Since the original drama "Shangganling" premiered in October 2020, in just over a year, it has been performed in 38 theaters in 32 cities across the country for more than 65 performances, with more than 60,000 audiences entering the scene. The work captured a large number of audi

2024/07/0112:10:33 entertainment 1662

Since the original drama

Since its premiere in October 2020, the original drama "Shangganling" has been performed in 38 theaters in 32 cities across the country in more than 65 performances in just over a year, with more than 60,000 audiences walking into the scene. The work captured a large number of audiences with its "stage war blockbuster" quality, and at the same time provided new problem-solving ideas and creative paths for the creation of dramas with the main melody theme. The emergence of such a phenomenal work has also brought the famous actor Huang Hong back into the audience's sight after a long absence. On the drama stage, he still exudes all the energy of a good actor, firmly leading the audience into a long-lasting world. in the story.

Since the original drama

Stills from the drama "Shangganling" Huang Hong plays Ma Jingtian

"This creation made me feel activated."

Different from the movie "Shangganling", the drama "Shangganling" is determined to focus on more small characters in the war. It explores the deeds of famous martyrs in China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The story uses the 12 tunnels in "The Battle of Shangganling" as the main scenes. A cook, Lao Ma, connects the moving stories of what happened in the narrow tunnels. It can be said that this old cook, Ma, brings together the laughter and tears of the whole play. With rich emotions and three-dimensional characters, he is a title-like character in the play. Huang Hong, who plays the role of Lao Ma, relies on his relaxed, humorous and witty acting skills to portray the character in a profound way, unknowingly leading the audience into that small tunnel, breathing with the character and experiencing the real historical shock. . In particular, there was an important "highlight moment" in the play - Lao Ma kept a vigil for the company commander who unfortunately died. At night, Lao Ma was filled with grief and performed a long, heartfelt, sad and joyful performance for the company commander who loved to listen to Shandong Express Book . A soulful performance by Shandong Kuaishu. Huang Hong's interpretation of a Shandong express book, the rhythm exaggerates strong emotions, and the superb performance and rich emotions achieve a perfect fusion. The audience's tears are not the purpose, but they are the best affirmation of this performance.

Since the original drama

Stills from the drama "Shangganling" Huang Hong plays Ma Jingtian

The drama "Shangganling" is a drama work of Huang Hong. Looking back now, this cooperation seems to be destined. "I grew up watching movies about resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea. I am a generation inspired by the 'Shangganling Spirit'. I have always dreamed of making a work with this theme." Rich life experience and nearly fifty years of military service Huang Hong's career has made Huang Hong full of deep feelings for this subject. Over the years, he has accumulated a large amount of related creative materials. "Almost every event in the drama "Shangganling" has evidence, including the role of the cook Lao Ma. The prototype is the famous Shandong Kuaishu performance artist Gao Yuanjun, who is also the master of my father Huang Feng. These characters and plots have always been in my heart," Huang Hong said. So when producers Li Dong and Liu Zhongkui proposed the topic, everyone hit it off immediately. In Huang Hong's words, "I felt activated."

Since the original drama

Stills from the drama "Shangganling" Huang Hong plays Ma Jingtian

"Artistic creations should be 'neutral'."

The drama "Shangganling" has no preachy lines, and there are no giants who do not follow the local style, but just a group of Ordinary soldiers, after rushing to the battlefield, everyone became a superhero who was not afraid of sacrifice. The work gives up its obsession with "grandness" and rejects "fake grandeur" and "slogan-like" expressions. This may be an important reason why the drama "Shangganling" can be loved by audiences of all ages, old, middle-aged and young, and this is Huang Hong A creative philosophy that I have always adhered to.

Since the original drama

Stills from the drama "Shangganling" Huang Hong as Ma Jingtian

For Huang Hong, artistic creation should be "neutral". In order to leave space for the audience to understand, what the audience understands is the real acceptance. Because "If you talk too much, the audience will not be able to listen." Huang Hong believes that good works do not need to be labeled. "Mainstream works have a positive core and show people 'truth, goodness and beauty'. As long as we firmly grasp this , the creators put their minds at ease and focus on touching the audience with real emotions instead of 'educating' the audience, which will inevitably lead to good results."With many years of acting and creative experience, Huang Hong won the "Best Actor Award at the Chinese Drama Festival" for his first play.

Since the original drama

Stills from the Chinese version of the stage play "Frankenstein" Huang Hong as Delacy

In addition to the "Old Horse" portrayed in the drama "Shangganling", which has become a praiseworthy character on the drama stage in recent years, Huang Hong recently played a blind man in the Chinese version of the stage play "Frankenstein" The old man De Lacey has also won the love of many viewers, with zero negative reviews on the entire network. "The Blind Man" is the most challenging performance for an actor. In just one scene, Huang Hong not only quickly established the image of the old man as kind and generous. Up, his warm interaction with the humanoid monster has become a rare "healing episode" in the whole play. Many of the details can clearly feel the "humorous" characteristics of Huang Hong's performance style. Through precise language rhythm With strong control and a firm grasp of the audience's psychology, humor is cleverly inserted into the dialogue, and the distance between the audience and the characters is quickly shortened. Being able to use "humor" to such a skillful level relies not only on what the audience is familiar with. Huang Hong’s many years of experience on the stage, as well as the sorting out and research on comedy logic behind it

Since the original drama

Stills of the Chinese version of the stage play "Frankenstein" Huang Hong plays Dracy

"A writer once said, 'The best of comedy. The lightness is far higher than the sanctimonious drama. I think comedy is like a pyramid, divided into five levels. The first level is gimmicks, the second level is comedy, the third level is humor, the fourth level is wit, and the top level is wit. In fact, wit is the highest state of comedy creation. "Huang Hong said, "The Chinese version of the stage play "Frankenstein" is a drama, even a tragedy. It's a challenge for me. It’s also learning. Tragedy and comedy also have something in common. "

For Huang Hong, measuring the quality of a work depends not only on life, but also on longevity. Life is to be able to stand on the stage, and longevity is to take root in the hearts of the audience. "The performance on the stage is only two hours, But longevity means standing the test of time. "

Since the original drama

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