I still remember the Internet famous saying, "Gazi, the Internet is all virtual, the water in it is too deep, you can't grasp it"! This sentence has become a popular Internet term and often appears in chats and jokes. As a result, Pan Changjiang was not safe at the end of the yea

2024/07/0213:54:33 entertainment 1637

still remembers the Internet famous saying "Gazi, the Internet is virtual, the water in it is too deep, you can't control it"! This sentence has become a popular Internet term and often appears in chats and jokes. As a result, Pan Changjiang was not safe at the end of the year. After selling fake wine, his status in the hearts of the audience completely changed.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

No matter how he explains it later, it is clear to everyone that his purpose is to make profit. He is completely obsessed with money. He keeps talking about his family, but he cuts off the leeks of his own family.

In the face of public opinion and controversy, he chose not to apologize and admit his mistakes. Instead, he relied on his old age and continued to show off his superb acting skills, which brought disaster to himself.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

Whenever he updates a video, he is commented upon by netizens and experiences all kinds of criticism and ridicule. Faced with such a situation, Pan Changjiang chose to disappear and did not appear in the public eye for a long time.

On July 14, attentive netizens discovered that the 65-year-old Pan Changjiang was testing the waters again, and he had a sense of coming back. He updated the video through a short video, and the whole audience was excited and smiling, as if he had stepped out of the shadow of the Internet violence. The meaning of starting over has once again become the focus of public attention.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

Judging from the video, this time Pan Changjiang brought us an alternative Calabash Baby and Calabash Baby Grandpa joke to us through imitation and performance.

begins with a clip from the cartoon " Gourd Brothers ". Grandpa is kidnapped by snake demon . Erba clairvoyant is looking for grandpa. It stands to reason that he should see grandpa who was wronged in the snake demon cave, and then find a way to save him. rescued.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

As a result, the camera turned, and it turned out to be Pan Changjiang, who was dressed as Grandpa Calabash Baby. He had gray hair on his head, and a hairband made of grass on his head, with a small red flower stuck next to it. What’s even more funny is that he is wearing a pair of sunglasses and sitting in front of the table swinging several small fans of different shapes.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

transformed into a DJ singer version of Grandpa Calabash, and played DJ happily. The scene was very funny. He kept showing off the fan with both hands, dancing and immersed in it.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

The whole atmosphere was aroused. He was dancing and shaking his head, with a smile on his lips, and his interest reached a completely high state.

can tell that Pan Changjiang is in a good mood, so he is so playful and makes such jokes. It seems that the couple is completely out of the shadow of the Internet violence. Because two days ago, Pan Yang, Pan Changjiang’s daughter, also expressed her grievances and revealed that her father’s current condition is very poor.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

has been in a state of depression since the incident of selling counterfeit wine. He has become depressed. He frowns every day and does not think about food or food. He does not talk to anyone and has no expression. Sitting all day long for several hours without moving is very worrying and very distressing to watch.

And no one in the circle spoke up for him, which made him feel very chilled. He never thought that he would also encounter this day, and he would experience what it means to be pushed down by others.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

Judging from the current situation of Pan Changjiang, he is in a happy and beautiful state in the video, which is not at all like what Pan Yang said. It seems that he has completely come out of it, and he is probably going to make a comeback.

Two days ago, he appeared at an event as his platform. As a guest, Pan Changjiang was all smiles, but no one paid attention to him at the scene. The scene looked very embarrassing.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

can see that the Internet still has memory. Even if a period of time passes and he wants to come out again, the public may not be willing to buy it. Everything has been destroyed by himself.

As an old artist of a generation, he ended up where he is today because of fame and money. He has created it step by step. He can obviously end up with the love and respect of the public, and have a happy ending to his lifelong career.

I still remember the Internet famous saying,

But Pan Changjiang insisted on entering the live broadcast industry to bring goods and cut leeks. Look at what he said during the live broadcast to bring goods. It seems so ironic now. I just want to tell Lao Pan, stop struggling in vain, spend your old age well and accompany your grandchildren, don’t you think?

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