On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti

2024/07/0222:21:34 entertainment 1878

On July 15, some netizens posted a group of pictures of He Chaolian, the daughter of gambling king , and her boyfriend Dou Xiao who met gambling king 's daughter and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were not affected by the turmoil some time ago and were still in love and sweetness, which attracted the attention of netizens. .

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

In the photo, both of them are dressed in casual and low-key styles. He Chaolian appeared without makeup, wearing white casual clothes, a baseball cap, and white slippers. Privately, she had no airs of a wealthy daughter and was very low-key and down-to-earth. Dou Xiao on the side was wearing a black top with loose shorts, a baseball cap on his back, and flip-flops, a casual holiday outfit.

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

It is worth mentioning that He Chaolian looks very slender, and her legs are very slender, which is in sharp contrast to the boyfriend next to her. She is small standing next to him. But I have to say that the two of them are really well matched. Whether it is height or appearance, the pictures of handsome men and beautiful women in the same frame are really eye-catching. In the picture, the two of them were communicating with their heads lowered. Dou Xiao looked at his girlfriend dotingly throughout the whole process, looking very natural and sweet. It seems that the two of them were not affected by the turmoil some time ago, and their relationship remains the same.

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

Previously, during the broadcast of " Good Days, Good Scenes Know the Geometry" starring Dou Xiao and Chen Duling, He Chaolian was questioned for "declaring sovereignty" because of her repeated displays of affection, which caused many fans of the drama to be dissatisfied. Later, He Chaolian took the initiative to respond to the matter in a program, saying that because the drama was adapted from a novel, fans of the original novel did not know that Dou Xiao would celebrate her birthday every year, so they came to scold her. But if someone scolds me just for the sake of scolding, it won’t hurt me anyway.

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

Unexpectedly, He Chaolian's words would offend the author. Perhaps he also realized that his remarks were inappropriate. He Chaolian also issued an apology, saying that he would pay more attention to himself in the future, be careful in his words and deeds, and his apology was very sincere. But this incident also caused Dou Xiaolu's popularity to decline a lot, and he was even ridiculed for wanting to marry into a wealthy family.

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

Speaking of which, Dou Xiao and He Chaolian, the gambling king’s daughter, have been spreading shit anytime and anywhere since they officially announced their relationship. Not long ago, Dou Xiao accompanied He Chaolian to eat snail noodles on the roadside. The two appeared without makeup and ate together intimately. They got along like an old couple and had a tacit understanding.

On July 15, some netizens posted a set of pictures of an encounter with the gambling king's daughter He Chaolian and her boyfriend Dou Xiao in a hotel. The young couple were completely unaffected by the previous turmoil and were still loving and sweet, which attracted the attenti - DayDayNews

No matter what, I hope they can make it to the end and let everyone witness their happiness together.

Statement: The pictures come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. Thank you!

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