Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu

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On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own funeral. This matter attracted the attention of netizens.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

It is reported that Roland is planning to donate his body to Hong Kong University for medical research. This dedication is touching. The reason why Roland went to the hospital alone was because she had never been married, had no children, and had very few relatives. For safety reasons, she had to make funeral arrangements by herself.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Roland is now 87 years old. Her choice to remain unmarried and infertile may have something to do with her original family.

Roland was born in 1934, when Hong Kong was in a period of turmoil, and his family once fell into extreme poverty. The war took away the lives of Roland's grandmother and father. At a young age, she had to shoulder the burden of life and go out to work.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Fortunately, she is very talented in acting and has been appreciated by many directors. After entering the industry, she starred in classic works such as "July 13: Dragon Po ", " Rebirth " and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

However, in these film and television dramas, Roland mostly plays villains, and some of his looks are very scary. She once said with a smile that maybe characters such as "龙波" were too scary, so no man dared to marry her.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Due to the misfortune of his original family and the limitations of his role, Roland gradually no longer obsessed with getting married and having children, but devoted all his energy to his acting career.

As a powerful drama star of TVB, she has also appeared in TV series such as "Forensic Pioneer IV" in recent years, and she can be called a model worker in the industry. Recently, however, she has entertained the idea of ​​retiring.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

"I have also thought about retiring recently because I feel that my memory has deteriorated and it would not be good to cause others to reshoot." Roland has always been a very dedicated actor. She does not want to delay the filming progress of the crew, and she also wants to present the best effect. . But she will soon be an octogenarian, and her memory and energy will inevitably be not as good as before.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Even if the director and actors were very considerate of her, they said it didn’t matter even if it was retaken many times, they could just shoot it sentence by sentence. But Roland still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, and always felt that she was a burden to the crew.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Although many people are reluctant to let Teacher Luo Lan retire, they are also worried about her health. Judging from the voice and demeanor of her speech, she is still very clear-headed and does not have Alzheimer's disease , but memory loss is indeed not a good sign.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

In addition to his poor memory, Roland also suffered severe injuries to his knees. A few years ago, she revealed that she had a knee replacement operation. The pain was unbearable but she still insisted on going to the set to film. She was very dedicated.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Roland has never had children in her life, but she has a high status in the industry and has a good relationship with Andy Lau and others.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

She also accepted Louis Koo as her godson. The two are not biological but better than biological.

Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 15, some media reported on the current situation of veteran TVB drama star Luo Lan, saying that she appeared alone in the hospital to arrange her own fu - DayDayNews

Teacher Luo Lan is an actor who is particularly respected by many people. She does not want to trouble others and goes to the hospital alone to arrange funeral arrangements. This is because of her upbringing. Even though she left no descendants, it is enough that she has so many excellent works. I wish Teacher Luolan good health and a long life!

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Author: Zhizhi


This article was originally created by Donfan Entertainment. Welcome to pay attention and help you gain knowledge together!

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