The king of crazy music of the times. All things surrender to me. Jay's new album is the greatest work. In fact, in the eyes of fans, every one of Jay's albums is the greatest. However, the biggest difference in this new album is time. It has been 6 years since a new album was re

The Madness of the Era

The King of Music

All Things Surrender to Me Movement

Jay’s new album is the greatest work. In fact, in the eyes of fans, Jaylen ’s every album is the greatest, but this new album is the greatest. The difference is time. It has been 6 years since a new album was released. It has never been so long since his debut.

The beginning of the MV is that Jay came out in the evening with a flashlight, wearing a black jacket, and made some gestures. Taking off his coat and wearing a handsome red suit,

walked to his familiar piano and started to perform.

When the melody of the music sounded, the surrounding air turned into thick fog and danced.

The clock was spinning faster and faster, and the surrounding smoke also followed. The dance accelerated and finally disappeared. Jay suddenly traveled to a retro restaurant, holding a cane and throwing it to his friends.

A boy who looked like Chaplin gave Jay the red ball on his nose. Here comes Jay, who likes to play magic. ,

And this scene is just like what is written in the lyrics: I use the piano keys to travel through the immortality I missed in 1920.

After that, there was another good piano fight. The world-class Lang Lang appeared in a formal suit. Just like that, the most beautiful melody sounded and everyone else was stunned.

Next came a painter who was over fifty years old. appeared, Jay asked him to draw a picture, but he took a real flower. At the end of

MV, Lang Lang with a flashlight hit him. In this way, the scene that had been performed turned into a painting falling on Jay In my hands, the wonderful things are recorded

The content of this album is different from the previous one. I have to say that the musical genius can give back to his fans and friends with good works every time. Forget it, I am going to listen to it again. I hope Jaylen’s new album will sell well.