#summergrowthplan##情##情厅# Regarding love, we always hope that men and women in love can be devoted to each other and never betray. Because we also hope that the person we fall in love with can also be devoted to us. But in this era, love between men and women seems to have become

Regarding love, we always hope that men and women in love can be devoted to each other and never betray. Because we also hope that the person we fall in love with can also be devoted to us.

But in this era, the love between men and women seems to have become insignificant, because words like "like" and "love" can be said casually.

Just as it is written in "Sour Plum": "Maybe this era is too bad, emotions are rampant, words have no weight, and casual love and affection are not worthy of a sincere heart."

Therefore, and you When a woman is in love, no matter how much she says "I love you" or "I like you" to you, there is still no way to fully prove her sincerity towards you.

In this era, there are many women who are very carefree. They will accept men's kindness casually, and they will also say words like "I like you" and "Love you" to men very easily, and they will even say it without saying anything. Feel free to be intimate with a man you haven't known for a long time.

But no matter how passionate they are towards a man and how many loving words they say, there will never be a place for that man in their hearts. Because their hearts never belong to any man, only to freedom and indulgence.

Whether a woman is carefree can be determined by looking at these aspects.

1: Is the dress open?

As the saying goes: "A horse depends on its saddle, and a man depends on his clothes." A woman's dress is actually an external reflection of her thoughts and personality. This is the same as what kind of color you like, which represents what kind of personality you like.

Generally speaking, a woman with a conservative mindset is also very conservative in her dress. She would always wear long clothes and trousers, and even in the hot summer, she would not dare to wear clothes or trousers that were too short.

On the contrary, a woman who is flirtatious is often more outgoing and open-minded. Therefore, she will especially like to pursue sexy and fashionable dressing methods.

Even in the cold winter, she will dress as openly as possible. This is the so-called "as long as the style, not the temperature."

2: Is the relationship with the opposite sex good?

Every man and woman who has entered adolescence is particularly eager to have a good relationship with the opposite sex. After all, who doesn’t want to make more friends of the opposite sex?

In fact, whether a person is attracted to the opposite sex is often not determined by the person's appearance, but by the person's actions. This is a bit like "control your own destiny".

Those women who have a particularly good rapport with the opposite sex are not only because they look pretty good, but more importantly, because they are particularly proactive towards the opposite sex.

As the saying goes: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs." No man will strike up a conversation with a woman for no reason, and the opposite sex will not pick up a woman for no reason.

For those women who have particularly good rapport with the opposite sex, in the final analysis, it is because they are particularly proactive and open to men, letting men know that they are particularly easy to woo, that is why so many men come close to them. Women like this are often very carefree.

Three: Whether or not everyone is welcome

In Chinese ethics, there is a distinction between men and women. We have also been indoctrinated in the concept of differences between men and women by adults since childhood, so we know that men and women should live and eat separately.

When interacting with the opposite sex, we all consciously or unconsciously want to keep a certain distance from the opposite sex. This is especially obvious for women.

Because women are weaker than men, they always feel insecure and feel that adult men are dangerous. Therefore, most women will choose to keep a distance from men, and they will not accept all invitations and good intentions from men.

But flirtatious women are different. They are completely unwary of men, and they even always find ways to get close to those handsome men. They accept all invitations and pursuits from men.

Because a carefree woman has no such thing as principles. She just wants happiness, freedom and indulgence.

Emotional message:

The ancients said: "Food and sex are the nature of food." Lust is human nature, and it is not a bad thing. Proper communication with the opposite sex can even bring more fun to our lives.

But lust also needs to be measured and principled. We cannot ignore morality and ethics just to pursue happiness. If you do this, the existence of love will be meaningless.

The reason why human love is particularly beautiful and great is that it not only comes from human beings' original desires, but also from human nature and soul.

Therefore, the relationship between men and women, which only has desire but no humanity, cannot be called love, but can only be regarded as physiological activities between beasts.


Author: Shan Mo talks about emotions

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