01 Li Yao was born in a remote rural area. Her parents had only one child. It was not that her parents did not want to have a child, but that for some reason her parents had not had children for ten years after they had been married for ten years. They only had her in the elevent


Li Yao was born in a remote rural area. Her parents only had one child. It was not that her parents did not want to have a child, but that for some reason her parents had no children for ten years after they had been married. They only had her in the eleventh year. The couple cherished this child especially since the mother was pregnant. Li Yao was born in the expectation of her parents, and her mother never got pregnant again until she grew up.

It is also because of this that many people in the village gossip behind their backs, saying that Li Yao is not her father's child. As Li Yao grows older, she looks more and more similar to her father. Rumors also say that her parents borrowed a seed from his father's brother. Otherwise, how could She looks so much like his father, so why does she have to be her father's seed? She will be the only one in her life, and no second child will be born.

These malicious rumors made my aunt very unhappy, and she even doubted the authenticity of the matter for a time. After all, this matter was indeed a bit too coincidental, so her aunt always ignored Li Yao's mother, and even looked at Li Yao. It's not pleasing to the eye, but the rumors become true when there are many people. If Li Yao gets into a conflict with her classmates at school, someone will call her a "bitch" or a "zab."

When she was a child, Li Yao didn't understand the meaning of these words. She went home and asked her parents what they meant. Her parents were very angry. They went to the home of the classmate who scolded her and asked them to apologize. As a result, fewer people gossiped. She had learned a lot, but this incident took root in Li Yao's heart. As she grew up, she gradually understood what those two sentences meant. She even wondered whether she was really her uncle's daughter.

After she learned about this incident, her personality became weird. Sometimes she would wonder why her mother gave birth to her and why she was burdened with these rumors. She even thought about running away from home, but she thought She was young, so she could only endure what she would do with her life after going out, hoping that she would grow up soon and leave this village far away.


Li Yao’s parents loved their only child very much. They would leave all the delicious food in the house to her. They were reluctant to buy the seasonal clothes throughout the year but bought her several sets. He is also a well-behaved and cute little cotton-padded jacket. He will bring tea and water to his father and help his mother with housework within her ability. However, Li Yao's heart of wanting to fly out has never changed.

Li Yao studied very hard. She was ranked among the top three in elementary school. In junior high school, she was the focus of the class. Her parents were full of pride every time they went to school for a parent-teacher meeting. In high school, she had to live on campus. The school was nearby. In the county town forty miles away from home, there is a bus that has to be walked for ten miles. Every weekend, her father waits for her at the stop sign early to pick her up and take her home. After staying at home for two nights, he has to take her to the bus.

Li Yao’s mother was reluctant to let go of her daughter, and Li Yao always complained that the food at school was not delicious. After much thought, her mother came up with the idea of ​​renting a house in the county and starting a small business, so that her daughter could go home after school. She can also see her daughter every day, and there is no need to rush to catch the car on weekends. The couple started to make preparations as soon as they combined. The land at home was planted by people with good connections in the village. All the poultry that could be sold was sold. The two of them packed up their clothes and brought them home. I took all my family savings and went to the city.

House in the new city was too expensive, so they rented an old house with two bedrooms and one living room in the old city, which was a little far away from their studies. Li Yao’s father rode a human-powered tricycle to take her to school every morning and evening, and had one meal at school. To eat, Li Yao was very willing to go home and live. When she lived in the school dormitory, there were a few people with good family conditions who always wanted to bully them, students from rural areas. In the past, she could only endure it in order to study, but now that her parents are here, she is very happy. She will move home from school soon so she no longer has to live with those who want to bully her.

Although the houses in the old city are not as good as those in the new city, they are already very good for them who came from the countryside. The couple are both very young. They have been looking for jobs for more than ten days without finding a suitable one. They look at their savings for a day. There were two people less than one day, and they were anxious to get angry. In order to earn income as soon as possible, they took over a vegetable stall in the vegetable market. This was the only business related to their previous life, and they were doing it with a clear conscience.

After the business stabilized, the couple finally breathed a sigh of relief and lived their lives in an orderly manner. Three years of high school passed quickly. In her senior year of high school, her parents spent money to find tutors for her, and she was very successful in passing the exam. Her parents were pleased that a golden phoenix flew out of the ravine. Her parents were happy but also felt melancholy. Their daughter was getting older and older, and they were happy as she became more promising, but the more promising she was, the more she left them. The farther away you are, the less you will see it in the future.

When filling out her application form, Li Yao chose a prosperous city far away from home. Her parents didn’t understand this and believed everything her daughter said. When Li Yao left, she felt excited and excited, and she didn’t feel sad or unhappy about leaving home at all. When her father wanted to send her to school, she refused. She said that her father had never traveled far in her life and she didn’t know where the school was. She had to worry about the return trip because she had read so many books and knew how to get there. , telling her parents to call them when she arrives.


Li Yao’s mother fell ill after her daughter left. She got better after receiving a phone call that her daughter was safe. Thinking that they still had to earn tuition for their daughter, the couple started working energetically. Now they didn’t have to worry about picking up and dropping off their daughter. You don’t have to worry about cooking. Li Yao’s father is the only one who looks after the vegetable stall. Li Yao’s mother does housekeeping. She is very good at cooking and she also likes to be clean. She goes to help take care of the elderly and the salary is not bad. Being close to home, she can go home and stay when her master comes back at night.

After Li Yao went to college, she was like a fish entering the sea. She rarely called her parents. Most of the time, her parents took the initiative to call her. Every time they sent her living expenses, they gave her enough. The phone told her to eat well, dress warmly, and take care of herself. Li Yao was a little annoyed listening to these same words every time. She hurriedly answered a few words and then hung up the phone with the excuse of studying. Finally, summer vacation came, and her parents were eagerly looking forward to seeing their daughter. , but as a result, my daughter said she would have to work in the summer and would not go back.

Hearing that their daughter said she wanted to work in the summer to make money, the couple felt guilty. They always thought that if they could make money, why would their daughter not have a good rest and have to make money during the holiday? What they didn't know was that Li Yao said I actually only worked part-time for more than half a month and stopped doing it. I took the money and made an appointment with some classmates to go to a nearby city to play. Of course, I couldn't tell my parents about this.

Time flies by, and Li Yao's four-year college career is coming to an end. In these four years, she only goes home every winter vacation. Every time she goes home, her parents leave her the best things at home, and her mother gives them to her in different ways every day. She was making delicious food, but she was not allowed to do anything at home, but Li Yao became increasingly dissatisfied with the house. The dilapidated house was dark and short, and she did not even dare to video chat with her classmates at home, for fear that others would see her in the video. The situation of her family.

Li Yao complained about why her parents didn't rent a new house and how long they would live in this old house. When her parents heard her words, they could only say embarrassingly that this house was much better than the houses in the village and it was close to the vegetable market. It was convenient for her father to go to the market and convenient for her mother to come back every day. After hearing these words, Li Yao felt filled with disgust. She was very resistant to the thought of returning to such a place after graduation.

She had a boyfriend in college named Zhao Weiping. Although she was not from the school, her family was from the city, which was much better than their small mountain village and small county town. Moreover, the boyfriend said that if she got married in the future, her parents would give him extra money. When buying a wedding house, Li Yao felt that the conditions of her boyfriend's family were pretty good, so she started seriously discussing marriage with him. She wanted to take her boyfriend home, but she was afraid that her boyfriend would dislike her when she thought about the conditions of her own family.


is about to graduate now. Under the urging of his mother, Zhao Weiping said that he would go to Li Yao's house to visit. If the conditions are good, get married early. If the conditions are not good, break up early. Although Li Wei often hears Li Yao say that the family conditions are not good, Li Weiping Yao is an only child, so no matter how bad she is, she won't be too bad. Li Yao's entanglement was shaken by her boyfriend's repeated assurances. She thought, what if her boyfriend doesn't care about her family situation? Then she wasn't worried for nothing.

Li Yao’s parents heard that their daughter was going to bring her boyfriend home, and they felt very conflicted. They were happy and worried at the same time. They were happy that their daughter had grown up and had reached the age to start a family, but they were worried that their daughter said that the boyfriend was from out of town. If such a daughter was bullied after marrying far away, they would not know about it. In that case, no one would support her daughter if she was wronged.

Before Li Yao brought her boyfriend home, she told her parents in advance to clean up the house. She also specifically told her parents not to tell them that the house was rented. If her boyfriend asked, just say that she bought it. This would make the house worse at most. , older. She didn’t want her boyfriend to know that her real hometown was in a mountain village. After everything was explained, Li Yao took her boyfriend on the train home.

Zhao Weiping followed Li Yao to the county seat and saw that the environment was not bad, but he followed her further and further into the countryside. Finally, when he arrived at the old, shabby, and small areas of the old city, he started to show off his face until he reached the place where Li Yao's parents lived. When he saw an honest-looking middle-aged couple opening the door, his heart went cold. The couple looked like they were uneducated people.

Sure enough, after the two of them warmly greeted each other and entered the house, when they introduced each other, Zhao Weiping knew that his girlfriend’s father was a vendor in the vegetable market and his girlfriend’s mother was a nanny. She didn’t even have a decent job. Looking at this house, it was short and dark, with no furniture. Old, if the two of them get together in the future, Li Yao will definitely have to provide for her parents as an only child, and without a pension, she will have to rely on her daughter for everything.

Thinking of these, Zhao Weiping gave up his intention to continue with Li Yao. After a meal, Zhao Weiping said that he was going to stay in a hotel outside. Li Yao had a bad feeling when her boyfriend said this. Her beautiful love was still Defeated by reality, Zhao Weiping broke up with Li Yao in the hotel. He said that his family would definitely not agree to Li Yao's situation, and he had to rely on his parents' network to find a job and buy a wedding house. , it is impossible for him to fight his parents for Li Yao.

Zhao Weiping left early the next morning, without even saying goodbye to Li Yao before leaving. After Li Yao heard Zhao Weiping's words the night before, she returned home and locked herself in the room and refused to come out. Her parents Seeing that her daughter was so anxious, she didn't make a sound no matter how much she yelled. No one in the family of three cared about whether Zhao Weiping had left or not. When Li Yao calmed down a little and went to find someone, she found out that he was leaving the next day. .

This made Li Yao, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, very unwilling. She was abandoned like this. She hated Zhao Weiping's reality and disliked the poor and loved the rich. She hated her birth. She hated that her parents were honest farmers. I hate that they can't give themselves a good living environment and birth if they don't work hard. No matter how good she is or how hard she works, others will still look down on her as long as they know that her parents are farmers. Even if her parents move to the city, they will still only look down on her. It could be a small vendor or a nanny, but she could not forget the disgust and contempt in Zhao Weiping's eyes.


Li Yao returned home unwillingly. She was very tired of facing her parents' concerns and questioning her. Finally she broke out. She shouted out all the grievances and unwillingness that had been suppressed in her heart over the years: "Stop asking, he is gone, gone, He looks down on me, looks down on this shabby house, looks down on the vegetable vendor, looks down on the nanny, why am I your daughter? If you don’t have children, you won’t have children. Why do you want to steal one back? Why did you give birth to me? Let me listen to you since I was a child. Through gossip, let me know about my unbearable birth."

" In order to escape from the village that suffocated me, I studied hard and wanted to stay away from those poor lives. But no matter how hard I try or how good I am, as long as others hear that I was born into a family like yours, they will still use Look at me with disdainful eyes, what have I done wrong? I was just unlucky enough to be reincarnated into a rich family, but unlucky enough to be reincarnated into your family. Why do I have to endure such pain and grievance? Why didn’t you work hard to make money to give me a wealthy family after you gave birth to me? "

What Li Yao said shocked her parents. They didn't expect that their daughter, who had been well-behaved and outstanding since she was a child, would have so much dissatisfaction. Her mother burst into tears, and her father came to her senses and slapped her in the face. , this was the first time Li Yao had been beaten since she was a child. She looked at her father in disbelief.

Her father's face turned pale and he said, "You are my and your mother's biological daughter. You don't believe what we say, outside." You believe everything in rumors. You have read so many books. Don’t you have the ability to make your own judgment? What you said is insulting your mother, insulting me, and insulting yourself. If you were not my biological daughter, would I be willing to lay waste to you? Will he be reluctant to eat or clothe himself for you to study? Think about it yourself! "

Li Yao watched her father helping her mother into the room. Her mind was empty. She was depressed for a long time. When she was almost calm, she told her parents that she was going to Shenzhen to find a job. Her mother tried her best to persuade her to stay. Wouldn't it be better to find a stable job in her hometown so that the family can take care of each other together? Li Yao is determined to have a career. She is not willing to live in this small county town for the rest of her life, getting married and having children.

Her mother's dissuasion and tears. Li Yao was not kept. After beating her that time, her father rarely spoke to her. When he knew she was leaving, he said to her: "Yao Yao, no matter how far you go, you can come back at any time as long as you feel tired. Mom and dad are always waiting for you at home. "Li Yao felt sad after hearing her father's words. She knew that her parents valued her, but staying in her hometown and living a plain life was not what she wanted. She didn't want her future children to live like her.

Li Yao left, and she To pursue the life she wanted, her parents did not return to the countryside and had been doing small business in a small county. It was only after Li Yao went to Shenzhen that she realized how difficult life was. Shenzhen is a big city with many opportunities and people. College students are It is everywhere here. Some people with even higher education than her are living a very difficult life. In a high-consumption place, the pace of life is fast. You are busy all day long and don’t dare to relax, because if you can’t follow every step, It is possible to be surpassed and replaced by others at any time.


Three years have passed. Li Yao is still a company employee. The salary he gets is only enough to support himself. In addition to rent, water and electricity, he also has to buy clothes, shoes and cosmetics, with a refined and beautiful appearance. , there is almost nothing inside, and the savings after working for several years are pitiful. Sometimes Li Yao has the urge to go home in the high-pressure living environment, but when he thinks of his determination to leave in the first place, he endures it.

Li Yao's parents are here. There have been changes in the past three years. The house they rented was bought by them. The original owner of the house went to a big city for development. He had to take his parents out a few years ago. The old man was reluctant to part with the house in his hometown. Two years ago, the old man After his death, his son and his wife came back to hold the funeral and left. There was not much money to collect rent from this old house. After more than a year, the old man's son became impatient with this trivial matter and said that he wanted to sell the old house.

Li Yao's parents heard this. They got anxious. If people wanted to sell their house, where would they go to find a cheap house to rent? I heard that there were almost no vacancies of cheap houses around. When they were anxious, the landlord said: "Why don't you just buy this house, and the old house will be gone?" It doesn't cost much, and the value here will definitely appreciate in the future. It's just that I'm far away. I'm too busy with business there and don't have the energy to take care of it here. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a hurry to sell it."

Li Yao's parents didn't understand what appreciation was. They only listened to the landlord tell them the price of the house and then calculated the money on hand. They found that the price of buying the house was less than half, but they could find someone to borrow it and make money to pay it back later. After buying the house, they would They no longer have to pay rent, and now their daughter can support herself. The money they earn is saved except for daily expenses, and it will be repaid in less than two years.

The couple went back to the village and asked a few well-connected people to borrow money. The interest was calculated on the promised repayment date, and after scraping together enough money, Li Yao's mother happily said after completing all the procedures for the house: "We have worked hard for most of our lives and finally saved some money for our Yaoyao." Things, this way Yaoyao will have her own house when she gets married. Although the old house is a bit dilapidated, it has land. Thinking about it makes me feel at ease. We won’t have to pay rent in the future. "

Li Yao's father is also very happy. With this house, his daughter will become a city resident. She will be very happy when she finds out! When the couple here were happy about buying a house, Li Yao's boyfriend asked her They proposed. Li Yao and her boyfriend Cheng Haoyu got together in the second year after Li Yao came to Shenzhen. Counting the days, they have been together for two years. Her boyfriend’s family is urging them to get married, saying that he will soon be thirty years old. If his girlfriend outside doesn’t If you are willing to get married, come back for a blind date as soon as possible.

When Cheng Haoyu and Li Yao mentioned the matter of marriage, Li Yao thought of the result of bringing her first boyfriend home, and she felt anxious again. Cheng Haoyu's hometown is in the city, and this is Li Yao. One of the important reasons why Yao chose him in the first place was that although it was not a big city, it was much better than the small mountain village where she was born. Fortunately, her boyfriend later found out that she was from a rural area and did not dislike her. Their relationship has always been stable. Now her boyfriend said that he wants to marry her. She was afraid that the old thing would happen again when she brought her boyfriend home, so she refused and said she should think about it. But before she could think of a way, she found out that she was pregnant. Now she didn't even have time to think about it. In the end, she could only use her hometown as an excuse. It’s too far away, there are too many relatives, and it’s too troublesome to run around. As long as her parents come, it will be fine. The future mother-in-law will be happy when she hears this. This may save a lot of trouble and save money. She agrees without saying anything. When you come to Li Yao, you don’t have to make excuses for not bringing your boyfriend home.

Li Yao’s parents were happy to know that their daughter was getting married, but they were worried when their daughter said that her son-in-law’s family was from another province. , she had to marry so far away just a few days after they were with her, and it would be difficult to see her in person in the future. No matter how uncomfortable the couple felt, they did not stop their daughter from making her choice. They felt that as long as their daughter was happy, nothing else mattered. The couple sat down

Li Yao and Cheng Haoyu were getting married. They both quit their jobs in Shenzhen and returned to the city where Cheng Haoyu’s home was. The wedding was a success. Li Yao accepted a symbolic gift of 18,888 yuan. Li Yao's parents quietly gave her 50,000 yuan as a dowry. Seeing her mother-in-law looking down on them, Li Yao's parents felt very unhappy and uncomfortable, so they returned to their hometown on the third day of Li Yao's wedding.

Li Yao married Cheng Haoyu and stayed in this strange city. This place is different from the place where she used to work in Shenzhen. This is where she will live for the rest of her life. Her husband went out to find a job, and she was pregnant and raising her baby at home, and they lived together. Over time, she gradually learned about the situation of her husband's family. It turned out that the Cheng family was not from the city. It was Cheng Haoyu's father's generation who bought a house in the city. Cheng Haoyu also has a younger brother who is in college and one who is about to take the college entrance examination. Sister.

The house at home is quite large with four bedrooms and two living rooms, but there are also many people in the family. When Li Yao and Cheng Haoyu got married, she wanted to buy another house, but in reality the two people's strength did not allow it, not to mention that she was pregnant now. There is no one I am willing to go out to find a job now, so I can only wait until the child is born, so their wedding room is Cheng Haoyu's former room. It was renovated and turned into a new house. The whole family still lives together.

After marriage, her mother-in-law asked Li Yao to clean and do housework every day. She should not make too much noise or speak loudly. She said that she should keep quiet and not affect her sister-in-law's study. The college entrance examination is about to take place, so she must give her a quiet study environment. So Li Yao could only stay in her room after finishing her housework. She couldn't watch TV or play music, and she didn't even have any pastime to pass the time. This made her very depressed. Her only activity was to go to the square in the community every night to go to a group of people. Auntie dances in the square and takes a walk.

My husband, on the other hand, is away from home most of the time. He goes to work during the day and does not sit down for a while when he comes back at night. Either one of his classmates yells to go out to play, or the other one yells to go out to hang out. He also took Li Yao there once or twice, just to Seeing how lively her husband was chatting with his friends, she couldn't quite understand the dialect of her husband's hometown and couldn't strike up a conversation. She couldn't drink when she was pregnant. She was an outsider, sitting on the sidelines watching other people's fun and being silly all by herself. Sitting there stupidly, Li Yao stopped going to such occasions after one or two occasions.


It would be fine if she got used to it slowly. What made her uncomfortable was her mother-in-law's attitude towards her. She looked at her as if she was just a freeloader. Her belly was getting bigger day by day, but her mother-in-law still let her do it. She was doing this and that, gesticulating from the side. Her sister-in-law did not do well in the college entrance examination and was in a bad mood. Li Yao didn't even dare to say anything.

My brother-in-law came back from summer vacation. My mother-in-law bought a lot of the dishes that my brother-in-law likes to eat and asked her to help in the kitchen. She said that she would teach her how to be a good wife and mother. When she married them, she would learn to cook their dishes. Li Yao looked at the happy family with loving mother, filial piety and filial piety. She couldn't help but think of all the love her parents had shown her when she was at home, and for the first time she felt guilty towards her parents.

When she returned to the room, she told her husband about her grievances. He said that she thought too much. She was also a member of the family. Her mother said that she was teaching her as if she were her own child. She tentatively asked her husband if he could She couldn't move out, even if she rented a house, it was better than walking on thin ice here cautiously. When her husband heard what she said, she became unhappy and angrily told her that this was his home, not a dragon's den, so why should she be cautious?

Seeing her crying, he coaxed and said: "We have to look at the time. You are not at work now. If the two of us move out, how will my salary be enough to cover the expenses? Not to mention rent, water, electricity and living expenses, in a few months You are about to have a baby. Who will take care of you then? If you live together, at least your mother will help take care of you. In the future, your mother can also help take care of the baby. You can still go to work. If you move away, you will have to do everything by yourself. Come on, think about it, right?"

In the end, Li Yao was persuaded by Cheng Haoyu. The repressed life day after day slowly wore away her old edges, and she had to bow her head under the eaves. That's it. Li Yao's current situation is that she has long lost the free spirit she had when she was around her parents. Now she is cautious and cautious, fearing that she will be lectured by her mother-in-law if she does something wrong or says something wrong. She hopes that life will pass quickly and she will be fine after giving birth to a child. If she can make money, the couple can buy their own house and move out, so they don't have to face the mountain of mother-in-law every day.

She finally gave birth. Her mother-in-law's face immediately turned ugly after she learned that she had given birth to a daughter. During the confinement period, her husband did not expect her mother-in-law to take care of her. On the third day after giving birth, she had to cook her own food. , her mother-in-law said she was afraid that what she cooked for her would not taste good, so she endured it. Her mother-in-law was not a mother, and she had no obligation to take care of her. The harder her life got, the more she realized how good her parents were to her.

The child can walk, and she wants her mother-in-law to help take care of the child while she goes to work. The mother-in-law says that she is too old to take care of the child. The husband also says that there is no shortage of food and clothing at home, and asks her to stay with the child for two more years. Watching her mother-in-law and husband Her attitude was cold. Finally, her child was old enough to go to kindergarten and she could go out to find a job. However, just a few days after the good days, new problems arose.


The girlfriend my brother-in-law was talking about was pregnant, and they were planning to get married. The woman asked to buy a new house as a wedding room, otherwise she would have to abort the child and break up. The mother-in-law said she didn't have that much money to buy a house for her brother-in-law, and asked them to contribute part of it as a couple. Money, the reason is that my brother-in-law has bought a new house, and the old house at home will belong to the couple from now on.

The mother-in-law said that her sister-in-law will get married in the future. This house will be the property of the two brothers Cheng Haoyu in a hundred years. Now that they have paid for it, the old house will not be divided among the brothers-in-law in the future. Li Yao laughed angrily after hearing this. , she refuted her mother-in-law's words for the first time: "If that's the case, let's sell this half to my brother-in-law. Our family of three will move out, and this house will be left to my brother-in-law as a wedding room."

Li Yao is not stupid, what her mother-in-law means is From now on, the old couple will have to live with Li Yao and his wife. Li Yao has long wanted to move out. How can he still live with his mother-in-law in the future? The family has sat together to discuss this issue several times, but they still can't decide. As a result, Cheng Haoyu was scolded several times by his mother because of Li Yao's opposition, but this time Li Yao was determined and refused to let go no matter how hard he tried to persuade her.

Over the years, Li Yao has been busy raising her children. From time to time, she does some part-time jobs online and earns some money. Apart from the living expenses paid by her husband every month, she saves the rest, plus her parents. The tens of thousands of dollars given to her, as well as some savings, were known to her husband. Under repeated questioning by her mother, Cheng Haoyu couldn't hold back and told her everything. Her mother-in-law became even more angry when she heard it, but Li Yao wouldn't give it to her. There was nothing I could do, so I finally came up with a bad idea and asked my eldest son to go to my daughter-in-law's place to secretly get the bank card.

I can only say that Li Yao knew her husband’s temperament very well. Li Yao took precautions and her husband did not get the money. When her mother-in-law learned about it, she directly showed her cards and said: "If you don’t come out with the money to buy a house for the second brother, I will call the boss and you." Divorce, where did you come from? Go back to where you came from. Don't regret it when the time comes. I fell in love with you because you were cheap and the bride price was small. Otherwise, how could I agree that you should marry a woman from the countryside to our family? "

" You have been eating from me, living in my house, and even giving birth to a loser. Do you think you have made a contribution? It is your blessing to marry into my family. I have already said that from now on, after we have been married for a hundred years, this house will belong to you. Yes, if you are still dissatisfied, don’t think of yourself as an important person. I could let my son marry you, and now I can let my son divorce you. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

Li Yao No. Knowing that Cheng Haoyu was willing to marry her because he listened to his mother and wanted to take advantage of her and because she was born with a bad birth, she looked at her husband and asked: "Do you think so too? Will you divorce me if I don't give you money?" ?" Cheng Haoyu lowered his head without saying a word. Li Yao gave up. She was wrong. She thought Cheng Haoyu married her because he loved her. He told her to endure any conflicts over the years. This man is not A bad guy, but he has no opinion, is cowardly, and is best at living in mud.


In the end, Li Yao still did not agree to take out the money. The result was that her daughter was hers after the divorce. Cheng Haoyu repeatedly persuaded her to step back and asked her to take out the money after signing, and even almost knelt down in front of her. Li Yao still insisted on signing for divorce. She has seen through Cheng Haoyu's temperament. If she quits this time, there will be a second and third time in the future. There is no hope in living with such a man.

After several years of marriage, Li Yao understood that face is completely useless in the face of survival. She called her father and said that she was divorced and still had children, and asked her father if he could come to pick her up. Soon Her father came on the third day after she called. Li Yao took her daughter and her father back to her hometown. When she got home, she was surprised to find that the place where her parents lived had changed drastically.

The old town was re-planned, and all the old houses were demolished and rebuilt. Her family now has two houses. Only then did she realize that her parents bought the old house before she got married. What she wanted to tell her at the wedding was that she At that time, I always consciously or unconsciously didn’t want to talk too much to my parents, so I didn’t have the chance to talk. Later, we re-planned and got a new house. I tried to talk to her several times, but she always said she was busy, and she was in a hurry before even saying a few words. hurriedly hung up the phone.

Listening to her parents' explanation, she felt filled with guilt and tears kept falling down. Only now did she realize how wrong she was before. Her parents gave her the best, but she still looked down on her and despised her. After marrying into someone else's family, she realized how happy she was before. She had done so many mistakes. Her parents didn't blame her but felt sorry for her. She cried and apologized to her parents and begged their forgiveness. The whole family was in tears.

After feeling at peace, Li Yao saw through many things. Looking back, she realized how superficial and ridiculous she had been before. After she found a kindergarten for her child, she also found a job. In her spare time, she would go to the vegetable market to help the couple. Selling vegetables, her mother no longer works as a nanny. She specializes in helping pick up the children and cooking for the family at home. Whenever the family sits down to eat together, Li Yao feels warm in her heart.

A year later, Li Yao reluctantly went to meet her nth blind date under the repeated urging of her mother. With an indifferent attitude, she met the right person, a down-to-earth man who had to take care of her in the past few years. His mother, who was paralyzed in bed, had never been married. After her mother passed away a year ago, he lived alone. Because he couldn't find a suitable marriage partner at his old age, he met Li Yao through someone's introduction, and both of them thought they were a good match.

Life is as plain as water, and plainness is happiness. Everyone's growth is a transformation, and only through pain can the transformation be successful. (End)

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