Sexless marriage has gradually become the standard for middle-aged marriages. According to surveys by relevant departments, as many as 25% of Chinese couples have sexless marriages, which means that on average one out of four couples is in a sexless marriage.

More and more couples regard "sleeping in separate rooms" as a trend. There is even a slogan circulating on the Internet: "First-class couples sleep in separate rooms, second-class couples sleep in separate beds, and third-class couples sleep in the same bed." In fact, the original meaning of this sentence is "Properly creating freshness and distance can promote The feelings of husband and wife." But among the couples around me who sleep in separate rooms, their feelings are getting weaker and weaker.

How long has it been since you had a full and enjoyable sex life? This question stumps many middle-aged couples. Sexless marriage has gradually become the standard for middle-aged marriages. According to surveys by relevant departments, as many as 25% of Chinese couples have sexless marriages, which means that on average one out of four couples is in a sexless marriage.

The pressure of life has overdrawn all our passions

In fact, I also have a deep understanding of this. As I grow older, I am overwhelmed by life. Especially as a working class, various "loans" such as housing loans and car loans have already overdrawn all our passions. When we get home from get off work, we don't want to do anything but just play with our mobile phones quietly, as many netizens shared: Use it to work from Monday to Friday, work overtime on Saturday, and lie down on Sunday.

The busy work has long worn away our desires. We have finally become a couple of the same style, and as we get along with each other, we gradually lose the slightest interest in the other half. Many people even think that a sexless life is the essence of middle-aged marriage. After all, we are so tired every day. Instead of trying our best to love, it is better to relax and play a game. Maybe in their minds, sex is only for the purpose of carrying on the family line. Since the task of reproducing offspring has been completed, sex should be done wherever it is cool and relaxing!

Chronic diseases are the main reasons for sexless marriages

In fact, there are many reasons for sexless marriages. Psychological factors such as excessive social, work, and life pressure, and uncoordinated daily husband and wife relationships are all among the reasons for sexless marriages. Male erections Dysfunction (ED) is another major cause of sexless marriages. Especially middle-aged men are particularly susceptible to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney insufficiency, high blood pressure, or hyperlipidemia, which are all primary diseases that cause ED.

According to relevant survey data, the prevalence of ED in patients with cardiovascular disease is 15%, that in patients with hypertension is 24.8%, and that in patients with diabetes is 23% to 25%. Moreover, patients who have been treated for chronic diseases have a higher incidence of ED, because some treatment drugs, during the course of taking them, will cause insufficient blood flow in the penile arteries to produce or maintain an erection.

Smoking and drinking are also the "culprits" of the absence of glory.

Many middle-aged men regard smoking and drinking as the main ways of living and decompressing. According to statistics, the prevalence of complete ED in smokers is 1.5 times that of non-smokers, because the nicotine in tobacco can directly stimulate the sympathetic ganglia, causing the small arteries to constrict and reduce the arterial blood flow during erection. At the same time, smoking can promote arteriosclerosis, increase the carbon dioxide content in the blood and the coagulation of the blood, which will lead to the occurrence of ED in the long run, especially smokers who smoke a lot and have smoked for a long time should pay special attention.

Many people believe that alcohol can improve sexual desire, but they need to be reminded that although a small amount of drinking can increase desire, excessive drinking will reduce erection and the quality of sex. According to relevant data, the incidence of ED among those who are heavy drinkers is three times that of non-alcoholics.

Where should the married life of middle-aged people go?

1. Reserve "space" for your married life

Treat issues such as children, work pressure, household chores, mortgage and car loans, dissatisfaction with each other, etc. gently. If the other person is someone you are willing to stay with for the rest of your life, then use a kind attitude to look at these things that keep each other away. When you are honest with each other and no longer regard these things as unsolvable problems, it will be possible to regain your feelings for each other. At the same time, reserve a specific moment and a specific space for your sex life. In this space and moment, you only focus on each other's feelings at the moment, and regard touching each other's true feelings as the most important thing at the moment of having a relationship. .

2. Reserve room for imagination for your married life.

The crisis of desire is actually a crisis of imagination. When we know our partner well enough or even too much, sex life becomes a formal communication process and we gradually lose interest in each other. And this kind of thing hidden behind familiarity and ignored for a long time is the bridge that supports the relationship between husband and wife. Try to create some little surprises in your life, try some novel things together, and let your other half discover your different charm.

3. Add support to your married life.

Be more patient with yourself and your partner and awaken excitement through stimulation, love words or lubricant. At the same time, you can also take some erection aid drugs as needed, such as: avanafil . It is a drug commonly used clinically to treat male ED. Avanafil improves the vascular status of cavernous body by inhibiting PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) in the body to ensure adequate blood supply for a period of time and improve erection hardness. Avanafil is absorbed very quickly after entering the human body. It only takes 15 minutes from taking the medicine to taking effect, which greatly helps couples improve sexual satisfaction.

Men's health is an important key to bridging a sexless marriage, but male compatriots cannot use the excuse of being stressed and busy with their careers to ignore the normal requirements of their lovers. The results of pursuing a better life are important, but the vigorous process of living is equally important. Therefore, if we meet our partner who has sexual needs, we must communicate seriously instead of sarcastically extinguishing the other person's passion. Sex can not only promote physical and mental health, but more importantly, it is the lubricant of a couple's relationship.

Just imagine, during the process of sex, the two people's bodies are in close contact, and both parties can feel the other's love for them without any obstacles. The pleasure transmitted from the nerve endings of the lower body gradually rises, as if flying in the clouds. That wonderful feeling may be why people pursue it desperately and try to capture it firmly. This is also the reason why drugs such as avanafil remain popular on the market. Finally, I want to say to every couple that preventing the breakdown of a relationship can start by trying to restore a harmonious sex life #dailyhealth tips#

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