Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light.

2024/07/0201:08:33 entertainment 1776

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam , but she couldn't register. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light.

The person who impersonated her was none other than the rich and beautiful lady of Secretary Wan’s family.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

A full ten years have passed. If Xiuyu successfully went to college, she should have a good job in the city now. This is not only a transcript that has been replaced by , but also tampered with other people's lives!

With the revelation of this incident, the truth and unbearability of many human natures have emerged nakedly before our eyes.

In order for his younger sister to go to college, Chuanjia did not hesitate to use his connections and means to let Chuanmei go to college instead of Xiuyu.

Chuanjia and Chuanmei are undoubtedly extremely selfish villains, but in order to atone for their sins, Chuanjia hired Xiuyu to work in Wanjiazhuang with a high salary. Even when the Wanjia and Wang families were at their most tense, he did not touch Xiuyu. Even if he has a little bit of jade, he can be regarded as having some conscience.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

Although Wan Shan Tang covered the sky with one hand in Wanjiazhuang, he was still upright. After learning that his children had done such despicable things, he was furious.

But after all, it was his own child. In order to atone for his sins, Wan Shan Tang did not hesitate to put down his dignity and kneel down to apologize to the Wang family.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

From this incident and the marriage incident, we can see that even though Wan Shan Tang is overbearing, he is still very clear about right and wrong.

The Wang family's parents had nothing to say. They had swallowed their anger all their lives. Even if their daughter had been greatly wronged, under the power of the Wan family, Wang Youde and his wife habitually succumbed.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

They felt that 10 years had passed since this incident, and the Wang family would continue to survive in Wanjiazhuang, so they wanted to take the money and make Xiuyu turn a blind eye and tolerate it.

In this matter, there is another person whose performance is disgraceful, and this person is lucky.

Chuanjia wanted to settle the matter and asked Lucky to write a letter of understanding. Lucky was also very angry at first and felt that Wanjia was bullying others too much. However, under the temptation of Wanchuanjia's interests, she still bowed her head. She carried Happiness on her back and did An accomplice of the Wan Chuan family in committing evil.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

After receiving the instigation of Lawyer Han from Lucky and becoming the legal consultant of Wanjia Group, the balance of her humanity has been tilted. Compared with justice and dignity, interests are what she cares about most at the moment.

In the big dye vat of real society, luck and misfortune are contaminated with dirty things. Even if happiness, the "goddess of justice", is there to teach her, it will be difficult for her to clean herself up.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

What makes me most angry about this matter is not luck, but Wang Qingzhi.

Knowing that her parents would not support her, Xiuyu thought of her second brother, Qingzhi, who was already successful.

She originally thought that her second brother was knowledgeable and knowledgeable and would uphold justice for her. Unexpectedly, Qingzhi also vented his anger on her parents and asked Xiuyu to accept the reality.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

Qingzhi is Xiuyu’s second brother, the person Xiuyu admires and trusts the most. She cried and ran to her second brother to seek justice for herself. Unexpectedly, the response she got was the same, just bear with it.

Secondly, Qingzhi is the most educated and worldly person in the Wang family. How could he not know how profound the impact of going to school is on a child in the mountains?

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

He himself had gone through the mountains by going to school and changed his fate against the odds. However, his own sister was deprived of such an opportunity in life, but he calmly let her endure it.

Qingzhi's attitude of not caring about himself at this time was in sharp contrast to his uncompromising attitude when fighting for his own interests.

Xingfu fought hard for 400,000 yuan in compensation. While she was arguing with Wanjia, Qingzhi didn't even see him. As soon as the money arrived, he came back and said he wanted to buy it in the city. house.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

Wang Youde and his wife gave him the bulk of 350,000 yuan at once, leaving only 50,000 yuan for Xingfu and the others. After all, this house should not belong to him alone.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

But when his brother and sister-in-law moved into a new house, which affected his relationship with Yani, he drove his brother and sister-in-law out of the house mercilessly.

Some people say that Qingzhi never asked his brother and sister-in-law to move out. This is where Qingzhi is cunning. He would never act like a bad person to his face.

He expressed his dislike for his brother and sister-in-law through Yani's mouth. He said in front of the whole family that Yani wanted to break up with me.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

One sentence made the Wang family feel like they were facing a formidable enemy. They immediately felt that Qinglai and Xingfu had disturbed the young couple's life and asked them to move away as soon as possible.

Happy Inn was on the right track and started to make profits. Qingzhi smelled the signs again. Although he didn't come forward, Queen Mother got the spirit.

She told Qing that she wanted to arrange for Luo Qingzhi's marriage and ask them to contribute some money.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

Qing Lai has been cowardly for more than thirty years. Perhaps under the influence of happiness, he also became hardened. He directly replied to his mother and said, if the money can't be moved, do I care less about him?

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

It seems that Qinglai can't stand his parents' favoritism anymore. He doesn't want to continue to be the stupid big brother who has been silently sacrificing.

was not helpful, but he was most active when it came to sharing the benefits. Qingzhi's sense of smell was extremely sharp.

When his own interests are not affected, Qingzhi always behaves very passively. For example, when Lucky was bullied, and this time Xiuyu was impersonated, because it was of no concern, he chose Mingzhe to protect himself.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

But when the benefits are right in front of him, even if they are not his own, Qingzhi will use his "ingenuity" to fight for them.

His most common method is to lobby his parents to let them fight for him, who makes him their favorite son.

Xiuyu wanted to apply for the accounting exam, but she couldn't apply for it. After checking, she found out that she had already passed the exam. From this, the fact that Xiuyu was impersonated to go to college came to light. - DayDayNews

Qingzhi, who seems to be the smoothest and most harmless, is actually the most calculating and scheming one.

But cleverness can lead to mistakes. If a person is too scheming, sooner or later his own calculations will backfire.

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