Recently, the TV series "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Homes" is currently on the air. There was a scene in the play about a vulgar marriage, which made everyone grit their teeth and get angry. On the wedding day of He Xingfu, played by Zhao Liying, her sister He Xingfu cam

2024/06/2920:32:32 entertainment 1282

Recently, the TV series

Recently, the TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" is currently on the air.

In the play, there was a scene about a vulgar marriage, which made everyone grit their teeth and get angry.

On the day of the wedding of He Xingfu, played by Zhao Liying , her sister He Xingfu came to see her off.

During the wedding banquet, He Xingxun was surrounded by the guests Wan Chuanjia and others, who encouraged him to drink in the name of making a happy wedding. Not only did he violently snatch away He Xuxun's mobile phone, but he also touched him, just like a local gangster.

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Screenshot of "Happiness Comes to Wanjia"

Seeing that Lucky was unwilling to submit, Wan Chuanjia directly collaborated with the brothers and forced her into the house.

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Screenshots from "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses"

A group of grown men kept groping her, forcibly kissing her, and even tore her clothes to pieces, doing all they could to humiliate her.

Midway through, although He Xuxun's shouts attracted his brother-in-law, Wan Chuanjia insisted that he was just having a wedding trouble and it was no big deal, and then continued his evil deeds.

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Screenshot of "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses"

The farce didn't stop until He Xingfu heard his sister's cry for help, kicked open the door, picked up a small stool and threw it at Wan Chuanjia's head.

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Screenshot of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families"

Faced with the humiliation suffered by the bride's sister, her husband's family persuaded He Xingfu not to take it to heart. Instead, they blamed her for being too harsh and should take the initiative to apologize to Wan Chuan's family.

Mother-in-law He Xingfu: "What's wrong with that? Go out and ask around. Last time the Shicai family got married, they tied the father-in-law and daughter-in-law together and rode a donkey. They all suffered, so why can't you stand it anymore?"

It turns out , all this is just a harmless "history" in the eyes of the local villagers. After all, more extreme things often happen.

On the contrary, He Xingfu overreacted, which ruined the face of the villagers, and she was ostracized by the whole village.

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Screenshots of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families"

After watching several episodes, the Chinese girl was so angry that her blood pressure soared. It was obviously the fault of the marriage troublemaker, but why was it the one who was bullied who suffered the humiliation?

Many viewers also expressed that they felt psychological and physical discomfort after watching it: "This is not a joke, this is a naked crime!"

In fact, drama comes from life. In real life, some marriages are so bad that they are It is definitely worse than that, and the tragedies it has caused abound.

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A similar thing happened in Taizhou, Shandong Province in 2003.

Han Li, a 16-year-old girl at the time, was invited to be a bridesmaid for a friend. Xiaoli, who has been outstanding in appearance since she was a child, has a large number of suitors in school.

At the wedding scene, in order to add joy, Xiaoli dressed up carefully and looked even more beautiful. It was a good thing at first, but unexpectedly it brought her nightmare-like memories.

According to local customs, the groomsmen who are welcoming the bride can make a little noise among the bridesmaids to liven up the atmosphere.

After arriving at the pick-up location, several groomsmen saw that Xiaoli was particularly outstanding, so they had their own thoughts and pulled her directly into a room, locked the door and took advantage of her.

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This move directly scared Xiaoli to tears. She kept shouting that she hoped the other party would stop.

However, Xiaoli’s shouts had no effect, and several people still touched her. When people outside heard Xiaoli's cry for help, they didn't come to stop her. They just thought it was a few young people having fun and adding to the atmosphere of the wedding.

After a long time, several people felt that they had made enough noise and walked out of the room with satisfaction, leaving Xiaoli alone in the room crying for a long time.

After returning home, Xiaoli told her parents everything about the incident. Xiaoli’s parents were very angry and immediately came to the groom’s house to ask for an explanation.

However, in the face of the accusations from Xiaoli’s parents, the groom’s family felt that they were making a fuss out of a molehill, saying that local customs were just like this. Since Xiaoli came to participate, she should know the rules and there was no need to take it seriously.

Seeing that the other party’s attitude was so unreasonable, Xiaoli’s family called the police directly in anger. Several people involved in the marriage fracas were also punished by law.

Although the bad guys were punished, the harm caused to Xiaoli could not be eliminated for a long time. Her parents took her to see many psychiatrists before she could slowly let go of her worries.

Xiaoli said that she would never be a bridesmaid again.

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Screenshot of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses"

There are also some weddings that have no bottom line and directly turn the wedding scene into the scene of sexual assault.

In 2008, in Longhu Town, Zhengzhou, Henan, the bride Li invited her best friend Li Shasha to attend her wedding.

The beautiful and righteous Li Shasha became the "prey" of marriage troublemakers because she tried her best to protect the bride during the wedding.

Soon after the banquet, Li Shasha was dragged to a room by a group of grown men. First, her clothes were stripped off, and then she was molested and sexually assaulted.

Li Shasha shouted with all her strength, but the wedding scene was too noisy, and no one took the wedding trouble seriously, so no one paid attention to her despair inside.

It wasn’t until the bride found out that her best friend had disappeared for a long time, that something was wrong, and called the police to rescue Li Shasha.

After police investigation, it was found that the four men involved in the case, the oldest was 22 years old and the youngest was only 19 years old.

They said they did something stupid while drunk, but it was too late and all four were sentenced.

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And the harm they brought to Li Shasha will take a lifetime to heal.

The so-called marriage trouble is actually the violation of women in a seemingly legitimate name, but it is just a fig leaf for some people's indecent and obscene behavior.

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Marriage troubles not only hurt women, but in some places, the groom is the main target of the troubles.

Some even go too far, turning a happy event into a funeral.

February 6, 2013, was originally an unforgettable and happy day for Wang Hui and Li Ruijia . After a long journey of love, the two finally entered the palace of marriage.

But a marriage dispute ruined everything.

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There is a custom in the Shanxi countryside where Li Ruijia is located, that is, the groom will be beaten on the wedding day, which means that the bad luck of the two people will be taken away, and the future will be happy.

But basically they are just for fun and to get some luck, and they will not actually do anything serious.

On the wedding day, Li Ruijia followed the custom and accepted the "beating" from everyone.

Some people were using their hands, while others were holding sticks. The scene was very chaotic for a time.

Li Ruijia was beaten for more than half an hour before everyone stopped. At this time, Li Ruijia's face was flushed and her body was already feeling uncomfortable. But everyone didn't notice it and let Li Ruijia carry the bride home.

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After the banquet started, Li Ruijia was pulled to toast again. He was drunk in turn until he was half drunk and half unconscious.

It wasn’t until the banquet was over that Li Ruijia returned to her new house to rest.But then his brothers got in again, feeling that they had not caused enough trouble during the day, and gave him a new round of beatings.

From 8 pm to 11 pm, the brothers never came out. Li Ruijia's screams could be heard from inside, which made the bride outside the house tremble with fear.

Although the family members wanted to go in and stop them, they were stopped by the bridesmaid, "It's just for good luck."

It was not until midnight that a group of people left the new house after being tired.

After Wang Hui entered the house, she saw her husband lying on the bed, breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and his face turned blue and red.

Wang Hui was so frightened that she wanted to send him to the hospital, but Li Ruijia said it was okay, just take a rest.

Early the next morning, Wang Hui woke up and found that her husband was motionless and did not respond no matter how he called.

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The family rushed Li Ruijia to the hospital. After more than 40 days of rescue in ICU, Li Ruijia still stopped breathing.

In the end, the four friends who participated in the beating of Li Ruijia were sentenced for manslaughter and paid 370,000 yuan in compensation.

All four of them regretted their actions. However, no matter how they repented, their friends would never come back. A good family was torn apart, leaving irreparable pain.

And all of this, in the final analysis, is caused by the so-called marriage trouble.

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"Marriage trouble" has a history of thousands of years in China.

Originally, the custom of wedding banquet was to bring the newlyweds closer together so that they would not be embarrassed by each other.

In ancient times, marriage relied on the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers.

Because of this custom of blind marriage and mute marriage, most newlyweds do not know each other.

Especially for the bride, after arriving in a strange husband's house, she not only has to take care of the housework, but also has to look after her husband and raise her children, serve her parents-in-law, and maintain the relationship between the family, which is a big challenge.

In order for the bride to integrate into her husband's family as soon as possible, the custom of wedding trouble came into being.

On the wedding day, wedding banquets can temporarily let go of some ethical constraints, ease the embarrassment of newlyweds through small games, enhance mutual feelings, and increase mutual dependence.

was originally a custom that was full of humanity and expressed beautiful meanings. However, today, wedding troubles have unknowingly changed.

I don’t even know when it started, but vulgar marriages have become a common phenomenon, constantly challenging the bottom line of the public.

At a wedding in Yancheng, Jiangsu, a father-in-law kissed his daughter-in-law in public after being drunk. The scene was unbearable to watch.

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In Zhoukou, Henan, a groom was tied to a telephone pole with tape. People kept pouring coke, soy sauce, sauce, etc. on him, and even made him drink the mixed sauce.

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In Tengzhou, Shandong Province, a groom who was stripped down to his red underwear was suspended in mid-air by a crane. People on the ground kept spraying him with high-pressure water cannons.

The groom was then tied to a tree. Not only did everyone cuckold him, they also threw raw eggs at him.

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Humiliation, beating, molestation, sexual assault...these bottomless behaviors in marriage are deeply disgusting.

On the other hand, the voice of rejecting vulgar marriages is getting louder and louder, and more and more places are introducing laws to prevent and crack down on vulgar marriages.

In 2021, Guizhou Majiang County issued an initiative calling for the rejection of vulgar marriage troubles;

Shandong Zaozhuang put down harsh words, and will deal with it seriously as long as it finds vulgar marriage troubles;

Shandong Zouping supported those who were victims of marriage troubles. , if you feel any discomfort, you can call the police, and the public security organs will investigate the responsibility according to law.


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Of course, rejecting vulgar marriages requires not only the law, but also the efforts of each of us.

You can neither be an accomplice of vulgar marriage troubles nor sit back and let it go.

A wedding banquet that starts a better life should not be ruined by bottomless wedding troubles. Text/song

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