Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars.

2024/07/0113:27:32 entertainment 1315

has been regarded as the "leading boss" in many talent shows, " Avenue of Stars ".

is old and well-known, and the key is down-to-earth.

Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have embarked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. At that time, this program, which provided a big stage for the common people, was often broadcast, and it could be described as a deserted place. There are many excellent singers and groups in the show, such as , Brother Dayi, , Phoenix Legend, , Li Yugang, , etc.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

As time goes by, this 18-year-old variety show has gradually declined, and the champions who once had glory are no longer what they used to be.

Let us get closer to them, see their lives, and talk about their current situation.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Wearing a vest, a white headscarf, and a red belt, Abao first entered the audience's sight as a man from northern Shaanxi. He cleverly amplified his own characteristics, and his unique northern Shaanxi costume made his identity as a "sheep-herding boy" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making the audience remember him at a glance.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Of course, the identity of "sheep herding" is best matched with a tortuous life experience. In the show, he claimed to be from the countryside. He grew up in a poor family, raised sheep, carried coal, and never learned to sing systematically... In short, his singing relied on his talent and his usual "blind" shouting. The success of

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

is accompanied by problems one after another. It was suggested that A Bao was not a farmer, had a good family background, and had received professional music training, which led many people to suspect that A Bao was "fake." Abao then confessed that he was really not a farmer, and the audience felt "cheated" for a moment. That is to say, from then on, Abao's impression in the minds of the public began to decline.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Not only that, there are also rumors that he became "inflated" after becoming famous, driving luxury cars, dating beautiful women, etc. The audience on the other side was also deeply angry because of the authenticity on their faces, and the audience's fate continued to decline. At this point, Abao's career hit rock bottom, and his voice was rarely heard after 2015. Some people say that Abao has no job opportunities because of too many doubts. Others say he made enough money to "retire" early. It was only in the past two years that Abao appeared on a video platform. Judging from the video, Bao's hair is sparse and he has an indescribable vicissitude.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Liu Dacheng, who has been self-taught since childhood, has been waiting for the opportunity to become famous. One day, a friend told him that the "Avenue of Stars" stage might come true, and he went there...

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

This grassroots singer, who was born in Jining, Shandong, became a household name overnight. After becoming famous, he, like other grassroots stars, performed in various commercials and even appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage. His debut experience was also made into a movie, and he participated in the filming of this movie. Later, he made some guest appearances in TV series. After

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

became popular, his ability to attract money was extraordinary. He bought two luxury houses in Beijing, but they are popular among many people. Soon after, his right and wrong came. Although I was born in a rural area, my family is well-off, and my spoken English is not self-taught, I still participated in the pre-competition class. As for farm work, he did not do it.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Liu Sai is an optimistic girl. She did not complain about her disability, but made good use of her lark-like voice to sing about the beauty of the world and her expectations for the future. She is known as "the most beautiful blind singer". People affirmed not only her singing skills, but also her tenacious vitality and positive attitude towards life, which deeply moved and inspired the audience.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

So maybe God, in order to reward her, arranged for her a very good partner who was good to her. She is a soldier. He loved Liu Sai very much and even wanted to donate his eyes to Liu Sai. What a great romantic love. Of course, Liu Sai did not agree. After she became popular, she did not expand like Yang Guang, but continued to advance rapidly. He has been invited to perform in various places many times, sang his own classic works, released albums, and appeared in various CCTV activities. And she is still actively giving back to the society and insisting on doing charity. In 2013, she was elected by her hometown as the vice president of the Disabled Persons' Federation.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

A singer from Tibet Wangmu is also famous for his high voice on the Avenue of Stars. Her rendition of "Play the Tambourine and Sing" has become a classic, and she can also control dynamic electronic music such as "Just Dance". After Wangmu won the Walk of Fame, he established his own national pop music style and released a number of original singles.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Wangmu In addition to this title, she also has a well-known master, Tibetan singer Rongzhong Erjia, who discovered many excellent Tibetan singers. Rong Erjia has performed on the same stage with Wang Mu many times. Unfortunately, Wang Mu's personal style is not strong enough. Moreover, the contest works are mainly covers and there are no personal representative works, so they have not been well known.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

It is also worth mentioning that the third runner-up in the Avenue of Stars that year was also a familiar person, he was Li Yugang. Although Teacher Li Yugang missed the championship trophy that year, he was destined to fail. Teacher Li Yugang occupies a pivotal position in the music scene in China and the world with her gentle and euphemistic voice.

Old brand, well-known, and the key is down-to-earth. Because of this, the Avenue of Stars has become a platform that can change people's lives. Many people have walked on the Avenue of Stars in their own lives because of the Avenue of Stars. - DayDayNews

Countless star singers have emerged from the stage of "Avenue of Stars". There have been glories and disappointments. The stage of "Avenue of Stars" has given many ordinary people the opportunity to show their talents, but after becoming famous, some people stick to their original intentions, while others are short-lived. This is the way of life. No one can stand on the top of the mountain forever, but there will always be people who work hard to reach the top. Only by maintaining a sincere attitude, persisting in the love for music, and creating more high-quality works can we be loved by everyone for a long time.

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