When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but they are not sad yet. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all

2024/07/0214:42:32 erciyuan 1289

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but he has not yet reached the sad point. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all. When faced with something that touches the depths of his heart, he will How can I control myself?

1. Mom is gone

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but they are not sad yet. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all - DayDayNews

Huo Yuhao, as the son of the White Tiger Duke, should have lived a life of prosperity and wealth, but unexpectedly, the mother and son were treated inhumanely, but Xiao Yuhao felt that as long as he lived with his mother, , no matter how hard or tired it is, it doesn’t matter, but not long after, the disease took away the life of his mother. That was the person Xiao Yuhao loved the most. He who was usually strong in front of his mother had already burst into tears.

2.Brother? Enemy!

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but they are not sad yet. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all - DayDayNews

met Dai Huabin during the final draw of Shrek Academy freshmen assessment. Although he just passed by, he will always remember the indifferent look in his eyes. After returning to the dormitory, Wang Dong noticed the changes in him. Huo Yuhao cried out to Wang Dong for the first time about his past. It was Dai Huabin who severely injured his mother who was trying to protect him, and he couldn't afford to fall ill. I must avenge this revenge. One day, I will become strong enough to level the entire Duke's Palace.

3. Recognition of relatives

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but they are not sad yet. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all - DayDayNews

In the soul fighting competition, senior Ma Xiaotao used her soul skills regardless of the consequences. As a result, evil fire surged out of her body, and Huo Yuhao was taken away as soon as the competition ended. The evil fire was suppressed, and Huo Yuhao became the first person besides Ma Xiaotao's family to touch her body. However, Senior Sister Ma Xiaotao was also very angry, and she just touched her body. You are still a child, you don't know how to follow her. You care about it. If you want, just call me sister, then you can be considered my family. Hearing "family", Huo Yuhao lost control of his emotions for a moment. Yes, his mother, the only family member in his heart, has left. How happy he would be if he could have a sister.

4. Farewell to Mr. Mu

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, but they are not sad yet. Although Huo Yuhao has been a very well-behaved and strong child under the earnest guidance of his mother since he was a child, and he is much more mature than his peers, he is still a child after all - DayDayNews

Shrek Academy is Huo Yuhao’s home, where he met many, many people who cared about him and loved him. Among these people was Mr. Mu who took Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong as his disciples in his later years. Although the time between master and apprentice was short, Huo Yuhao was also the pride of Mr. Mu throughout his life. The latter passed on all his life-long research and experience to the former. Without any reservation, I entrusted the future of Shrek to him. Mr. Mu left, and Huo Yuhao's cries rang through the sky.

The above are the four scenes of Huo Yuhao crying. These experiences have made Huo Yuhao turn grief and anger into strength. What cannot defeat him will only make him stronger. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, and follow the editor. Your support is the editor’s motivation.

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