It is a good thing for a person to be sensible, but if he is too sensible, it will make people feel distressed. No one is born a good and sensible child. Only acquired experience and experience.

It is a good thing for a person to be sensible, but if he is too sensible, it will make people feel distressed. No one is born a good and sensible child. Only acquired experience and experience.

Colleague Mia is a sensible young person born in 1985. She is quiet and doesn’t talk much. She likes to rush to do things, including ordering food and going downstairs to pick up express delivery. At first, no one assigned her to do these things, but later, she did If there are too many, it will naturally become her job. We will shout at our work stations: Mia, help me get the express delivery, Mia will help me copy this document. She readily agreed every time and dealt with our needs in a timely manner without any complaints.

“She is a very nice person”, this is the unanimous answer our leaders asked about her future after the internship. Therefore, to a certain extent, we are not particularly grateful for her contribution regardless of salary during this period. We believe that she has her own agenda and it is nothing more than to please us and hope that we can help her more after her internship expires. A few nice words, but this is just our private speculation. She has never raised these issues with us. The boss of

retained her among several interns after evaluating all aspects. The moment the announcement was made, I saw a hint of excitement on her face, but it disappeared just for a moment. After the meeting, she carefully I comforted several other girls and said to the general effect: With their conditions, they can actually find a better company than this one. She spoke sincerely, but also revealed a hint of guilt. It's like she stole other people's candy and made it impossible for them to eat it.

Several girls belittled her from head to toe in an eccentric manner, and finally said: We must stay away from such insidious villains in the future. Later, I heard her secretly crying for a long time in the toilet. Although she has officially joined the workforce, she still responds to our requests. Sometimes we joke and say: You don't have to be so tired. She also smiled and said: I am young and should do more. However, there are many people younger than her in the company.

As she became more proficient in her business, her workload also increased, and sometimes our needs could not be solved immediately. Some people said that she had changed. She didn't get angry after hearing this, she would just meet everyone's needs quickly, and in the end she would definitely say: Call me if you have anything, and if I'm busy, please wait for me.

Later at a party, I asked her: If you have any difficulties, just tell me and don't make yourself so tired. She shook her head first, then started to cry. She said: Her parents are in poor health and she has a younger brother who is in high school. She doesn’t want her parents to worry about her younger brother’s tuition fees. She wants to give her parents a better life, so she has to suffer a little and be tired. In fact, it does not matter.

I suddenly wanted to hug her. I felt that she was particularly fragile at that moment, like a child. She said: I grew up under the scoldings of my grandparents. They thought I was a girl. Later, when I had a younger brother, they left all the delicious food to my younger brother. Every time my mother They would secretly feed me food, and if they found out, they would severely criticize me. This state lasted until my grandparents passed away.

She wiped the tears on her face and said: I don’t blame them, old man? They are all patriarchal. I think she has lived in a family atmosphere without more love since she was a child, and she is destined to become a sensible child, because only in this way can she live peacefully.

In " The Legend of Zhen Huan ", An Lingrong is undoubtedly the most miserable one in the whole drama. She is cautious in everything she does and never takes the initiative to cause trouble. She even treats the maids and nannies around her All affable. She laughs off other people's sarcastic comments. Maybe she also thought about resisting, which is why she participated in the draft and was eager to be retained.

His father is a businessman in a small county town, and his mother does embroidery. Her father even donated money to become an official. Her family should be happy, but his father dislikes her mother for being old and old. Her mother has no status in the family, and several aunts always To bully them, she needs to learn to read their words and carefully maintain her mother's comfort.This also destined her to have a submissive character.

Girls who are too sensible must have lacked care or been ignored since childhood.

Girls who are too sensible must be insecure, which is why they want to desperately grab something when they grow up;

Girls who are too sensible are particularly afraid of losing, because they get very little;

Girls who are too sensible Children are always kind because they want to use their power to make more people feel happy and warm;