Emotional Stories As a parent, you must be level-headed. Otherwise, tragedy will definitely be waiting for you. It’s not that your daughter doesn’t want to provide for you in old age, nor is she unwilling to provide for you in old age. It's you who have gone too far, if it weren'

Emotional Story Record

As a parent, you must be level-headed. Otherwise, tragedy will definitely be waiting for you. It’s not that your daughter doesn’t want to provide for you in old age, nor is she unwilling to provide for you in old age. It's you who have gone too far, if it weren't for the fact that you favor boys over girls and don't have a bowl of water to keep your balance. So will your daughter ignore you? Just like the parents in the article. Now you can only blame yourself for this ending. If you hadn't favored one and the other, you wouldn't have been driven away by your daughter.

Let’s take a look at this matter today. I hope that through this case, all parents will be careful not to do this again. If you are not responsible for yourself, no one will be responsible for you. You must treat your children with a bowl of water. "You and your brother AA will support us in our old age." Me: Yes, but I have five requirements, otherwise get out.

case story sharer,

33-year-old Ms. Su:

Many people say that I am cruel. Why are their parents not their own parents? Is it necessary to drive them away? By driving them away you deny them being your parents. Without your parents, there would be no you. Your parents have sacrificed for you. How many parents have worked hard to raise you. Now that they are old, it would be unreasonable for you not to provide for them.

My parents came to me to provide for me in the old age. My parents told me that if you provide for me in the old age, I won’t ask you to provide for me alone. After all, you have a younger brother. If you rely entirely on you, it is really too much and cannot be justified. Our request is very simple, that is, you and your brother can support us in our old age. In other words, our expenses will be divided into two parts in the future, and you and your brother will share one share.

doesn't sound like there's much wrong with it. Under normal circumstances it should be possible, but I refused. I decisively refused and told my parents not to come to me when it comes to providing for the elderly. If you have anything to do, go to your brother.

My father was angry when he heard what I said. My father angrily said to me, I have already given you face, what else do you want? We haven’t completely asked you to provide for me in old age. If you are completely allowed to provide for us in old age. That's really our fault.

The problem is that we just ask you and your brother to support us in old age. Is there a problem? We worked hard to raise you. Now that we are old, is it difficult for you two to take care of us? We raised your two children. Now you have to support us in our old age, do you understand?

Whether you agree or disagree, we must provide for our elderly care. I told my father that if you insist on me providing you with old-age care, you can, but I have five requirements. If you agree to my five requirements, I will agree to your AA pension system. If you don't agree with me, I demand then get out.

I don’t want to embarrass you, you make your own choice. My father got angry when I said that, but then my mother agreed. My father angrily asked my mother, how could we have a daughter like this? Then my mother said, forget it, just agree to his five demands, otherwise the pressure will crush our son.

Then my father said to me, OK, you name five requirements. As long as we can achieve them, we will agree to your five requirements. But I agree with your five requests, and you must keep your word in the future. You must support us in the AA system with your brother. Don't blame me for that. Then I told my parents, yes, I must keep my word and will not ask you to agree. I agreed to join the AA system with my brother to support you in your old age.

The first request is that the money from the sale of the old house be divided into two parts, one for me and one for my brother.

Don't think I don't know. The old house has been sold by you. I don't know exactly how much it was sold for, but I know roughly. I have a friend who happens to live there. Then he told me about this. The old house was sold for nearly 3 million.

He told me it was 3 million, and my younger brother also told me something. He told me about 3 million. It is estimated that my brother gave away 3 million, which is what my friend said was the same as the 3 million he sold for the house.

3 million, it’s not too much to give me 1.5 million, which is half of my 10,000-year-old brother. After all, my brother is your child, and I am also your child. Since I am also your child, you also look to me to support you in your old age.

Then half for each person. If you give me the 1.5 million, it will be considered completed. This is my first request. If you don't agree, forget it. If you can't even do the first request, there is no need for me to ask for other requests. . Anyway, if you want me and my brother to support you in the AA system, then you must agree to my request. This is my first request.

The second request is to return the money I deposited to you before.

You guys cheated on me before. What did you tell me when I first came out to work? I had just come out to work at that time. Just tell me, girls will need dowry when they get married. It's impossible to rely on us to prepare it. Our family is so difficult, where can we have the money? So you have to rely on yourself.

From now on, you give us some money every month, and we will help you save it. When you get married, you will have a dowry, so that you will not be embarrassed if you get married. But in the end, did you give me a dowry?

not only did not give me a dowry, but also asked my husband for a lot of money as a bride price. I agreed on 80,000 yuan, but finally asked for 280,000 yuan. The money I have saved for you must be at least hundreds of thousands. After so many years, it has been tens of thousands, five or six years, at least hundreds of thousands. But he didn't give me any money until the end. It was agreed that the dowry was prepared for me, and I saved all the money myself.

But you all took it for yourself. In the end, you gave the money to your brother. So, I have no evidence to prove that the money has been given to my brother, but I am 80% sure that the money has been given to my brother. Otherwise, where did his car come from? Do you think I don't know? In fact, I know everything. Now I want to make this matter clear, if you insist on me providing you with old age care. Then give this money back.

The third request is that I gave 100,000 to my mother when she was hospitalized. My brother didn't give me a penny. Now let my brother bear half of it, that is to say, let my brother give me 50,000, or you can give me 50,000.

At that time, you said that when my brother gets rich, he will pay back half of it to me. Do you know where this 100,000 yuan came from? This 100,000 yuan was earned by my husband from selling cars. I originally wanted to use the money to buy a house. Then my mother got sick and I had to give the money to her.

I didn’t want to use the money at that time. I used more than 20,000 of my own private money. I have no money for the rest. Then you ask me to take out the money. In order to save my mother from suffering, I agreed. You also agree that you will return the money to me when the time comes.

Even if you don’t pay back everything, it’s okay to pay me back a little bit, but after so many years, have you ever paid back the money? Not to mention 100,000, not even a dollar, not to mention one dollar, not even a penny, just pretend this never happened. I have argued with my husband many times over this matter.

No one’s money comes from the strong wind, so why should I, a daughter, bear all the responsibilities? Although I am your child. But you also have your son’s younger brother, and if he doesn’t give you any money, he won’t give you a penny. Not only did he not give you any money, I was also the one taking care of you when you were in the hospital. Now please return the 50,000 yuan. I demand half of it.

The fourth request is to pay back all the money you borrowed from my husband before.

My father asked my husband to borrow money not long ago. Don’t think that I don’t know. In fact, I know everything. I just don’t want to deal with this matter. At that time, my father came to the house to meet my husband for a drink. I knew something was up. If I guessed correctly, the money should be used to buy a house for my brother.

Originally, this money was given to my parents-in-law to help repair the house. But my father came inside him and refused to leave. He even threatened my husband with various reasons. Then I borrowed 100,000 yuan from my husband.My husband was unwilling to tell me about this matter, because my husband knew that it would be difficult to get the money back if he lent it out, so he never thought about it or wanted to get the money back.

Originally I thought this matter had never happened, but you want me to provide for you in your old age. Since you all gave the benefits of farming to your brother, why should you let me share the responsibility? Whoever the benefits are given to should bear the responsibility.

Instead of asking me to take responsibility as a daughter, what can my daughter do to you? Besides raising me. What have you given me? Instead, how much have I given you, and how much have you taken from me?

The fifth requirement is that I sold the land in my home a few years ago. That land is mine. It sold for about 800,000 in total. At least you have to give me 400,000.

Although I am a married daughter. But that piece of land was indeed divided into pieces in my family when I was a child. Then just in time, I got that piece. Neither you nor your father want that piece of land, and we don’t think we can farm on that piece of land. He also dislikes how I can get this piece of land back.

Later, the express delivery was collected. There is a train track next to it. Then I lost 800,000 yuan, which means I sold it for 800,000 yuan. But have you given me this money? That piece of land is mine and you won’t give me a penny. If you say you want to keep this money for your retirement, I have nothing to say. After all, I am a married daughter. If you want this money for your retirement, I don’t care.

The problem is that you secretly subsidize this money to your younger brother. Otherwise, how would my younger brother have the money to buy a house or start a company? How much money did you give to your brother, openly or secretly? Do you think I don't know?

In fact, I have always been clear in my heart, but I just don’t want to tell you about it. Since you have given all the benefits to your brother. Then my brother should be responsible, not my unimportant daughter.

My requirements are these 5. If you agree, I will definitely form an AA with my brother to support you in your old age. If you need anything, you will share half of the responsibility. After all, you are my parents, and we are bound to do this.

But if you don’t compensate me or agree to my five demands, then don’t think about me providing you with your pension. Don’t say it’s an AA system. I won’t take care of even a little bit of responsibility. Do you have me as a daughter in your hearts? Now my brother no longer wants to care about you, and my hometown has been sold to my brother again. You have nowhere to go.

Then I thought about coming to my place to retire. Where in the world can there be such a good thing? Since you don't treat me as a woman, why should I treat you as my parents? If you thought of me as your daughter, you wouldn't have treated me like that. The only chance I give you now is to agree to these five requirements, and then I will help you be your parents and provide for you in your old age. Otherwise, I will not agree to this matter. If you don't agree, just leave it alone.

The more I talked, the angrier I became. This is how things are. Is it wrong for me to do this? Why do so many people say I'm wrong? I feel like I’m not wrong. It’s not that I don’t want to support my parents in their old age, it’s that they don’t treat me as their daughter at all. Since they don't treat me as their daughter, then why should I care if they do.


This matter is really helpless. If it were me, I would only be able to do this. To put it bluntly, your parents do not have you as a daughter in their hearts. If I had you as a daughter, I would not come to you to support you in old age, let alone treat you like this. Your parents also have sons in their hearts.

Now that I am old, I still want to rely on you, and when I am old, I still want to reduce the burden on my children. Your parents have gone too far, so there is nothing wrong with what you did. If it were me, I would do the same. Let others say whatever they like. If others want to be filial to their parents, then give your parents to others and let others be filial.

Let me say one more thing here. As parents, we cannot be so unfavorable to one another.They are all our own children, why should it be unfair? If you don't treat him as your own child, then don't let him take responsibility for you in the future, okay? Whoever the benefit is given to should be held responsible. If the benefit is given to a son, the son should be held responsible. Do you understand?

Benefits and responsibilities are mutual. If there are benefits, you should be responsible. If there are no benefits, you should not take responsibility. Nothing good will happen to parents like this. We must take warning from such things and never let such a tragedy happen again, okay?