The focus of this sentence is on the word "positive", because once the heat has passed and the highest point of making others regret, it is impossible to ask for more compensation.

text | Aju

"The result is like this, we might as well actively strive for compensation!"

The focus of this sentence is on the word "active", because once it passes the heat, it passes the highest point of making others regret. , it is impossible to get more compensation. It has been ten years since Xiuyu was impersonated by Wan Chuanmei to attend college. Even if it is exposed, the 10 years stolen from Xiuyu cannot be made up, and the Wang family will completely turn against Secretary Wan's family.

This is the common thought of everyone in the Wang family, even Qingzhi, a graduate student who became the secretary of the deputy mayor. Otherwise, he would not directly persuade Xiuyu to seek compensation.

It is true that seeking compensation is the wisest and most realistic approach. It's just that people can only live like a walking zombie in this world. Apart from eating, drinking, sleeping, shouldn't they be a little bloody?

really understands Xiuyu’s anger and despair. None of her parents or highly educated people in her family supported her in seeking justice, not even a penny in compensation, even if she did not realize her wish to go to college. , causing both sides to lose. But isn’t it just for one’s breath to live?

I agree with Qingzhi's point of view, but I can't draw conclusions as lightly as he does. Reality is indeed cruel, and the most important thing smart people should do is to face reality and make themselves more and more realistic. But I would rather eat a bowl of poisonous chicken soup to satisfy my hunger, and I also want to get back the past that belongs to me.

Xiuyu’s family’s plan

When Xiuyu learned from Qingzhi that she had been admitted to college ten years ago, she took a knife from the kitchen and tried to kill Wan Chuanmei. Even though her parents stopped her, they still felt sorry for her. You can even feel the mother's love for her daughter from Xiuyu's mother's words, "Come back to find Qinglai."

However, the anger of her parents made the whole family, except Qingzhi, get together to discuss, Xiuyu's mother changed her mind. She didn't even look at the lifeless Xiuyu, but looked at Xiuyu's father and Qing Lai analyzed,

"As soon as this matter comes out, not only our family, but also Secretary Wan's family will be ruined. As soon as this matter is brought out, Wan Shantang's family will be forced to a dead end. You force him to a dead end." There is no room left. Do you think he is determined to fight against our family? Can our family be better than Wanjia?"

This sentence stopped Qing Lai, who wanted to seek justice, but reminded him. It’s Xiuyu’s dad. In fact, when I heard Xiuyu's mother say "room", she was already giving up. The Wang family has been a coward for several lifetimes. Even though Xiuyu and the others have grown up now, they are still the target of being bullied at any time in Wanjiazhuang.

Does Xiuyu’s mother make sense?

There is definitely a truth to this, and it fits her image as a rural woman who has been afraid of being bullied all her life, and is more in line with the attitude of everyone in the Wang family. Otherwise, Xiuyu would not take advantage of the moment when her parents were grieving for her and propose that if she could not get justice for her this time, she would not live.

However, within a few minutes, Xiuyu's parents had already changed their tune. If Qinglai hadn't been able to protect his rights through the law and asked Qingzhi to inquire in the city, the matter would have been concluded.

An even weirder scene happened not long after. Xiuyu’s mother shouted to Xiuyu through the door, “Xiuyu, I will kneel down for you. I will kneel down for you on behalf of our Wang family.” And how could Xiuyu really let her mother kneel down for her? It was nothing more than a tactic used by her parents to force her to submit.

Because Wanjia has promised to pay Xiuyu a one-time compensation of 300,000 yuan, and Xiuyu can not only be promoted in Wan's Group, but her salary will also increase accordingly. The Wang family felt that this was the best outcome. Even if Xiuyu didn't let go, her parents had already agreed.

I once read this sentence: Home is the home of tired birds, a harbor for wanderers, and the only place in the world that is the most affectionate and does not care about gains and losses.

Now I think this bowl of poisonous chicken soup is more suitable: The premise of family affection is respect, love must be clearly understood, and hatred must be clearly understood. Only by getting rid of the pastoral model of family relationships can modern families be more sustainable.

Xiuyu's parents never really thought about her, didn't understand what she wanted, and had no intention of protecting her rights. Because her parents only know that she is part of the family, but they do not know that she is also an independent individual.

The Wanchuanmei family's power and money transaction

Wanchuanmei came back anxiously, but the Wanchuanmei family comforted her sister and said, don't be afraid, there is still her brother here. However, this time it is not a simple dispute, but Wan Chuanmei secretly changed Xiuyu's life.

Sure enough, when Secretary Wan learned the truth, he was almost in grief. He kept repeating one sentence, "You are too courageous. Do you still have the law?" But he was reluctant to fight Chuanmei, and heirlooms were also unavailable. Continuously taking responsibility for himself, Secretary Wan took a feather duster and beat the heirloom hard.

During this period, Chuanmei not only failed to admit her mistakes, but kept complaining about what she would do for the rest of her life if the matter was exposed, while Chuanjia begged Secretary Wan to find a way to settle things. Until she heard that Secretary Wan asked Chuanmei to apologize and let the Wang family suffer, Chuanmei completely exploded and said that she could not apologize and that if she did not save her, she would die.

The furious Secretary Wan had no place to go, so he went straight to the grave of his wife who had passed away long ago, but he still felt that he was shameless, teaching a pair of children who dared to cover the sky with one hand. However, before he could figure out how to deal with it, news came to his family that Chuanmei had hanged himself, which almost killed Secretary Wan.

Seeing Chuanmei breathing weakly, Secretary Wan compromised again. He came to Wang's house with a shy face and apologized in person, even kneeling down. But I still asked not to expose the matter. The heirloom, who was watching Secretary Wan relent, was not idle either. He immediately found Lucky to draft a settlement document, with the Wan family's compensation written in black and white, and the Wang family's tight-lippedness.

On the day of the Wanjia transaction, both Xiuyu’s parents were there. Although the family members felt a little guilty, at this point, it was no longer a simple debt, but a true love between you and me. Money and power trading. The final result was a complete victory for Wanjia.

once heard such a saying, the world is fair. Justice and fairness may be late, but they will never be absent from class. Now I understand after seeing this scene: If you have money, you can make the devil push the mill, but if you have no money, the devil will not open the door. This is the right thing.

The reason why the Wan family brothers and sisters dare to seize other people's places unscrupulously is because they have a sense of superiority. You can use the second generation of officials to suppress people, and you can use the second generation of rich people to throw money at them. Although things also require a process, the direction of the wind will eventually be in their favor.

Qingzhi taught Xiuyu to accept his fate with money

Once upon a time, Xiuyu pinned his only hope on Qingzhi, because Qingzhi is a lucky man who can change his destiny with knowledge and best understands the obsession in the hearts of scholars, but Qingzhi directly persuaded him She took the money and resigned herself to her fate.

The resentful Xiuyu wiped away her tears and said decisively, "I understand, you want to sell me just like them. It was me who was born in this family and it was my unlucky fate."

Everyone in the Wang family can persuade Xiuyu Yu endured the humiliation, but Qingzhi was the only one who couldn't say the same. Because he is already the secretary of the deputy mayor and will be the official of one parent in the near future. Anyone who wants to survive in the official career for a long time cannot pay too much attention to money. Qingzhi's first reaction was: Since is like this, take the money.

Did Qingzhi never think about seeking justice for Xiuyu? He is the only person in the family who is closest to fairness. How can he have the heart to persuade others to accept unfairness? Doesn't he know why Xiuyu, a 28-year-old leftover woman, doesn't want to get married or talk about a partner, but still has to take the accounting qualification certificate ?

Xiuyu really couldn't get over this hurdle. She has been regretting it for ten years, and even wandered on the edge of life and death. I had been holding my breath for ten years, but when the truth came out, I couldn't get the support of my family.
Admittedly, it was difficult for Qing Lai to ask him to help find a job when he came to the city, but now things have changed, and there is no need for him to bend the law for personal gain.

I remember what Yani’s father said: when treating family members, you must give them some appropriate sweetness. After all, you cannot sever ties with family members. But Qingzhi was so stingy that he refused to give him any sweetness. First I offended my eldest brother, and then I had to cut off the relationship with my younger sister and pursue an official career. Is this the only path that my relatives don't recognize?
The wedding house was bought with money from the family, and the marriage had to be arranged by the parents. However, besides complaining and being coquettish, he really didn't consider his family at all. Will promising children be ungrateful?

did this bowl of poisonous chicken soup: A person's concept is the most difficult to change, and the change of concept depends on the atmosphere.

Qingzhi is a graduate student, but his views are still comparable to those of his family, and he is very happy to be in this cowardly atmosphere. How can a person destroy his own vested interests, let alone the only beneficiary?

Xiuyu ran away from home and was happy to seek justice.

The Wang family deliberately concealed Xiuyu's affairs from Xingfu, their daughter-in-law, because they were afraid of getting the 300,000 yuan, and because Xingfu's reasonable temperament would be disturbed. But Xiuyu finally asked Happiness for help. After learning everything, Happiness immediately expressed her stance, "Don't cry, my sister-in-law will help you seek justice."

Sometimes people are really sad when they are alive, because loved ones are meant to be hurt, and the only warmth is often given by outsiders.

Happiness first found his sister Lucky. Then he slapped Lucky in the face and scolded Lucky for doing anything unconscionable for money. She was lucky and innocent, after all, she was a lawyer and it was understandable that she served the interests of her client. It's just that the incident that Lucky participated in doesn't make sense. Later, Xingfu faced Wan Chuanjia, tore up the settlement letter in public, and said that he would seek justice through legal means.

Xiuyu can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because Xingfu has worked in a law firm for many years, and it is not difficult to seek justice.

However, Xiuyu has to face not only the Wan family, but also her own parents, because her parents will definitely try their best to persuade her to settle the matter in order not to offend Wan Shi. Regardless of the final outcome of this incident, it left an indelible impression on Xiuyu's heart and gave her a new definition of her family.

There is a related question on Zhihu: Was it common to imposter to go to college ten years ago? The answer with the most comments from

is that although it is not a common phenomenon, it must exist. Even if there were fingerprints as early as ten years ago, it still exists now.

In 2021, 37-year-old Chen Chunxiu found out that she was replaced in school. She did not receive any compensation at first. Later, she relied on public opinion, but not only did the Shandong University of Technology she was originally admitted to, did not provide her with any compensation. After regaining her admission qualifications, even her replacement Gou Jing didn't feel much guilt, and even continued to use her to whitewash herself.

However, even though Chen Chunxiu is already a mother of two children, she still sheds tears and hates the life that was stolen from her.

Some wounds, no matter how long it takes, still hurt when touched; for some people, no matter how long it takes, they still hurt when they think about it.

It is really difficult for time to take away the pain of the past. The reason why I kept silent is that I just chose to keep it in my heart and lick the wounds silently. Just like Xiuyu, she took the college entrance examination before 2000, and she was in a remote rural area. She could only wait for an admission notice. If she didn't wait, she didn't pass the exam. If she hadn't given up studying, she might have been confused for the rest of her life. In the dark, I will resent myself for not working hard enough for the rest of my life.

The little characters in " Happy to Ten Thousands of Homes " are very vivid. The coward is clear and the calculation is clear. The rich and powerful can use their power to bully others. The person who has changed their destiny wants to get rid of the original family the most. And those who have experienced the baptism of different environments are changing themselves step by step; those who insist on the truth have won the respect of everyone and won their own lives.

Many times, I wonder whether living in this world should go with the flow or stick to myself. Sometimes we feel that we think too much because we don’t have many opportunities to choose from. But now I feel that there is nothing wrong with reality when people live in the world, but we still cannot abandon things that should be persisted. After all, we are individuals, thinking, aware, and living people, like a rock or a cattail.