perfect in its hundred steps, and when it breaks through, it will start to lose energy.

is known as a wonderful situation by misleading people, but it also hurts money and is stupid and disobedient.

Ling Shen Hanoi has more flowing gods, and he has become more and more prosperous.

The pattern of sending water back to the pond!

The water wheel surrounding it is as precious as oil, and the water returned to the pond brings more blessings.

Two horses in the same trough and two waterways, returning to the pond to send water and praying secretly.

Across the river, thousands of hectares of low fields are illuminated, and I feel blessed to come to the acupuncture point for worship.

The wheel is placed on the top of the head and illuminated from a distance, the acupoints are facing toward Chang and the Qi pocket is closed.

There is a wheel show at the corner of the front palace, and water gathers in the "low field" on the other side.

This is a strange and wonderful style in the ordinary world, and it cannot be compared to ordinary people.

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