Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai

2024/06/2923:48:32 entertainment 1475

I guess Li Jing also didn’t expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Society , his words would come true again.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Guo Degang ’s assistant Wang Nan kept asking for gifts from fans during the live broadcast.

Someone raised doubts, and he directly responded.

is both curse and abuse, complaining that fans who don’t buy gifts are unloving and unworthy of being parents.

also mocked and said: "How poor are you all? You are still so poor that you can be confident...what about the pattern?"

Someone asked him: "If you are like this, won't Teacher Guo criticize you?".

Wang Nan directly asked: "Why are you talking about me? What's wrong with me?"

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Obviously, he did not think there was anything wrong with his behavior.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Nan also repeatedly emphasized his identity in the live broadcast room. I am afraid that others do not know that he is Guo Degang's assistant. After the video of

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

was exposed, the Internet was in an uproar.

is just asking for gifts, but he is also full of swear words and has a tyrannical attitude, which is really ugly.

Netizens criticized it one after another and called out Guo Degang and Deyun Society, hoping that they would deal with it as soon as possible.

Amidst the skepticism, some people asserted that Deyun Society will definitely adopt a "one size fits all" approach.

Sure enough, Deyunshe soon responded through the media, saying that Wang Nan had been expelled from Deyunshe for serious violation of company discipline.

In other words, he quickly distanced himself from Wang Nan.

At this time, only 18 days have passed since Deyun Club fired Chen Xiaohua .

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

In less than 20 days, the inappropriate words and deeds of two people in a row caused controversy. One is Guo Degang's disciple, and the other is Guo Degang's assistant.

Even though Deyunshe handled the matter in a timely manner and cleared the relationship, it was still questioned.

As for Guo Degang himself, he cannot stay out of the matter.

Accusations against him have been rising one after another on the Internet.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

In fact, as early as 12 years ago, Li Jing once said that if Guo Degang did not hire professional managers to manage Deyun Club, the vicious cycle would definitely continue.

That was the first time Li Jing publicly commented on Guo Degang after leaving Deyun Club.

He believes that Guo Degang is diligent and persistent in cross talk, but no one is perfect, and Guo Degang is not good at organization and management.

has specialization in the art industry. Li Jing suggested that Guo Degang hire professional and high-end talents to manage Deyun Club.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

At that time, the host Li Jing nodded repeatedly, thinking that Li Jing's suggestion was very friendly.

I don’t know if Guo Degang listened to Li Jing’s words. Anyway, starting from 2010, Deyun Club began to “restructure”.

Before, Deyunshe was managed like a family workshop. After the restructuring, it implemented corporate management. The company and the actors implemented a contract system, that is, signing a contract.

This management model is basically the same as other brokerage companies.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

For a while, everyone may not be able to adapt, but in the long run, it will definitely be beneficial to the development of Deyun Club.

Unfortunately, the system has been changed, but Guo Degang is still unable to fully implement the new system. In many cases, he still "relates only".

For example, he preached everywhere that Shaobing was his disciple, Luan Yunping was his beloved disciple;

For example, Zhang Yunlei was both his apprentice and Wang Hui's younger brother;

For example, according to seniority, Xie Jin is his uncle, and Wang Jiulong is his nephew;

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

These relationships create a harmonious scene in Deyun Society, but at the same time, contradictions and conflicts with the new system will inevitably occur.

It's fine that nothing happens at ordinary times, but if there is any trouble, it will be difficult for Guo Degang and Deyun Society to completely separate the relationship.

Take Chen Xiaohua as an example.

He has not been a disciple for a long time, and his performance in Deyun Club is not particularly outstanding. At most, he and Guo Degang have the title of master and apprentice.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Usually there may be very few opportunities to see Guo Degang, let alone Guo Degang to teach him.

But because Deyun Club has always regarded "mentor-disciple relationship" as a marketing gimmick, it was difficult for Guo Degang to escape unscathed when Chen Xiaohua's accident happened.

After all, in the public perception, it is the laziness of a teacher who does not teach strictly. Chen Xiaohua is Guo Degang's apprentice to the outside world.

Who knows whether you two meet each other on a regular basis, who cares whether you have the opportunity to teach.

When something happened, it was because Master failed to teach him well. To sever the relationship across the board is to shirk responsibility.

As for Wang Nan, he is indeed not Guo Degang's apprentice, but he is definitely not just Guo Degang's assistant.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Privately, he calls Guo Degang his uncle, and Guo Degang's manager Wang Hai his uncle.

Externally, he is a partner of Deyun Club. Actors of Deyun Club are prohibited from live streaming, but Wang Nan can sell Deyun Club peripherals on the e-commerce platform.

Moreover, Guo Degang also personally promoted the red wine sold by Wang Nan.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Even Wang Nan can get the brand authorization of Deyunshe's cosmetics.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

There are various signs that Wang Nan and Guo Degang have an unusual relationship. He brought goods in the live broadcast room and sold goods on the e-commerce platform, and Deyunshe and Guo Degang acquiesced.

not only acquiesces, but also supports it very much.

If there is a problem in a relationship like this, Deyun Club will make a decision to expel him in a pretentious manner, which will definitely be difficult to convince the public.

Not only that, Wang Nan has a "heavy criminal record".

Taking advantage of Zhang Yunlei's popularity, cutting off fans of Deyun Club, and swearing in the live broadcast room many times...

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

These are all "frozen three feet, not cold in a day".

Even the video of the live broadcast of swearing that was exposed took place more than a month ago.

During this period, fans repeatedly called out Deyunshe and Guo Degang, but they ignored them.

If Wang Nan hadn't been on the hot search this time, I'm afraid she would have continued to "act randomly" on the Internet.

Just imagine, if Guo Degang’s relationship with Chen Xiaohua and Wang Nan was just an ordinary boss and employee, would he still be affected?

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

The answer is obvious.

Deyun Club has indeed been restructured, but Guo Degang is reluctant to let go of some old things.

Therefore, every time something happens to a disciple or an employee, it is difficult for him to deal with it internally, and he is affected by it externally. He is "attacked from both sides" and is in a dilemma.

As long as you pay attention to Deyun Club, you will know that it is not just Chen Xiaohua and Wang Nan who have had problems with Deyun Club in recent years.

Before, because Deyunshe was very popular and had the right to speak, the public opinion fermented for a while and then passed.

But today's Deyun Society is in an extremely sensitive period.

If you are not careful, it may be a "catastrophe".

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

Facts have proved that Li Jing was right, and Guo Degang's management ability is still lacking.

He is an excellent cross talk actor, but he is not a qualified manager.

Perhaps, he should really seriously consider hiring professional talents to manage the company.

Or maybe he should completely put down those old things, stop "relationship-only" and strengthen company management. Otherwise, we don't know when this vicious cycle will end.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest. It is impossible for Guo Degang not to understand this truth.

Instead of trying to fix the problem every time and getting rid of it when something goes wrong, it is better to eliminate the hidden danger from the root.

Li Jing probably didn't expect that 12 years after leaving Deyun Club, his words would come true again. Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan kept asking fans for gifts during the live broadcast. When someone raised doubts, he responded directly. They are cursing and insulting, complai - DayDayNews

It is difficult to start a business and even harder to keep a business. If Guo Degang does not make up his mind, Deyun Club may one day follow in the footsteps of Benshan Media .

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