In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two.

2024/07/0217:08:32 erciyuan 1376

" under one person " analysis article 1586

manga chapter 623 (584) In the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In terms of levels, Li Muxuan is level 0, Mochizuki Satoru is level 4, King Nathan is level 1, and Malignant Disease is level 2.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

Nobu Ishikawa complained that Mochizuki Satoru, whom they regarded as a treasure, was just a piece of cake in the eyes of Behemoth; some netizens complained that Li Muxuan was so powerful, but Behemoth looked away, which was very stupid. But obviously the truth is not like this:

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

Definition of the term: zero-level

Unknown islanders and possible outsiders who have not been entered in the system are not identified as targets and do not take the initiative to contact them. If they are attacked by the other party, they will be killed directly.

Detail 1|Behemoth has done detailed data collection and analysis

Did Behemoth really make a mistake? Apparently not. The original comics make it very clear that Behemoth has done detailed research on most of the people on Nathan Island and has also created files and entered them into the system.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

You should still remember that when Li Guang was about to leave the island, he was stopped by Behemoth. It was not that the officer knew Li Guang, but that Li Guang was entered into the system. As long as he pointed the exclusive device at Li Guangyi Scan and all information about Li Guang will be displayed.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

So Behemoth did not make any mistakes at all. They also had a lot of information about Li Muxuan. Behemoth came prepared. Li Muxuan did not slip through the net. The zero-level rating given to Li Muxuan was done deliberately and carefully. .

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

Behemoth’s information

Who is the last name, what country are you from, where are you from, what did you do on Nathan Island, what is your identity on Nathan Island, what abilities and strength do you have, who have you fought with, we It is assumed that the above information is in the possession of Behemoth. Based on this logic, it can be determined that in Behemoth's eyes, Li Muxuan:

belongs to an unknown islander. He does not have all the information, but it can be preliminarily determined that he is an unknown islander. Chinese, suspected to be very strong, has not shown specific strength, has not shown specific abilities, is a dying old man, and does not belong to any force.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

The logic of Behemoth

Behemoth is a capitalist, hegemonic organization supported by a large consortium and based on organizational interests as its sole criterion. This can be seen from its classification. It turns out that it uses the scientific research value and utilization value of the object as the only criterion for grading. Under this logic, both Li Muxuan and Mochizuki Satoru have little value.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

How strong are the personal strengths of Li Muxuan, Mochizuki Satoru, etc.? Behemoth doesn't care at all. We have also seen that the definition they gave is that as long as these people resist, they will kill them directly. Obviously, in the eyes of Behemoth, these so-called strong men are in front of hot weapons . It is completely vulnerable to the army.

But after all, Li Muxuan and Mochizuki Satoru are a little different. Mochizuki Satoru is Nathan Wei. This identity of Nathan Wei makes it difficult for Mochizuki Satoru to escape the fate of being captured. In the eyes of Behemoth, he may not have any personal scientific research. Value, but he is related to the secrets of King Nathan and the Nathan system. He must be caught, but he can live or die.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

Although Li Muxuan was pointed out as level zero, Li Muxuan represented all the unknown, unorganized and "sporadic strangers" who did not show special abilities on Nathan Island. These people had no influence on Behemoth. It is worthless, but at the same time it is indeed a resistance that cannot be ignored. If these people do not come to cause trouble, Behemoth naturally does not need to create trouble, but if he must make trouble, he will naturally kill him quickly with the force of thunder. At that time, Behemoth would not care which force these people belonged to.

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

To be continued

Of course, Behemoth may have indeed made a mistake, because Behemoth does not seem to know that Li Muxuan is King Nathan's grandfather, and King Nathan's mother is not even on the list. Obviously, Both of these two people slipped through the net. At the same time, Behemoth probably would not have thought that in the end, Li Muxuan would organize forces to fight against him...

In Chapter 623 of the manga, Nobu Ishikawa revealed that Behemoth divided the people on Nathan Island into different levels. In Behemoth’s levels, Li Muxuan was level zero, Mochizuki Satoru was level four, and King Nathan was level four. Level one, malignant disease is level two. - DayDayNews

Alien vs. Thermal Weapons Army, how to play this game? Who can figure it out? Many viewers were worried that Li Muxuan would be killed by Behemoth before he could recall.

corresponds to the title: Li Muxuan is so strong, why doesn’t Behemoth arrest him? As for the Behemoth Eyes, some of Li Muxuan's information may not be fully grasped, but it does not hinder their judgment. Li Muxuan has no personal value and is not worth arresting. There is no need to actively provoke the "sporadic aliens" headed by Li Muxuan if they are not causing trouble. , if they cause trouble, they will be eradicated immediately. After all, in their eyes, the so-called strong aliens are a joke in front of their army. This ends the analysis of

in this issue. See you in the next issue.

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