Text/Lu Ming Editor|Swallow Picture|On the day of the Internet, I walked past my father-in-law’s grave in the rain, and my mind was like a boundless rain of silk, boundless. The past events of getting along with my father-in-law emerged again. I first met my father-in-law before

Text/Lu Ming Editor|Swallow Picture|Network

That day, I walked past my father-in-law’s grave in the rain, and my mind was like a boundless rain of silk, boundless. The past events of getting along with my father-in-law emerged again.

The first time I met my father-in-law was before I got engaged to my lover. That evening, my colleagues and I played basketball on the playground and were about to take a shower covered in sweat. Accountant Tian from my workplace stopped me with a look of joy on his face and said that his old classmate had come for his daughter’s wedding. Just come to "look at" me! I was stunned for a moment because no one had mentioned such a thing to me, and I didn’t know the situation of Accountant Tian’s old classmate and her daughter. However, based on my understanding of Accountant Tian, ​​I know that he must be telling the truth. Looking at Accountant Tian’s face that was happier than mine, I knew that Accountant Tian’s old classmates were very satisfied with me. Accountant Tian said: "I have introduced all your advantages to him, and I am just waiting to eat your wedding candies!"

This time, although I did not see my father-in-law and did not know what he looked like, I still have a good impression of him. Respect arises spontaneously. My father-in-law rode nearly a hundred miles to come to this remote place to get to know me, which fully shows how much he values ​​this marriage. I later learned that it was my father-in-law who learned from others that I was honest, motivated, diligent and studious. He ignored the suitors from better families in the city and acted as a pioneer to find out more about me. Before he talked to Hetian accountant, he looked at me on the court, but I didn't notice it. After that, someone formally introduced me to meet his daughter. With the strong recommendation of my father-in-law, my wife and I fell in love, got married, and started a small family.

The first time I went to my father-in-law’s house after marriage, I got drunk. At that time, some of the children in the father-in-law's family were in college and some were working in other places. Only the retired father-in-law and mother-in-law lived in their hometown. In order to express his enthusiasm for me, my father-in-law called his nephew who was home to visit relatives to accompany me. This brother-in-law was generous and enthusiastic. He was afraid that he would not be able to keep me company and would not be able to report to my father-in-law, so he tried his best to make me drink. I shied away at first, but then I felt that the hospitality was hard to refuse, and seeing that my father-in-law and mother-in-law were so kind, I relaxed and became drunk unconsciously. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed, vomiting a lot, and an unpleasant smell hit my nose. I saw my father-in-law sitting next to me, giving me water to drink, covering me with a quilt, and cleaning up my vomit. I regretted and was embarrassed, and apologized to my father-in-law. My father-in-law didn't mean to blame me at all. He smiled and comforted me: "It's okay, young man. There are reasons for being drunk. Don't think so much and recover well." At this time, I boldly looked at my father-in-law and saw this The tall and burly elder exudes kindness!

In the next few days, my father-in-law got up very early every day, cleaned the room and courtyard as usual, went to the fields to weed the sheep and feed the rabbits, and then woke me up and asked me to wash my face and brush my teeth. Afraid that I wouldn't be able to find the cleaning tools, they brought toothpaste and toothbrush over before me.

My father-in-law is not very educated, but he likes educated people very much. Perhaps the admiration for culture deep in my heart has not been realized in myself, so I have pinned it on my relatives and friends, especially the younger generations. He attaches great importance to each child's academic studies. He used his meager work to provide scholarships for his children and grandchildren. No matter who was promoted to junior high school, high school or university, he used money to reward them.

Although my son-in-law no longer needs support in his studies, his father-in-law always shows his appreciation in his words, which is a great encouragement to me. When my father-in-law comes to my house, he likes to talk about news and national affairs with me. He encourages me to tell him and listen carefully. My wife sometimes said to my father-in-law, "Can't you just talk a little bit about the family? You are an elder, but you are still like a primary school student to your son-in-law!" At this time, the father-in-law will teach his daughter with half a smile and half annoyance: What do you know, this culture is very important, I like to hear it!

Once, my father-in-law’s TV broke down again just a few days after it was repaired by the maintenance department. I somehow managed to get it back to normal after a few tinkerings. Not to mention how happy my father-in-law was at that time! From then on, whenever the TV broke down, I would always have to fix it. I'm in trouble, I don't know how to cultivate! The more I say this, the more humble my father-in-law thinks I am and the more dependent he is on me.I had no choice but to live up to my father-in-law's trust in me, so I had to study it obediently and reluctantly repair it several times. Later, the quality of the TV became more and more acceptable and generally no need to be repaired, so I was freed from it.

My father-in-law’s family always likes to ask me to write Spring Festival couplets. Although Spring Festival couplets can be bought casually on the street, the feeling I wrote when I wrote them at my father-in-law's place was different. Whenever he sees these red Spring Festival couplets and knows that young and old people can see the couplets written by his son-in-law, he feels proud in his heart.

People say that there are unforeseen circumstances, and this is absolutely true. My father-in-law, who was getting older and had always been strong and healthy, suffered a stroke overnight. From then on, he became aphasic, unable to take care of himself, and often had to be hospitalized. Such an upright, cheerful, hard-working person with full confidence in life had to spend the last period of his life in pain and depression. Relatives and friends all lamented, God is unfair, God is unfair! On the night when

got sick, his mother-in-law was at his hometown and his father-in-law was alone in his residence in the city. The father-in-law suddenly found that his hands and feet were not working properly and he was speechless. He should have immediately informed the neighbors or called his children. If his children who live in the same city see his phone call in the middle of the night, they will rush to see what's going on without saying a word. However, he didn't tell anyone because he was afraid of disturbing others! After dawn, he held on and walked seven miles with his bicycles to my residence. As you can imagine, the journey was difficult.

That day, I went to work. On the way, I saw my father-in-law holding his bicycle and standing still at the gate of my house from a distance. I quickly went over to greet him, but he seemed to have no reaction and remained motionless. When I asked him again, I saw that his face was covered with tears. As soon as he wiped it away with his hand, new tears filled his face. It was the first time that I saw this lifelong strong elder shed tears. I was a little baffled and at a loss. I stuck my bicycle there and wanted to help him go home. He trudged along with me. After walking a short distance, I turned back and pointed at the bicycle. I told him: "Don't worry about the bicycle. It's inevitable. I'll push it back. People are important!" Then he went home with the help of me and a neighbor. Then, after contacting the doctor for treatment, I found out that I had suffered from stroke .

Even though he was suffering from illness and had difficulty moving, his father-in-law cared most about others. Every time I went to his house, he would always raise his arm with difficulty, point me to the kitchen, and then open his mouth and make a few loud noises. Although I couldn't understand it, I knew that he was afraid that I would be hungry and reminded me to eat. Every time we eat together, I push down the bowl and chopsticks, and he seems to be extremely anxious, pointing at the food with his hands, with an angry look on his face. Everyone knows what he means, why don’t you eat enough! My mother-in-law often bursts into laughter: We are the only ones who have food for you, so don’t worry about it! However, if the mother-in-law says what the mother-in-law says, the father-in-law will do the same next time!

My wife often says that I am loved by my father-in-law, and I firmly believe this. I am also happy to meet such an elder in my life. There is a very good tacit understanding between my father-in-law and I. I think this tacit understanding comes not only from a common understanding of common things in life, but also from a common pursuit of beautiful things. Although we are two generations, although we have differences cultural structure.

My father-in-law's illness went up and down, and he was hospitalized many times. Once there was cerebral congestion, a craniotomy was performed and drainage was performed, but soon the blood congestion recurred and was drained again. The father-in-law not only has to endure the inconvenience of life and the psychological pressure of being unable to express himself well, but also has to endure the pain of surgery for drainage. The thought of this always makes the younger generations feel heartbroken.

People are always unable to resist death. After several years of struggle, the elderly father-in-law finally failed to survive. The old man ended his life and his pain.

Human destiny is like the wind and rain in this world. You cannot control it yourself, but your character has a profound impact on your loved ones and society. The tall image of my father-in-law has always stood in my heart and will always stand.

Author: Lu Ming, male, born in 1960, pen name Huanghe Ruhai. Retired cadre of the Yuncheng County Party Committee, chairman of the Yuncheng County Writers Association, and president of the County Poetry Society. He is a member of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association, vice president of the Heze Poetry Society, a special researcher at the Water Margin Culture Research Base of Heze University, and a historical and cultural research scholar in Yuncheng County.Published more than 100 essays, more than 20 novels, and more than 1,000 poems in various newspapers and online platforms such as " Guangming Daily ", " Shandong Literature " and "Times Literature". Among them, " Heze Fu " was published in " Published by Guangming Daily. He is the author of six cultural books, including "The True Story of Water Margin", "Impressions of Water Margin", "Research on the Culture of Heroes", "A Survey of Yuncheng Literary and History" (three volumes), and the editor-in-chief of "Selected Literary Works of Yuncheng", "The Rhythm of Yuncheng", "Farewell to Water Margin", "Water Margin Stories" is a collection of four works. Lectured on the 13th issue of Water Margin Culture at Heze TV station .

One point heart dream literature