In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book "Days". After Chen Kaige broke up, he got married to his beloved wife and gave birth to two sons. However, his family life has been controversial in recent years.

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"This is a time when I have no self-esteem and lose myself."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented for the first time on her emotional past with Chen Kaige in her new book "Days".

The two had been together for 5 years, but in the end it ended with Chen Kaige turning around and marrying Chen Hong.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

After Chen Kaige broke up, he got married to his young wife and gave birth to two sons after the marriage. In recent years, his family life has been controversial.

Ni Ping also met her husband after getting over her pain. However, after she remarried and became a mother, she experienced torture from her family every day.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

"If there is a next life, I don't want parents, children, or family."

Ni Ping said this in an interview program, which made people feel sad.

Ni Ping and Chen Kaige have been separated for 26 years now. What are their respective life situations like?

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Ni Ping was born in Weihai, Shandong Province. At that time, she still followed her father's surname "Liu" and was called Liu Ping.

As long as she can remember, her parents have often quarreled over trivial matters in life.

When she was 10 years old, her parents eventually divorced due to emotional discord, and she lived with her mother.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Her father completely withdrew from her life at that time and never appeared again.

Liu Ping has low self-esteem and sensitive personality due to family reasons.

When she grew up, she changed her name to "Ni Ping". She never wanted to have anything to do with her father.

When Ni Ping was in school, she was unexpectedly invited to participate in the filming of the movie " Mountain Chrysanthemum ", and she fell in love with acting ever since.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Before this, she had never thought that she would become an actor, but this performance made her completely interested in acting.

In the days that followed, Ni Ping often studied acting in her spare time, and her dream gradually tilted toward becoming an actor.

After graduating from middle school, Ni Ping was admitted to Shandong Art College and was assigned to work in Shandong Theater after graduation.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Because of her outstanding appearance and excellent acting ability, she became a "leading actress" not long after working in the theater.

Although her salary was not much during her years in the theater, Ni Ping accumulated a lot of experience.

But her life is not limited to this. By chance, her life began to develop from an actress to a host.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In 1988, Ni Ping participated in the Qingdao TV Spring Festival Gala as a guest.

Her confident and high-spirited appearance on the stage attracted the attention of the CCTV director sitting in the audience, who invited Ni Ping to work at CCTV.

Ni Ping was transferred to CCTV from then on and served as the host of business programs.

When Ni Ping first joined CCTV, Chen Kaige was already a well-known director in the industry.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Chen Kaige is 7 years older than Ni Ping and graduated from Beijing Film Academy .

In 1984, he shot his first personal film " Yellow Earth " and won the Silver Leopard Award at the 38th Locarno International Film Festival.

He became famous for a while, and when his career was on the rise, he met the first important woman in his life, Hong Huang.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Hong Huang came from a famous family and graduated from a prestigious university. It can be said that it is more than enough to stand with Chen Kaige, who was slightly successful at the time.

Chen Kaige and Hong Huang appreciated each other's talents and fell in love and lived together in 1987. During

, Chen Kaige went to the United States to study, but because he had no formal status, he only studied abroad for two years and faced the problem of being unable to study.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In order to help Chen Kaige tide over the difficulties, Hong Huang obtained a marriage license with him in the United States.

But the marriage between the two lasted less than two years, and Hong Huang filed for divorce from Chen Kaige due to personality differences.

The reason was that Chen Kaige was recruiting actors for a new drama, and he was very optimistic about Xu Qing, who had just debuted at the time.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

During the filming process, he and Xu Qing often communicated about the plot, and Hong Huang felt very uncomfortable after seeing it.

Although Hong Huang wanted to reason, her family background did not allow her to act like a "shrew", so she chose to divorce.

Chen Kaige expressed regret for this marriage. During that time, he was almost at the lowest point in his life.

The appearance of Ni Ping reignited Chen Kaige's life.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In 1991, Ni Ping had become the host of CCTV's " variety show ".

She had just broken up with the well-known sketch actor Guo Da at that time. The reason was that she was opposed by Guo Da's mother.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

After breaking up, Ni Ping was in a vacant period, and it was at this time that Chen Kaige broke into her life.

During the recording of the program, Chen Kaige was attracted by Ni Ping, who was beautiful, generous and well-spoken.

The two often review scripts together in private because of the recording of the program.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Chen Kaige's heart unknowingly went to Ni Ping, and then he launched a fierce pursuit of Ni Ping.

Ni Ping lacked the feeling of being loved because she grew up in a single-parent family.

faced the pursuit of Chen Kaige, who was 7 years older than herself, and she quickly fell under his sweet words.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Not long after the two got together, they started living together.

Chen Kaige once revealed to Ni Ping that he was a "non-marriage advocate" and hoped that Ni Ping could accept his point of view.

"A Ping, our relationship should not be bound by a marriage contract. Love is free, not full of shackles and constraints."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Because she deeply loves Chen Kaige, Ni Ping gradually accepted the other party's condition of not getting married.

Although her boyfriend Chen Kaige did not give her an identity, she always took care of her partner's life as a "wife" while living together.

Before meeting Chen Kaige, Ni Ping's life was more about career than life, but after falling in love, her life was completely turned upside down.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

She focuses on life and occasionally slacks off in her career.

At the end of 1994, Chen Kaige's father Chen Huai'ai died unexpectedly of lung cancer.

After Ni Ping learned the news, she put down all her work, asked for leave from her work unit, and hurried to Chen's house.

Chen Kaige was very tired from filming movies at that time, and coupled with the shock of his father's death, he really couldn't spare the energy to prepare for his father's funeral.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Ni Ping felt sorry for her boyfriend, so she took over all the matters at the funeral.

From the preparation of items to the funeral, she has to personally check every detail.

This is not only love for Chen Kaige, but in her heart, Chen Kaige's family has long been her family.

Under Ni Ping's management, Chen's father's funeral was successfully held.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

After she finished handling all the matters, she was already in a state of extreme fatigue.

But when facing her boyfriend Chen Kaige, she will still put on her best look because she doesn't want to spread any negative energy to her boyfriend.

At that time, Chen Kaige's family also subconsciously regarded Ni Ping as the future daughter-in-law of the Chen family.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Although Ni Ping still regrets that Chen Kaige is an "unmarried person", she has been greatly satisfied when she sees the Chen family's affirmation of her.

No one expected that Ni Ping’s passion would be rewarded by Chen Kaige’s “betrayal”.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

During the filming of Chen Kaige's new movie "风月", Ni Ping visited the crew as his girlfriend.

She often heard on the set that Chen Kaige and actress Chen Hong were too close.

At first, she just tentatively asked Chen Kaige: "What's going on between you and Chen Hong?"

And Chen Kaige always used "rumors" to reassure Ni Ping.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Ni Ping was afraid that her boyfriend would be angry if she asked too many questions, so she did not continue to pester her.

Until one day, a woman rang her doorbell.

Chen Hong informed Ni Ping that she was pregnant with Chen Kaige's child and hoped that Ni Ping could withdraw voluntarily.

After hearing the news, Ni Ping was in confusion. She could not accept this dramatic fact.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

She looked at Chen Hong's belly and said "This is not true" over and over in her heart.

But when she found Chen Kaige and heard him agree to this matter, she could no longer hold back her inner emotions.

Ni Ping dragged her tired body back home, recalling every bit of the past, she seemed like a clown.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Not long after the breakup, Ni Ping saw the news on the news that Chen Kaige and Chen Hong registered their marriage in the United States.

Ni Ping couldn't laugh or cry, why should their emotions be based on her pain?

After her friend learned about it, he rushed to her side to comfort her.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

With a tearful voice, Ni Ping looked at the news of Chen Kaige's marriage registration, and said tremblingly: "He is not an unmarried person, he just doesn't want to marry me."

html The relationship of 2005 ended in this way.

Ni Ping was immersed in sadness and could not come out for a long time.

She later described her relationship with Chen Kaige in the book "Days": "This was a time when I had no self-esteem and lost myself."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In the same year, she met the then "" through the introduction of a friend. Wang Wenlan, director of the photography department of China Daily .

Ni Ping was 37 years old that year, and Wang Wenlan was 43 years old. Both of them had passed their prime years.

Compared with love, what they value each other more is whether they are suitable for each other.

After the two got together for a while, they confirmed their relationship.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In 1997, Ni Ping and Wang Wenlan entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, Wang Wenlan was very good to Ni Ping, using love to slowly help her heal the gap in her heart.

In 1999, 40-year-old Ni Ping gave birth to a son for Wang Wenlan, despite the risk of being an advanced maternal child, named "Huzi ".

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Ni Ping originally thought that life would go on like this, but Huzi was found to have congenital cataracts.

This was a fatal blow to Ni Ping.

In order to treat her children, Ni Ping decided to quit her job as a host.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

The Spring Festival was approaching at that time, and the station had already arranged for her and Zhao Zhongxiang to host the Spring Festival Gala that year.

After much thought, Ni Ping decided to spend the Spring Festival with the audience for the last time.

During the Spring Festival Gala that year, she used an impassioned tone on the stage and counted down happily with the audience.

And only she knew how much suffering she was feeling at this moment.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

After the Spring Festival Gala, she bid farewell to the CCTV stage and embarked on the long road of seeking medical treatment.

At that time, the domestic medical conditions were not very developed.

Ni Ping and Hu Zi traveled to various places seeking medical treatment, but to no avail.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

When she was most tired and in need of comfort, her husband Wang Wenlan was by her side, comforting her fragile heart.

Although Huzi suffers from congenital eye diseases, he has been lively and active like other children since he was a child.

After playing for a day, he fell asleep, but the elderly Ni Ping couldn't stand the trouble and could only wait for her husband to come home and change shifts.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Although Wang Wenlan takes care of Huzi at night, Ni Ping will wake up from her sleep every time Huzi makes a sound.

As a mother, Ni Ping is great.

When she took Huzi to seek medical treatment, she often received letters from viewers, some of which left a deep impression on her.

"Other women are mothers, but they are not as serious as you. They give up everything except their husbands and children and disappear from the audience's sight. I am really sorry for the audience."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

This sentence was deeply rooted in Ni Ping's mind. Why didn't she want to start again? Return to the stage that is in my heart, and return to the audience.

But she knew that her son needed her help and companionship even more.

After traveling around many places, Ni Ping learned from a doctor that there was a hospital in the United States that met the conditions for surgery.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

From that time on, Ni Ping led Huzi to travel between China and the United States.

But facing the expensive surgery fee, Ni Ping was worried again.

After much thought, she decided to bring her mother to the United States to accompany Huzi, while she herself returned to China to film movies to earn medical expenses.

Those few years were the most difficult period in Ni Ping’s life.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Her husband Wang Wenlan also collapsed several times, and finally filed for divorce from Ni Ping.

Ni Ping did not have time to be sad, she had to work hard to make money to pay for her medical expenses.

She often looked outside alone on the balcony late at night, recalling every bit of the past.

When she couldn't talk about her worries, writing a diary became her only way to vent.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

She wrote down what she felt and thought on paper, letting the diary replace her grief, but she still had to wipe her tears and move forward with a heavy burden.

When she was most helpless, the appearance of a man gave her hope in her life again.

That man is called Yang Yazhou. He is a well-known male director in China and has collaborated with Ni Ping many times.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

After Ni Ping experienced failed relationships, she had no time to meet new people, and Yang Yazhou's persistence gradually warmed Ni Ping's heart. Everyone in the

circle knew that Ni Ping was at a low point in her life at that time. It was Yang Yazhou who pulled Ni Ping out of the abyss step by step and comforted her when she needed care most.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Ni Ping was gradually moved by Yang Yazhou and agreed to the other party's confession.

In 2005, the two registered their marriage in a low-key manner at the Civil Affairs Bureau. There was no wedding or banquet.

After getting married, Ni Ping continued to be busy with Huzi's treatment. She didn't know when the end would come, so she could only pray for a miracle day after day.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Until one day in 2012, Ni Ping took Huzi to the hospital for examination again.

"Every review is the most nervous time for me, because you never know what the result will be."

At that time, she brought Huzi to the doctor. After checking, the doctor said to Ni Ping:

"Waiting for you. Let's check again when we get married."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

These words made Ni Ping break her guard instantly. She took her son to seek medical treatment for more than ten years and finally defeated the disease.

Ni Ping held her son in front of the ward and said excitedly: "Son, how about you wait until you are 60 before getting married? Mom will never want to come to the hospital again."

In 2014, Ni Ping returned to the CCTV stage to host the emotional series The program " is waiting for me ".

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

She looked much more haggard. The hardships she had endured for her children over the years were unimaginable to ordinary people.

Ni Ping finally made it through the clouds and saw the moonlight, and returned to normal life with Yang Yazhou and Huzi.

How will Chen Kaige and Chen Hong live after they get married?

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In 1996, Chen Hong registered her marriage with Chen Kaige in the United States because of her pregnancy.

Chen Kaige made a bowl of braised pork for Chen Hong to celebrate their marriage.

This reminds many people that when Chen Kaige and Ni Ping were together, Ni Ping would mostly cook.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

And Chen Kaige would cook for Chen Hong, which made many people feel sorry for Ni Ping.

They also suffered from controversy after they got married, because their relationship was based on Ni Ping's pain.

Chen Hong once responded to this matter: "Each of us has the right to choose happiness. When Chen Kaige and I were together, he was single, so there is no such thing as destroying other people's families."

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Chen Kaige did not do much about this. He said that when things got to this point, he could do nothing but feel sorry for Ni Ping.

After Chen Hong registered her marriage with Chen Kaige, she gradually left the entertainment industry and concentrated on being the woman behind Chen Kaige.

At that time, Chen Kaige's movie shooting often exceeded the budget. In the most serious case, the entire capital chain was broken and he owed a debt.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

In the end, Chen Hong and Chen Kaige, the husband and wife, scraped together money to repay the money.

Chen Hong believed that cost control still had to be done by herself, so she began to transform and became the producer of Chen Kai's opera group.

She not only helps her husband attract sponsorship and investment, but also carefully monitors every expenditure of the crew.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

With Chen Hong helping Chen Kaige take care of things, Chen Kaige almost never had the shooting cost exceed the budget.

In 2016, Chen Kaige filmed the movie " The Legend of the Demon Cat ".

He wanted to create the feeling of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty", but he was afraid that the production cost of such a scene would be too high.

Chen Hong stayed up all night because of this, helping her husband carefully plan the costs step by step, and finally realized her husband's dream scene.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

At the celebration party of "The Legend of the Demon Cat", Chen Kaige couldn't drink, so Chen Hong drank it in one gulp on his behalf to express her feelings.

As a wife, Chen Hong can be said to have achieved the ultimate.

After her marriage, she gave birth to sons Chen Yuang and Chen Feiyu . She gave up her career for the sake of her family and became the strongest supporter behind Chen Kaige.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Although their relationship has been controversial to this day, in the hearts of the two of them, the past is nothing but clouds, and living the present is the real thing.

Ni Ping was unhappy after she broke up with Chen Kaige, and then her son "Hu Zi" with Wang Wenlan became a pain for her for half her life.

Fortunately, with her persistence, Huzi's illness finally recovered, and after she divorced Wang Wenlan, she met her true destination, Yang Yazhou.

In 1997, Ni Ping commented on her emotional past with Chen Kaige for the first time in her new book

Now she and Yang Yazhou have been married for 17 years. Although their lives are not full of passion, they are still living happily.

Two people who once loved each other now have a happy family.

Perhaps the grudges have become a cloud, and their hearts have long been relieved.

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