On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him.

2024/07/0114:31:34 hotcomm 1695

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the election of the Liberal Democratic Party in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Tate Yamama, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him.

When people's emotions were high, Yamazata also took out a pistol, pointed it at the fatal parts of Shinzo Abe's chest and neck, and fired twice!

Shinzo Abe fell to the ground instantly, and his heart and lung function had stopped on the way to the emergency hospital.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Shinzo Abe was shot

Her husband was shot twice, and Abe Aki, who was deeply in love with her husband, was heartbroken. At around 16:30 local time, Abe Aki arrived in Nara and set off for the hospital.

However, shortly after she arrived at the hospital, her husband, Shinzo Abe, the youngest prime minister of post-war Japan, died of serious injuries, leaving her forever separated from him.

Before marrying Abe , Matsuzaki Aki relied on her chaebol father to dominate Japan, but now she is even restricted from chasing stars and drinking? Although she and Shinzo Abe are very much in love, why are they still not pregnant?

The Eldest Lady and the Ambitious Politician

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Abe Aki

Abe Aki, formerly known as Matsuzaki Aki, was a famous eldest lady in Japan before she got married. Her father is the president of Morinaga Confectionery Co., Ltd., the most famous candy company in Japan. .

After Zhaohui was born on June 10, 1962, the family held the little princess who was afraid of being touched or melted when she was held in her mouth. The family always adhered to the principle of "give her what she asked for". First, she felt that this was the only thing in the family. A cute girl, and secondly, she is rich and has no shortage of money to spend.

Abe Aki has always maintained an optimistic and cheerful side under the protection of her family. She also attended Sacred Heart Girls' School in elementary and high school. Although Abe Aki did not go to college, she has never felt inferior because of it. .

In her opinion, the beauty of life is that participation is important.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Dentsu Company

After graduation, Aki Abe, who did not like studying, entered the company that others coveted under the guidance of her family - Japan's largest advertising company: Dentsu Company.

Don’t get me wrong, a lady like Aki Abe naturally doesn’t come here to work, she comes here just to find a husband.

In 1984, when Shintaro Abe was taking Shinzo Abe to work, an elder who had a good relationship with the Abe Akie family led a red line for Shinzo Abe and Abe Akie who were of the right age.

As a result, the two people actually fell in love at first sight. After two years of dating, they quickly got married in 1987. Until now, when talking about Abe Shinzo, he will definitely mention his beautiful wife-Abe Akie.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

A wedding photo of Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie Abe in 1987

When they were in love, Shinzo Abe fell in love with Abe Akie’s innocence and agility, thinking that she had a cheerful and straightforward quality that other women did not have. He thought that this new quality in Abe Akie The image of a woman is bound to attract the attention of Japanese media and media around the world, which will also have a profound impact on his future political path.

Shinzo Abe's expectations were good. After he was elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party in 2006 and became Prime Minister of Japan, he arrived in China with his wife Aki Abe and made a very deep impression on people when he appeared in front of the public for the first time.

But what many people don’t know is that Abe Aki came to China as early as May 2005 in preparation for this visit to China. Although Abe Aki gave the excuse: she just came to meet. She is a Chinese chef who has been in a relationship with her, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that she is clearly doing market research in advance for her husband to come to China!

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

On the other hand, the scene of Shinzo Abe and Aki Abe appearing at the airport hand in hand is also a clever marketing method. In Japan where "macho chauvinism" is rampant, Shinzo Abe respects his wife so much, which undoubtedly enhances the social status of women. It will also do no harm to him in winning the votes of female voters.

So is Abe Aki really completely unaware of her husband’s “political thoughts”?

The wife of the prime minister who loves DJs

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

In 1987, after Matsuzaki Aki married Shinzo Abe, she finally entered the palace of marriage with him.

Don’t think that the Prime Minister’s wife must be a dignified, etiquette, and impersonal “god”. The “little wife” and “little princess” that Shinzo Abe brings home will definitely break your perception of the Prime Minister’s wife. .

After getting married, Abe Aki resigned from her job at Dentsu Corporation in Japan and stayed at home. However, she was not a lonely person by nature. After her marriage, her husband was busy with political affairs. She was not willing to just be a housewife at home, so she decided to complete her childhood. Dream - to work as a DJ for a radio company in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.

During the radio broadcast, she was no longer the wife of a well-known politician, but used the pseudonym "Akki" to talk about Shinzo Abe.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

During those years as a radio anchor, she constantly invited voters from her husband’s hometown to be guests on the show, and she also continuously exported the advantages of Shinzo Abe in the show.

Such cultural erosion has naturally achieved certain results. Because Abe Aki spared no effort to promote her husband, when Shinzo Abe participated in the prime minister election in the future, voters had a very kind attitude towards him.

In 2006, Japanese media reported that Abe Aki once again returned to her old business and opened a small bar called "UZU". She also resumed her old business and picked up the microphone and became a waiter. Feed your guests with "Zhaohui rice" grown on your own farm!

Fanatic star chasers

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Apart from her rebellious dream of being a DJ, Abe Aki is also a "star chaser" at the forefront of the Korean Wave. She has been the little princess of her family since she was a child, and her family has never restricted her preferences, so She has only one criterion for everything she does: follow your heart.

At first, Shinzo Abe was also worried about whether his wife's being so out of line would have a bad impact, but Abe Aki surprised him time and time again.

Abe Sohye likes to watch some tear-jerking dramas when she has nothing to do. The Korean drama " Winter Sonata " is her favorite. In order to successfully catch up with Bae Yong Joon and Park Yong Ha, she even practices Korean hard at home.

Even when she visited South Korea, she even let her husband "use power for personal gain" to see his former idol Park Yong Ha and take a close photo with him.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Later, Park Yongha played golf with Shinzo Abe and his wife. What’s even more interesting is that after Abe Aki returned home, she hung the photo on the fireplace at home, with Abe’s face cut out!

There are only zero and countless times of chasing stars.

Abe Aki likes many male stars. The Korean singer BOA is her favorite type, the Japanese movie star Kimura Takuya is also her favorite, and even the Taiwanese idol group F4 is a favorite of hers.

Although chasing stars is a happy thing, it also brings her a lot of troubles. The one Abe Aki has chased for the longest time is Hotei Totai , which she liked since she was a girl. She has been chasing stars for more than 20 years.

For the sake of Hotai Tontai, she went to great lengths to buy tickets for her idol's concert, and even formed a "Yinnian Party" with her fanatic fans.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

In 2015, Abe Akie finally got the attention of her idol Toruyasu Hotai, and was lucky enough to have a drink with her idol in a Tokyo bar! Abe Aki, who was already a heavy drinker, gathered together wine and idols, and naturally drank so much that her mother no longer recognized her.

So naturally he also did a lot of outrageous things, such as-crazyly kissing Hotei Tontai's neck and resting his head on the idol's shoulder.

After the scandal spread between

and her idol, Aki Abe seemed not to take it seriously, without any clarification. She even showed joy when mentioning the matter, which made people wonder whether her marriage to Shinzo Abe was in name only.

Helps her husband by chasing stars

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Shinzo Abe turns a deaf ear to the ridiculous scandals caused by his wife’s chasing stars. Of course, there is a reason, but unfortunately it is not because of trust!

When Shinzo Abe and Aki Abe visited South Korea, Aki Abe relied on her fluent Korean to communicate cordially with local primary school students at Guangxi Elementary School in Seoul, creating a very good diplomatic atmosphere.

A Japanese Prime Minister's wife who can recite articles in Korean has successfully won warm applause from Korean students. The Prime Minister's wife is also star-struck, which makes Koreans who have "celebrity worship" feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Prior to this, the Korean drama " Winter Sonata " had held a press conference in Tokyo. The news that Aki Abe participated in the press conference as the wife of the Prime Minister spread to South Korea and caused an uproar.

South Korean people believe that although Abe Aki is a bit "too down-to-earth" and looks like an ordinary person, her modest and polite attitude can still make them shine!

Because of chasing stars, Abe Aki played on the Internet, although she also made jokes.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

But one of her most important achievements is that when her husband's voter approval rating plummeted, she used her personal blog to disclose her husband's "embarrassing state", which weakened Abe's tough side and made people feel more friendly.

Of course, the content of the blog is not all dirty information about Shinzo Abe, but is divided into four modules in a serious manner-visits, interests, friends, and beautiful scenery.

She will introduce in detail the interesting details of life, and also share anecdotes from when she accompanied Shinzo Abe on visits to Southeast Asia and European countries. She can be said to be Shinzo Abe's best wife.

Success also drinks, defeat also drinks

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

In November 2017, after U.S. President Trump took office, he came to travel around Asia. When visiting Japan, Shinzo Abe and Abe Aki warmly received Trump and his wife Mei Rania .

Melania and Abe Akie are both the wives of the prime minister, but their styles are completely different.

Melania does not care about political affairs, but Abe Aki often calls herself the "opposition party within the family". She will comment on her husband's performance in political activities when he returns home, which is quite Empress style of intervening in politics.

The most interesting thing is the scene between these two couples at the dinner table.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

As the hosts, Shinzo Abe and his wife should prepare sumptuous meals to entertain the Trumps, but after the dinner table was served, it was Aki Abe who was taken care of.

Shinzo Abe and his wife prepared fine white wine and red wine, but Trump came up with the excuse that drinking would harm his body. Naturally, Trump’s wife, Melania, was a husband and wife and stayed with the entire banquet without drinking any alcohol.

None of the guests drink, so Abe can naturally put down his wine glass with confidence. After all, he suffers from ulcerative colitis and has not drank alcohol for many years.

But no one expected that Abe Aki looked at the three of them "coldly", picked up the wine glass and drank one glass after another. The Trumps were a little surprised at first. Seeing that Abe Aki still went her own way, Melania even Look displeased.

But this is not the first time Abe Aki has appeared in front of the public as an alcoholic.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

In the radio program mentioned earlier, Abe Aki often invites guests to chat with her while drinking. She believes that this can create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. People will have weaker willpower when drinking, and they will also speak Reveal the soft secrets hidden deep in your heart that are not easily discovered.

Colleagues all said about Aki Abe: "As long as you hold up the wine glass, you will have endless things to say. Our program relies on wine and Abe Aki's mouth to survive."

A silly wife does not have children

If you Search for Abe Aki in the Japanese search terms, and there must be one of them - stupidity. It is said that everyone who meets Abe Shinzo wants to complain to him about his stupid wife.

In sharp contrast to Abe Aki is her shrewd mother-in-law - Abe Yoko .

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

It is said that Yoko has always looked down upon this stupid daughter-in-law who was barren, and set four rules for her after she entered the house.

1. When her son goes out, Abe Aki must wait at home in advance for her husband to come home.

2. Shinzo Abe is not allowed to enter his daughter-in-law’s bar.

3. Abe Aki must put his house in order and must not rely on others.

4. You must help your husband win votes.

Although there are only these 4 items in the description, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yoko Abe has long wanted to have a grandson. Unfortunately, there is still no movement in the belly of 60-year-old Abe Aki. There was a quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law a few years ago. thing.

Yoko Abe believes that he has trained an outstanding son like Shinzo Abe who can become prime minister, so he naturally wants his grandson to inherit the mantle. It's a pity that Aki Abe is not moved at all, and his son Shinzo Abe is busy with political affairs.

The quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law became more and more tense, so they simply lived separately. For many years, they had been in a state of incompatibility.

However, no one expected that Shinzo Abe died unexpectedly while participating in the election.

On July 8, 2022, when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe participated in the Liberal Democratic Party election in Nara City, the 42-year-old man in gray, Yamataru, was also waiting for an opportunity behind him. - DayDayNews

Abe Aki, who has been married to Shinzo Abe for 35 years, has tried her best to assist her husband politically, but she has also retained the pure land in her heart.

Japanese media often say that she is a political wizard with an empty mind and no knowledge, but often makes mistakes.

So for so many years, although she has never given birth, she has not been kicked out by the Abe family . Of course, it is also possible that her mother's family is too powerful!


Japanese TV html reported on the 28th that Liberal Democratic Party officials claimed: Shinzo Abe’s issue will be transported to the hospital around the early morning of the next day.

learned the news from Abe Akie and rushed to the hospital in tears at 16:30 local time to see her husband for the last time. Just three or four hours later, her husband Shinzo Abe passed away.

Abe Abe and Abe Shinzo have been married for many years. Although Abe once quarreled with her husband over political opinions, the husband who heard her say: "I feel sad that you promoted nuclear power technology as prime minister" still passed away. .

I don’t know if Abe Aki has any regrets. She once expressed in the media during her lifetime: “The relationship between our husband and wife has been very bad recently”!

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