When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I

2024/07/0213:53:32 entertainment 1603

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema?

In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV?

The era is changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies?

Hello~ Hello everyone~ I am Jieming unique! Nice to meet you guys again!

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

Today we will briefly talk about the changes in the way of watching movies.

I don’t know if everyone is like me. I miss the days of sitting in front of the TV and watching movies when I was a child. Maybe it’s because childhood itself has a beautiful light and shadow, or because my childish thoughts are not yet mature, so I am not picky about TV programs, or maybe the beauty and happiness I experienced when I was young are really nostalgic and unforgettable, but as far as I’m concerned Personally speaking, I feel that the movies I could watch on TV when I was a child are very attractive and very nostalgic.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

In that era, TV would not tell you the rating of a movie or TV series, nor would it list box office figures to attract you to watch. Few people would recommend you which movie was good, because if you were told to go back, you would not know it. I can't find the source, but we all watch movies randomly on TV with gusto.

In comparison, there are more abundant movie resources now, and there are many ways to watch movies. Personally, I will definitely be picky when watching a movie. For example, for a newly released movie in theaters, I will first check how the box office is, what the reviews are from various film critics, and whether it matches my taste, and then decide whether to buy a ticket to watch it or wait for the theater to watch it. Watch it after offline screening; for searching and watching a movie offline on mobile phone or computer, I will also consider whether the movie is worth spending two hours to watch. I like to watch movies with an attitude of appreciation, and I hope I can learn some truths and gain some insights from the movie. In addition, I will also consider whether to watch it on a computer or on my mobile phone while lying in bed.

I think most young people today rarely watch TV programs. They may prefer to search and watch online or use projectors at home, while people over 30 may still have the habit, fun or hobby of watching TV. , still like to watch TV channels.

Nowadays, there are many choices for watching movies, and the viewing methods are also very convenient. It is inevitable that you will feel that the times are developing rapidly and the memories of the years are unforgettable. Let’s take a brief look at the changes in movie viewing methods in recent decades.

1. Old times

1. Movies shown in rural open-air theaters:

In those days when there was no television, watching open-air movies was a happy event; the whole village, old and young, gathered together to watch programs and movies, not to mention how happy they were, just put on a show The whole village felt like a festival during the movie. I believe that the 1960s and 1970s are the most vivid memories, and this memory will definitely touch you.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

2. Watch VCD and DVD discs:

html In the early 1990s, the 1990s was a period of rapid development for Hong Kong movies, and VCD/DVD players also became popular at that time. The movie-watching time of renting and buying DVDs should be the childhood of many people born in the 80s and 90s. Families with the conditions will definitely prepare a color TV and an VCD.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

3. TV viewing:

I still have an older TV like this at home. I have witnessed the development and changes of this TV: at the earliest, it still used an antenna, then switched to digital set-top box , and then replaced it. TV... The TV at home has been with me since I was a child and occupied most of my childhood. You can also find many movie channels on it, such as CCTV 6, CHC's 3 channels, "Global Cinema" channel, Chinese movie channel , etc., as well as many local movie channels. At that time, there was no Internet for television, and the movies we could watch were very limited. It was a very happy thing to see movies starring our favorite actors and famous actors.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

There are many others who feel the same way as me.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

2. New era

1. Mobile phones and computers:

Nowadays, the Internet is very developed. It is very convenient to watch movies on mobile phones and computers, and there are also various movie viewing apps. When there is traffic and WIFI, you can just search for the movies you like and watch them directly. . It is very convenient to watch movies anytime, anywhere, and should be the way most people watch movies in modern times.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

2. Internet TV:

is a relatively common method in recent years, and many families have installed Internet TV. The emergence of online TV has brought people a new way to watch TV. It has also expanded the scope of people to watch movies and provided us with more choices. It has also changed the previous passive TV viewing mode and realized the TV button. Need to watch, watch and stop whenever you want.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

3. Projector:

is a movie viewing method that has just become popular in recent years, and you can see a lot of advertisements promoting it. Projectors advocate a sense of immersion, and more young people with conditions and ideas will choose this method. Just in your own home, prepare the equipment, turn off the lights in the living room, turn on the projector, and the atmosphere will instantly rise.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

4. Cinema:

has a strong atmosphere and you can watch the latest cinema movies. In the earliest people's cinemas, most of them were public welfare, but the types of films shown were relatively simple, mostly films that promoted ideology and patriotic feelings. With the reform and opening up of the economy, some businesses began to appear in some economically developed big cities. Sexual cinema. Nowadays, China's film industry has matured, and watching movies has been regarded as a common entertainment lifestyle in modern times. It is very common for couples, families, and friends to go out to watch movies during holidays.

When you want to watch a movie, which method do you choose: TV/mobile phone/computer/cinema? In 2022, will you still choose to watch movies on TV? The times are changing with each passing day. Have you experienced the changes in the way you watch movies? Hello~ Hello everyone~ I  - DayDayNews

3. Summary

I don’t know if the memory of some time has touched you, and whether the current way of watching movies is within this range. I think this change in the way of watching movies is mainly related to these aspects:

1. Changes in technological development: The tools for watching movies have changed with the trend. The "old, broken, and old" have been eliminated, and the "new, strong, and trendy" have come. Replacement;

2. Advertising problem: Old TVs come with advertisements that cannot be skipped. Many modern methods are weakening this problem, or advertising is no longer focused on watching movies;

3. Diversity of choice: is different People have different needs for watching movies, such as studying, relieving boredom, having fun, liking excitement, etc. Movie watching therefore requires diversified platforms;

4. Convenience issue: People want to watch movies at multiple times and in different places ;

5. The pace of life: The pace of life is fast and the pressure is high. People hope to better enjoy a good movie in the same time, so they need better viewing conditions;

6. The market is different: market demand Constantly changing, the market pursues a variety of themes, and various themes require diversified platforms for promotion;

7. Spiritual pursuit of diversity: is similar to the atmosphere brought by cinemas and projectors, and is willing to share it with families, couples or friends. The joy of watching movies;

8. Changes in entertainment methods: Modern people are pursuing simple and low-threshold entertainment methods. Just like fewer and fewer people choose to read books, more people will watch short videos and watch mobile phones to fill the gap. Free time.

People's living standards continue to improve, entertainment methods have become diverse, and the way of watching movies has also changed with the times. But no matter how the way of watching movies changes, we can all deeply realize that it is always developing towards convenience and trendiness, and is more able to adapt to our needs and meet the entertainment needs of modern people.

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