Banban meets in different parallel time and space! Shocking the ninja world, there is a female Madara Uchiha! Why does male Uchiha Madara have children? Tobirama: Such unscientific things will happen, as expected of the evil Uchiha! Hashirama was furious: Who took advantage of Ma

Banban meeting in different parallel time and space!

Shocked the ninja world, there is actually a female Uchiha Madara !

Why does male Uchiha Madara have children?

Tobirama: Such unscientific things will happen. As expected of the evil Uchiha !

Hashirama was furious: Who took advantage of Madara without my knowledge! I even brought Madara's child with me...

Madara: Hashirama, don't think of me as a weakling!

Obito: It’s unbelievable that the old man would be taken advantage of! You didn’t tell me either, let’s confront the old man first!

Izuna: If I find that bastard, I have to kill him!

Uchiha Orthopedics Competition!

Female Uchiha Madara

What will Uchiha Madara talk about (5)

Wind and rain are cool:

5. Madara has a meeting, and lightning strikes at the opening .

is an atypical movie viewing entity. Everyone in the Four Wars watched Madara from different parallel worlds gather together to chat.

For warning, please see Chapter 1. The description of Uchiha Madara in this chapter uses serial numbers (descriptives). When watching the movie, you can only see the serial numbers. [ ] is the content played on the screen. In a word, take the card without tagging.

1 Young Ban, two years after Nan Hechuan broke up, has not yet become the clan leader. Madara, the No. 2 Hokage, was born two years after Konoha established the village, which is the same time as the other Madaras left the village. Madara left the village on the 3rd, and was on his way to attack the village with the Nine Tails at the right time. Cave No. 4, two years after the Valley of the End. Madara Girl No. 5 is dead, waiting for Nagato to be reincarnated. No. 6 dirt spot, the timeline of this article. No. 7 Huangquan Madara has just finished his fourth battle.


[“Welcome to the meeting space! This is the meeting place for the meeting of character No. 8251826 Universe 252622 of the ‘HE Battle’ series. I am this Factory System No. 0001 is here to serve you. This system provides communication opportunities for the same individuals in different parallel worlds, realizes information exchange, and customizes exclusive HE gift packages. The entire first phase of the meeting will be recorded on the screen. "Introduce yourself to yourself in other worlds!"

's brisk system tone sounded in the space, but the Uchiha Madaras who were forced to sit on the round table ignored it, and instead opened their Sharingan in vigilance. observes other "selves". 】

"So many Uchiha Madaras..." Tsunade , who had just arrived and hadn't seen the trailer, was a little bit blue. Being cut off at the waist still brought a certain psychological shadow to her. For a moment, she was still Didn't recover. Ohnoki even had a relapse of psychological shadow after seeing the young Madara, and was secretly enjoying himself.

[Perhaps because the silence has been maintained for too long, the system started to talk again "...If you don't want to introduce yourself, you can also ask questions freely. This system is committed to creating a good communication environment. Recommended chat range: time point, Differences, physical conditions, interpersonal relationships..."

However, before the system could finish speaking, No. 7 (Madara Huangquan) used a Fire Release towards the light point suspended in the sky, roasting the system until it screamed. "Please No. 252622-7 do not maliciously attack the system! Peace is the priority! Peace is the priority!"

"It's not an illusion, the attack is effective, and chakra can be mobilized normally." No. 7 (Madara Huangquan) smiled provocatively at the system.

"Hey! Well... No. 7, should you be more cautious?" No. 1 (Young Madara) was a little worried about No. 7 (Huomi Madara). Although he has the lowest strength and has not yet opened the kaleidoscope, he He is the most humane one. Even if the enemy is unknown, he hopes that his other self will be as good as possible.

Yes, in the exchange of gazes and eye contact just now, all Madaras confirmed the authenticity of the other. It's just a little strange that although most of Madara have entities and their power is not suppressed much, they are unable to use illusions to enter each other's deeper spiritual world.

"Someone needs to break the situation, and just staring at it is not the answer. Although I don't know what the purpose of this thing is, as Uchiha Madara, I think everyone will not waste the opportunity." No. 7 (Yomi Madara) looks like It doesn't matter, "I should be the most suitable one to test. After all, I died three times and there is nothing else I want to do. I guess there is nothing that can threaten me.""

" 3 times? "No. 6 (Utty Spot) realized something and turned his head to look over, "Failed? "

" failed. No. 7 (Madara Huangquan) shrugged seemingly indifferently, "And if our world develops similarly, my time is estimated to be about two or three days later than yours." "】

"So, maybe we would have defeated Uchiha Madara soon?" Naruto was yelling at the side, Sasuke rolled his eyes: "Idiots, they have developed into what they are now. No matter what other Uchiha Madara says, it will definitely not be our future." "

【"So you are dead? Is this why the chakra flow between you and No. 5 looks a little strange? "No. 1 (Yuban)'s concentration is not very strong.

" This is indeed true. Judging from the results, we should all have no entity, and are directly insinuated from Huangquan. So, I'm now curious about how different our worlds are, and how valuable your information is to me. After all, I have only died twice, and the plan has just begun. "No. 5 (Madara Girl)'s voice was obviously hoarse. She lowered her collar to signal, and then put it back after receiving other Madara's knowing looks.

"It's really strange. I thought 2 was sitting over there. The number was already special enough, but I never thought there was a possibility that I was a woman. "No. 4 (Cave Ban) became interested, "And it seems that if it's not a coincidence, our current serial numbers are arranged in chronological order. "

Several Madaras roughly checked it with a common almanac, confirming this guess.]

Female Uchiha Madara! Most people's mouths opened into an O shape after hearing this breaking news. 5 in the video From the outside, there is absolutely no difference between Madara Uchiha and Madara Uchiha. Although there are cracks on his face, the original good color can still be distinguished. It is indeed a beautiful face. If she's a good girl, she has a very well-proportioned figure. Looking back at No. 5, she even seems to be a bit more masculine.

"Yeah! That spot is female! It’s completely invisible! He obviously feels stronger than Madara! "He said it! Senju Hashirama said it despite the awed looks of others! He is worthy of being the first generation.

"Of course, she usually dresses as a man, so she naturally needs to behave more in line with the public's perception of men. Know. "Uchiha Madara felt that this was a strange thing to say, but he couldn't understand what was wrong. After all, he also admired himself who used disadvantaged conditions to achieve the same achievements as others, but other people were different. Look at Uchiha Madara's eyes slowly changed.

Why does this Uchiha Madara always feel a little sweet?

["Speaking of this time... No. 3, I want to confirm one thing first. Did you find the stone tablet there and leave the village and then return to the village? "No. 4 (Cave Spot) asked.

"Yes, I just found Nine Tails and am on my way back. "No. 3 (Madara Rimura) nodded in affirmation, "You asked, it seems we are quite similar. "

" What about drinking? If so you should know what I'm talking about. "No. 4 (Cave Spot) continued to ask.

"...Yes, are there any questions? "No. 3 noticed something was wrong, and squinted at No. 4.

4 did not answer immediately, but turned sideways and grabbed No. 3's wrist. No. 3 did not resist out of curiosity. No. 6 (Earth Spot) and No. 7 (Madara Huangquan) obviously knew something and looked over curiously. No. 2 (Madara Hokage) was also thoughtful, but only No. 1 (Madara Madara) and No. 5 (Madara Madara) looked at a loss.

"As expected. "Sighing deeply, as if a long-standing doubt had been resolved, and as if a boot had finally landed on the ground, No. 4 looked at the three people who obviously knew something, and nodded, "Already."

" is there? What's there? "No. 3 didn't react for a while, but the question before contact suddenly came to mind, "Am I pregnant? "

" Huh? "No. 1 (Young Ban) and No. 5 (Bann Niang) were so frightened that they screamed, "What! "]

"What! "Compared to Uchiha Madara, who already knew what was going to happen, everyone else was obviously frightened, and they all looked at this man who was said to be able to have children. Tobirama even jumped back in shock, his eyes still Staring at Uchiha Madara's belly. Should he be called an evil Uchiha? Can all Uchiha be born, or is it only Uchiha Madara?

But the one who had the biggest reaction was Hashirama, whose facial features were distorted for a moment. . Jealousy, anger, regret, worry, all kinds of indescribable emotions are rolling in the chest. The dirty Madara on the screen is not too surprised. Is it because my Madara has also experienced all this?

Hashirama's face? It got darker and darker, and chakra overflowed uncontrollably, forcing the seventh class of and who were still relatively close, to take a few steps back. Who exactly happened to Madara during the years he left the village? Defiled Madara during this period?

"Hashirama!" calm! "Uchiha Madara tried to appease Hashirama. Uchiha Madara, who was being watched by everyone, honestly wanted to go on a killing spree. Although he was prepared to have his dark history revealed, he was still upset that so many people knew that he was pregnant. People are annoyed. But why does Hashirama react so much? Is it because he can’t accept that his friend is a monster? What will he think when he finds out that the child is his?

"Hey, old man, keep it secret." Ah~" Obito gloated on the sidelines and fanned the flames, "I didn't expect you to be a heroic mother who could reach the Valley of the End even while pregnant. I don’t know who that unlucky man is? Oh, what a shame, why didn't you share it with me? "

Obito is not surprised that Uchiha Madara didn't give him all his memories. With this kind of secret, Uchiha Madara probably wanted to take it to the grave. As for the child, it is probably gone. After all, if Uchiha Madara If the child is born, it is impossible not to be discovered by Obito, who has been playing Uchiha Madara.

Obito is now happy to jump on Uchiha Madara's thunder. Although Lin can be resurrected because of Uchiha Madara's gift package, he is still very happy. Angry, he felt that he was somehow involved in Uchiha Madara's plan, and Lin suffered a lot because of it. He was forbidden to attack now, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't feel angry. Uchiha Madara could break through all the obstacles and was determined to kill him, and he was also confident that he could escape through Kamui .

It was a bit troublesome to take stupid Kaka with him. Obito thought about it, but felt that it shouldn't be. Let Kakashi escape with him, but he also thought that it would not be bad to die in the hands of Uchiha Madara, and he could leave both eyes to stupid Kaka. According to his understanding of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara I don’t know how to express my anger.

“Humph, I hope your mentality will always be this good. " Uchiha Madara said with unclear meaning. He may die in society, but he will never be the only one who dies in society. Madara wanted to continue to taunt, but was hugged tightly by Senju Hashirama.

"Valley of the End" ...Madara...I...that child..." Senju Hashirama was obviously in chaos now, and could only hold on to his own The last straw. Yes, that Madara is walking on the road to attack the village... What did he do back then...

"Hashirama, don't look like this, you weren't talking to me just now. Did you say it? It was my choice to die at your hands, and you don't have to apologize for the child that you and I didn't even know existed at the time. Besides, I didn't lose my combat effectiveness because of that child, and you don't have to think of me as a weakling because of that. "Uchiha Madara continued to try to unlock Hashirama. To be honest, he was really not good at it. In their interactions, Hashirama basically coaxed him. Even if Hashirama pretended to be depressed, it only attracted his attention and let him go. He just compromised and coaxed Hashirama seriously, "And...if you are pity for the new life...actually...well... ..Well...that kid is fine."

You will know it later anyway, so it shouldn't be too much to spoil it in advance.

But I feel sorry for you, Madara. If that child had not died in the Valley of the End, how many grievances would you have endured alone? Hashirama No. 1 Tsuji looked at Madara Uchiha with undisguised emotion. Madara retreated uncomfortably, trying to pull Hashirama away but failed. Only then did he realize that the eyes of the reincarnated body could also contain such strong emotions

. "enough! Dont look at me! Look at the big screen! Didn't you see that the screen has been paused for a long time? Do you still want to know the follow-up? "Uchiha Madara was a little annoyed. The others finally moved their eyes back to the big screen under the pressure of Uchiha Madara. Only Tsunade frowned and looked here for a second time.

Grandpa's reaction was so strange... ...No, I must be overthinking it. There is no way that grandpa will be sorry for grandma.


Little Theater: Mito of Huangquan: Why are you looking at me?

Look! Played by: Wow! Wonderful!

Hashirama in this space: Banban is pregnant, the child is not mine (starts to darken)

Izumi in another space: Brother is pregnant, the child is not mine (pupil earthquake)!

As expected, he writes very quickly when he comes to the jokes he really wants to write! It’s so fun to watch the movie! Obito can just have another chapter of silly fun, and he’s going to end up eating it~

About every As for the specific timeline of Madara, I didn’t buy the formula book because the Naruto timeline is very messy. I mainly set it up on Baidu to serve the plot, just in case the text is too long and there are no easter eggs. It doesn’t matter if I don’t read it. That kind of thing.

# sailboat plan 2.0# #Uchiha Madara# #火影# #千手竹间#