As a middle-aged person, I am older and younger. As a Dharma disciple and aspiring to practice Taoism, I may be an ordinary member of all living beings, that is, a standard middle-aged Taoist.

I am already forty, and I can only be a middle-aged person.

As a middle-aged person, some are old and some are young. As a disciple of the Dharma teachings and an aspiring Taoist, I may be an ordinary member of all living beings, that is, the standard middle-aged Taoist.

1, As a middle-aged Taoist, one should be indifferent to fame and fortune.

As the saying goes, if you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don’t have money, it will be difficult to move even a single step.

There is nothing wrong with this.

If you really don’t have money, you can’t walk to other places, right?

So, money is a good thing and can bring us many conveniences.

In modern society, the amount of wealth also represents a person's success, social status, etc. to a certain extent.

When I was young, I once said loudly that if I went out laughing and looked up to the sky, how could I be a Penghao person?

Now, after studying the Fa for eight years, looking back, I understand what fate is.

It doesn’t matter whether he became famous overnight or whether he made tens of millions a year, it has nothing to do with me.

Fame, fortune and wealth may seem accidental, but they are actually inevitable.

Just do your own thing with peace of mind and earn what you can and should earn to support your family. There is no need to seek extravagant fame, fortune or wealth.

You have to work hard and be content.

Therefore, there is no need to compete. No matter how successful others are, driving luxury cars, living in luxury houses, making money every day, and guarding your heart, everything will be calm and peaceful.

For a middle-aged Taoist, one should really be indifferent to fame and fortune.

2, As a middle-aged Taoist, the body is the most important.

The great leader Chairman Mao once said that the body is the capital of revolution.

What I value most now is my body. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am afraid of death.

If I had to choose between money and health, I would rather be poor and miserable than have a healthy body.

As the saying goes, everything is good, just don’t get sick.

As I get older, I have more physical problems and I am more sensitive to problems. Sometimes small problems can make me unhappy and uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

Sometimes, I hate this physical body.

talks about the pessimistic point of view. I think it is quite difficult to be a human being.

Therefore, we can only work hard to cultivate the Tao.

As a middle-aged Taoist, we must not only maintain mental health, but also maintain physical health, through proper exercise.

Men should also take good care of themselves.

3, The immortal method is vast

Practice step by step every day, live at three o'clock and one line every day, year after year, day after day, understand that this is the life you want.

It’s hard to say whether your body can fight against gangsters and gangsters. After all, you have a bulging belly, don’t exercise, and haven’t done physical work for a long time. However, we have vast magical powers and we definitely have the ability to protect ourselves.

Fame and wealth in the world are all illusions. If I want to avoid the suffering of reincarnation, as a middle-aged Taoist, how can I have the dignity to go up to see the ancestor without any real talent?