The animation of "The Divine Seal Throne" has been updated to episode 15. In this episode, Long Haochen ventures into the Holy Mountain of Knights to obtain a mount in order to become Ye Hua's apprentice. Under the leadership of Little Horned Rabbit, Long Haochen communicated wit

2024/07/0214:36:32 erciyuan 1562

The animation of "The Divine Seal Throne" has been updated to episode 15. In this episode, Long Haochen ventures into the Holy Mountain of Knights to obtain a mount in order to become Ye Hua's apprentice. Under the leadership of Little Horned Rabbit, Long Haochen communicated with most of the light-attributed monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights, but in the end only the King of Starry Unicorns responded to him.

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Many viewers felt that it would be quite good if Long Haochen could get the eighth-level Warcraft Star Unicorn King as a partner, but the Star Unicorn also rejected him. It was not that Long Haochen was not talented, but that he was alone. The horned beast believes that no monster in the Holy Mountain of Knights is worthy of the Son of Light.

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In fact, Long Haochen did not obtain the Starry Unicorn in the original work. The reason is that all the monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights felt that they were not qualified to become the mount of the Son of Light, so after three days, he was forcibly teleported out. However, there is a rule in the Holy Mountain of Knights. If you do not get a mount in the Holy Mountain of Knights within three days, you can only randomly draw a mount from each plane. This is the most difficult method to get a mount suitable for you, because most people draw The monsters in the world are all weak, but Long Haochen obtained the strongest mount in all planes, named: Haoyue , and he was also the reborn larvae of the destroyer of the plane.

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Haoyue was relatively low-level at the beginning and was not very favored by others. Moreover, when it was first summoned, it had a first-level dark attribute. It was rejected by the bright environment and almost died. In the end, Haochen signed a blood contract with him using his own blood. After that, Haoyue will advance to the second level. Every time he advances, Haoyue will grow an extra head, and the subsequent advancements are more difficult. But fortunately, it is the protagonist's mount, so there is no danger every time. The head that grows out of this advancement is of light attribute.

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Each subsequent head represents a head with different attributes. When the ninth head evolves, Haoyue's abilities are fully awakened. In fact, Haoyue's real name is Austin Griffin , which was named Austin Griffin many years ago. "God's punishment" has the power to destroy everything. Beloved by the beast god. A composite product of the elemental gods, he was thrown out of the demon world because of his evil thoughts. The angry Heavenly Punishment used magical beasts to vent his anger and massacred the demons. The Demon God Emperor used the original power of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars to seal the Heavenly Punishment. and named it Austin Griffin, meaning the end of the world.

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But Heavenly Scourge has not fallen, it still has seven reincarnation opportunities. This time he became Long Haochen's mount. Haochen changed his attribute into light, got rid of evil thoughts, and was moved by Long Haochen's spirit of saving him. Swearing to be loyal to Long Haochen to the death, Haoyue can evolve into nine heads at most, but the last head is called the Head of Heavenly Punishment. When the ninth head evolves, the thoughts of the nine heads will be unified and return to the identity of the God of Heavenly Punishment, Heavenly Punishment. The God wanted to destroy the demons and humans, and finally Long Haochen and the Demon God Grandpa joined forces to kill the God of Scourge.

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In the final analysis, in fact, the work of The Divine Seal Throne is that Long Haochen's father thought Bai Yue he was a cuckold, so he trained his son to fight his grandfather, but in the end he found out that Bai Yue was innocent and his son's mount was The big boss, and then the story of the son and his grandfather teaming up to fight the mount. The story line is very simple, but it is a bit bloody in the early stage and a bit regrettable in the later stage.

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