People who travel like to go to famous mountains and rivers, but I prefer to go to places with fewer people. Compared with various tourist attractions, I prefer deserts and grasslands. During the eight years of working, except for going home during the Chinese New Year, I basical

People who travel like to go to famous mountains and rivers, but I prefer to go to places with few people. Compared with various tourist attractions, I prefer deserts and grasslands.

In the eight years I have been working, except for going home during the New Year, I have basically never asked for leave, because I am alone and I really can’t think of what I can do during the holidays.

Until last year, a personnel change in the company changed me. I originally thought that I would be promoted or given a salary increase. However, after the meeting, none of the changes related to me, which made me feel very angry. .

What's even more annoying is that the two apprentices I brought out were both promoted, but I didn't move. This made me very embarrassed. I also knew that this meant that I would resign voluntarily.

Naturally, I would not be shameless enough to continue to stay in the company, so I had a direct showdown with my boss. Fortunately, my boss still thought of my years of hard work and gave me some compensation.

After working for eight years, I suddenly became free and didn’t know what to do. During a chat with a friend, he advised me to travel and relax.

On the advice of several friends, I decided to go to Xinjiang, a vast place far away from the hustle and bustle. It is also said that beauties are found somewhere, and if you are lucky, you can solve life-long affairs there.

So I boarded the train to Xinjiang. The reason why I took the train was because I was not in a hurry and I just happened to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Looking at the endless Gobi, desert, and grasslands, my mood improved a lot. Instead of going to Urumqi, I chose to go to Karamay .

It belongs to Northern Xinjiang. It is relatively quiet and the scenery is very good. I also rented a small house with a yard there. The landlord is a local, he is about thirty years old, about 165cm tall, his hair is a little curly, and he has a very good figure. Well, the most special thing is her eyes, blue eyeballs, very beautiful.

Because it was a vacation, not a trip, I was not in a hurry to do anything. First, I renovated the house and added some furniture. The landlord was very curious about me. Maybe I was the first person to rent a house and renovate it. Yes.

In order to save money, I can do it myself. I try not to invite anyone. She lives next door to me. When she sees me alone, she will come over to check on me from time to time.

The way she looks at her is as if there is a treasure under her house.

I didn’t waste the yard. I built a dog house and planted grapes on the previously abandoned grape trellis.

I thought about how comfortable it would be one day to enjoy the moon in the yard with a dog lying next to me, eating the grapes I grew.

Maybe my behavior is too special. The landlord often comes to chat with me. We are half friends. We also know her name. Because the name is too long, I call her, Sister Li. He is four years older than me and has been married once.

Whenever she talks about her past, her eyes reveal a kind of helplessness and regret.

I can see that Sister Li is a person with a story, but I can’t ask her directly.

Just like that, after living here for a month, I have also integrated into the living environment of the locals. In addition to the scenery, it is also a great pleasure for me to interact with the locals every day and listen to them tell local stories.

But they do not reject me as a foreigner, and are very welcoming. They also like to listen to my stories about big cities.

I have to say that Sister Li and I really became friends because her dog gave birth to puppies. I accidentally told her once before that I wanted to get a dog, but I didn’t expect that she took it seriously and insisted on letting me choose one.

I fell in love with a dog with black flowers on its ears. Because it was too small, I couldn’t keep it at home, so I had to take a look at it every day. For this reason, I also bought a lot of pet snacks.

With this puppy as a link, I have more contact with Sister Li. Every time I go to her house, I am always empty-handed and always take something. Sister Li is naturally embarrassed and lets me stay. When it came to eating, I refused at first, but after trying Sister Li’s cooking once, I was conquered.

Although the food made by Sister Li does not look good, it can be said that it is more delicious than those made in big restaurants.

Every time I finish eating, I will say: "Sister Li, it's a pity that you are not a good cook."

Sister Li just smiled slightly at my words.

A few days later, maybe because we got to know each other better, we were no longer wary of each other. Sister Li brought out her home-brewed wine, and I was not polite.

We were eating and drinking under the tree, chatting and admiring the moonlight. Unknowingly, we drank a little too much, and I talked about my unsatisfactory work and unsatisfactory love.

And Sister Li also told her story.

Sister Li is the only girl in their family. She has been loved by many people since she was a child and has been vigorously cultivated by her family. Although their family is not rich, after knowing that Sister Li likes dancing, they still enrolled her in a dance class. With her outstanding appearance and hard work, Sister Li is also the best in their generation.

At this time, Sister Li was no longer satisfied in her hometown, so she went to a big city and wanted to be a star dancer. But after arriving in a big place, Sister Li discovered that the dance she learned in her hometown was not worth it at all. carry.

In order to become the best, Sister Li worked extra hard, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't be the lead dancer.

Even though she was the best dancer in the dance troupe, she still couldn't be the lead dancer, so she started to get discouraged. At this moment, a man appeared, who was her fellow villager, and worked as a chef near her dance troupe, and the two of them started to get discouraged. This way we slowly came together.

Sister Li left the dance troupe and became a dance teacher.

Under his influence, Sister Li also learned good cooking skills.

After getting along for a few years, the two were about to get married. When Sister Li's family learned that the other party was a chef, they strongly opposed it. In desperation, Sister Li ran away with him.

thought it was a wonderful love. In the third year after marriage, he hit Sister Li. Although he apologized to Sister Li afterwards, this happened only zero and countless times.

In the end, Sister Li could not bear it anymore and divorced him. After returning home, her family did not blame her, but Sister Li could not forgive herself in her heart.

came here.

After listening to what I said, I blurted out without thinking, "If there is a girl who has paid so much for me, I will definitely not let her down."

After listening to what I said, Sister Li did not speak and picked up the wine glass. Drink it all in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Sister Li said softly: "I want to dance, but I haven't danced for a long time."

Before I could speak, Sister Li stood up leaning on the table and jumped up, under the moonlight. , the dance became even more graceful, and I was mesmerized by it.

Just when I was obsessed, Sister Li turned around and ended the dance. Just when she was about to end the dance with a curtain call, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

I quickly stepped forward to help and asked what was broken, but Sister Li seemed to not know, lying in my arms and looking at me.

I used my last strength to send Sister Li back to the room, turned around and walked out.

Starting from the second day, the relationship between Sister Li and I changed. It was an indescribable feeling. When we met, we could feel that the way we looked at each other was different.

Later, I accompanied Sister Li back to her hometown. Her family welcomed my arrival. Although Sister Li tried her best to explain, her parents still regarded me as her boyfriend.

A year later, when my rent was due, she confessed her love to me. Seeing her tears of reluctance, I finally chose to stay. A few months later, I asked my parents to travel to Xinjiang. , I introduced Sister Li to them.

She and I also received the blessings of both parents and finally got together.