It is normal for people to suffer from physical ailments in their later years. Therefore, you must earn enough money when you are young, so that you will have medical expenses and nursing expenses in your later years. If you want to support your children, and the children are poo

It is normal for people to suffer from physical ailments in their later years. Therefore, you must earn enough money when you are young, so that you will have medical expenses and nursing expenses in your later years. If you want to support your children, and the children are poor, you will be Some children will dislike such parents.

This is indeed the case, because if you look at society, you will find that the poor are the majority and the rich are the minority.

72-year-old Uncle Qian cried: "Longevity is a curse rather than a blessing to me. I have a long-lived mother in my family who is not only suffering from many illnesses, but also unable to take care of herself. Taking care of her requires not only time and energy, but also money. Not only is she worse off than dead, My heart aches. I really feel that longevity is a curse rather than a blessing.”

Narrator: Uncle Qian

I am 72 years old and an old man. I have been retired for 12 years. Time flies. I really feel that time flies very fast. . I have a son and a daughter who are now married. They are very filial and come home to visit me about four times a year, so I am very happy.

My wife and I live in a rural area. The air here is fresh and the environment is quiet. It is a good place for retirement.

I have a pension of 4,000, plus hundreds of thousands in savings, so I can count on food and clothing. Even if I get seriously ill, I still have money for treatment, so for me, there is nothing to worry about, because my wife and I have always In good health, we combine work and rest, and often climb mountains to exercise.

Judging from these, I seem to be quite happy, but what you don’t know is that I have a good mother who lives a long life.

My mother has a son and two daughters, so I must be the one raising my mother.

Discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has existed since ancient times. Even in her later years, my wife still had issues with my mother, and they were quite serious.

I graduated from junior high school. In our era, junior high school graduates were considered outstanding, and many people graduated from elementary school.

When I reached the age where I should get married, my mother found a matchmaker to match me. This girl was a girl from my village. The bride price was 10,000 yuan. In that era, 10,000 yuan was equivalent to about 100,000 yuan now. Bar.

The problem is not the money, but that this girl is not the kind I want. First of all, she is not good-looking, and my wife cannot be bad-looking.

Because I was a worker, there were girls in the factory, so I found a good-looking one and confessed my love to her directly. Fortunately, I got this girl.

But my mother felt that this girl was good-looking, easy to have extramarital affairs, and easy to cause trouble. Out of wanting to protect me, my mother insisted on letting me marry that girl from the village.

But I did not marry that girl. I always insisted on marrying the beautiful woman in the factory. That woman was my team leader and had a high school education. We had many interesting topics because I usually like to think and learn. So my wife and I talk about everything.

But my mother does not think this way. She thinks that a woman who is too smart can control me easily. Even if she has an extramarital affair, she can not let me find out, or that I will be played by my wife. My mother I don’t want me to be captured by a girl like this.

In short, my mother just thinks that the other party is highly educated and has many thoughts. He will not grow old with me, and there will definitely be many problems in the future. But I like my wife very much and I am determined to marry her.

After getting married, my mother still didn’t like my wife. I don’t know why, but she always disliked her. For example, since I was an only child growing up, my mother was very kind to me and never let me do housework. She always let my sister do it. But after I got married, I loved my wife too much. I wanted her to live a life without any worries, so I didn’t let her do housework. She is so good, and I am lucky to marry me.

But my mother was very dissatisfied with my daughter-in-law not doing housework, so she often had conflicts with my daughter-in-law.

My wife and I gave birth to a daughter for the first time, which made my mother very unhappy. My mother said that daughters are not the ones to carry on the family line.From then on, my mother would not let my daughter-in-law rest, and would force her to work even if she was in confinement. In order to take care of her, I left my hometown with my daughter-in-law, rented a house, and did not return home until the child was three years old.

Later, my mother forced me to tell me where I lived. She said she wanted to see my granddaughter and me, so I asked my mother to come, but my mother still had issues with her daughter-in-law.

When my first daughter was three years old, my wife and I gave birth to a second daughter. I remember that my mother and I were guarding the hospital at that time. When she found out that her daughter-in-law had given birth to another daughter, she almost burst into tears and went home directly from the hospital. From then on, she refused to let her in the house and said that my daughter-in-law was a broom star. Reincarnation.

So, my daughter-in-law was once again neglected by my mother for three years. During those three years, my daughter-in-law and I lived a miserable life, and we sometimes quarreled, just because of my mother.

My wife is a capable woman, smarter than me. I was able to get my wife only because of my sincerity.

In the fifth year, my wife and I finally gave birth to a son. This son became my mother’s heart. My daughter-in-law and my mother finally relaxed a little.

Every time there is a conflict, I always stand in the middle to mediate the conflict and say good things for my wife, so she has not divorced me for so many years.

My mother is a mother who loves me very much. The reason why she is prejudiced against my wife is because there is a popular saying in the countryside that beauty brings disaster since ancient times. But my wife is really not this kind of person, she is different, she is virtuous.

After I retired, I wanted to travel around China with my wife, but at that time my mother happened to be paralyzed and she has been lying in bed since then. As the only son in the family, I shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of my mother. How could I leave?

I did not travel around China with my wife, and she did not complain about me. She just said that it was impossible for her to take care of my mother because my mother had never taken care of her. Even when she was in confinement, my mother did not take good care of her. Taking care of her is something my wife has always been worried about.

But when I took my daughter-in-law to see my mother, my mother asked my daughter-in-law to take care of her, but my daughter-in-law directly said she was unwilling.

My mother yelled at my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law finally lowered her head and served my mother for a while. But every time, my daughter-in-law used the excuse that she had something to do and ignored my mother. The relationship between my mother and her daughter-in-law became worse day by day. .

Every time they quarreled, it was the most painful time for me. When neighbors asked what happened, my mother always said that my wife was unfilial.

My son later grew up, and I asked my wife to live with my son and let me serve my mother.

My mother's work and rest schedule is very irregular. She often reverses day and night. She is particularly alert at night and is very sleepy during the day. As a result, I often reverse day and night, so my health is getting worse and worse.

I originally thought about letting my mother go to a nursing home, but I was afraid that the nursing staff would not take good care of her, and my mother had many conflicts with my daughter-in-law. I was really unable to do what I wanted on my own, because I felt that I was not thoughtful enough and often failed to take care of my mother. in place.

As my mother got older, she suffered more and more physical ailments. She had no choice but to hire a caregiver, which cost a lot of money for the caregiver.

But my savings have been spent on my mother, so I am thinking about how to make money every day. Although my son is a college student, he is just a corporate employee. He has not even raised enough money for a house, so he is really stressed.

I push my wheelchair to take my mother to breathe fresh air every morning, and take my mother to watch the sunset in the evening. When she sees the beautiful scenery, she will feel much better and her pain will be less. My mother is very comfortable in the wheelchair, but it is very difficult for me to walk. The caregiver said that she is not willing to take my mother out. If she wants to go out, she will have to pay extra, so I am also very worried. Now the caregiver only cares about money.

Since I retired, I have basically never had a leisurely old age. I have spent all my time taking care of my mother. My wife and I have never traveled to other provinces, which is a huge regret.

Every time my friends ask me to go fishing, playing cards and chess, I always say that I am not free, which makes my friend and I have many opinions.

Later, I fired the caregiver. My mother said she didn’t like the caregiver, so I asked my wife to take care of my mother with me.

My mother has lost a lot of control over the past few years. She often becomes incontinent, sometimes even every day. She often pulls her pants without saying hello to me, which makes my wife and I very upset.

My daughter-in-law and I sometimes wear masks and gloves to serve our mother, but my mother says that we both despise her and weep while talking, so my daughter-in-law and I have no choice but to take off our masks.

My wife wanted to buy diapers for my mother, but my mother said that she was not a child and could not wear diapers. My daughter-in-law often suggested that I send my mother to a nursing home. I mentioned this matter to my mother, but my mother said that the caregivers could not take care of her well, and she insisted that my daughter-in-law and I take care of her. If I dared to send her to a nursing home, she would be killed.

My mother sometimes watches TV at night and doesn't go to bed until three or four o'clock. My work and rest schedule is completely disrupted by my mother. Sometimes my neighbors will have objections to me, saying that I don't think highly of my mother.

Later, I changed my mother’s room so that the neighbors could not hear the sound of the TV, so I could let my mother watch TV with peace of mind.

Sometimes when the pain and suffering were severe, my mother would cry and tell her to just die, which made my heart ache every time. But when my mother got better, she said she wanted to live a long life.

I am also suffering from physical illness, and so is my wife, but at the same time, we have to continue to take care of our long-lived old mother.

My wife and I have endured the torture of my mother for many years. Her age really makes me feel that it is a curse rather than a blessing. It is a nightmare for me in my later years. Because of my mother, my relationship with my wife also became very bad in my later years. It can be said that my later life was not happy at all.


As long as people can take care of themselves, they can be happy in their later years. Having money is also very important. You can hire caregivers who are very attentive to their services. It is said that every penny of service is worth a penny, so good health and money are the most important things when you are young. You must strengthen your body and avoid so many ailments, and you will be much more comfortable in your old age.

As the so-called filial piety comes first, we still know that kindness should be repaid. If parents love their children so much, then children should also love their parents. How our parents treated us when we were children, we should repay our parents when we are old. If many elderly people feel that living a long life is a disaster rather than a blessing, then there is nothing they can do about it, because it is fate. Sharing joys and sorrows with parents should always be a good morality.