Two oceans, I am close to you, and we complain in similar low voices, complaining about the uplifted sand edges and floating objects washed away by the water, and we don’t know why. These small pieces do represent you and me, and all things.

2024/06/2400:51:32 emotion 1951

Two oceans, I am close to you, and we complain in similar low voices, complaining about the uplifted sand edges and floating objects washed away by the water, and we don’t know why. These small pieces do represent you and me, and all things. - DayDayNews

Two oceans, I am close to you,

We complained in similar low voices, complaining about the raised sand edges and floating objects washed by the water, without knowing why.

These small pieces do represent you and me, and represent everything.

——Walter Whitman

Mr.: Recently, I found that I can find some new things in the places I often go to. The common and often new feeling suddenly appeared.

Me: Haha, that’s quite wonderful. Zhou Botong practiced the upper body skills of his left and right hands with each other. Mr.

: In the final analysis, it’s still the old saying, “Situation changes as you wish.”

Me: These four words are so simple, but if you can really do it, even if you can do it occasionally, you can really improve your efficiency and make your body and mind feel more comfortable and comfortable. Mr.

: No. The weather has been very hot recently, how do you feel?

Me: The weather is certainly hot, but the "heat" rendered by various streaming media feeds every day makes the psychological heat even more severe. Therefore, this issue of "state of mind" is an unavoidable contradiction from ancient people to modern people. Mr.

: Haha, I really have some ideas.

Me: I also very much agree with your "daily view". Only when daily things can be truly dealt with can Da Yin be great. Of course, it is not meant to be a "Great Yin", it is just a description of characteristics. Just a few days ago, I saw a 30-minute cross-industry dialogue video. This video was very interesting. It was a cross-industry dialogue between several young and middle-aged doctors and actors. The issues discussed were very hot topics in daily life, mainly around doctors and patients. The relationship theme expands and then cuts into some smaller themes. They are actually related to "self-awareness and growth", and of course, "mentality and state of mind". As we all know, many fundamental and structural social contradictions are not formed overnight. As a specific individual in a huge machine, can you fundamentally change the external environment? Basically impossible; not changing the external environment means losing the awareness of independent exploration and development and drifting with the crowd? In fact, this is just a choice. Mr.

: Oh, let’s hear your views.

Me: One of the young doctors talked about two problems: The first is to use self-media to spread some medical knowledge in related fields, but in the process of doing it, he will encounter negative doubts from the outside world. The second is that there will be a period of job burnout. Regarding these two issues, one of the participating guests, the actor Hu Ge, expressed his views in a smooth and lucid manner from his own perspective. He probably said this: " If during a day, You can only focus on a few things. If there are other things that particularly affect you, you must put them aside. There are far more important things in your work and life that are worthy of your attention. Spending your energy and time. Maybe these things will have a negative impact on you at first, but over time, everyone will naturally know what kind of person you are. There is nothing wrong in itself to spread information (including all types of knowledge). The way of communication should keep pace with the times, such as self-media and short videos, which are good. Regarding work burnout, I do encounter unsatisfactory times. After I adjust my mentality, I will put my work (filming) into practice. The process is regarded as a kind of experience or experience, but it will be interesting, so there will not be too much fatigue.” Mr.

: Mr. Hu is older than the young doctor and has had a lot of experience, so he can have this open-mindedness. , Clear vision, many of the obstacles people encounter when walking are similar, but only a few people can realize something and actually do it.

Me: You are also very transparent and tolerant. Different life settings, similar temperament.The title of this interview video is " does not forget the original intention , and it will always be successful." After watching it myself, I summarized my views on this: The attitudes and perspectives presented to you by the external environment belong to other people's value systems. , is a manifestation of similarity or opposition. Methods (forms) such as self-media and short videos are all means and tools, and we can use them as much as we want, including the various identity labels we impose on ourselves. We can also make full use of them, but the most crucial point is: you First of all, be clear about who you are and have the ability to tear off and discard these labels anytime and anywhere. This courage and wisdom is the original intention, but it is unforgettable. Mr.

: I have an appointment and I can’t come over until midnight, so I can knock the chess pieces and let the lights fall. Hahahaha, I just read this in the past two days.

Me: You are still like Zhou Botong, focusing on yourself but never forgetting others. By the way, I know you are interested in Zen and have the habit of practicing meditation. Recently, a netizen happened to see a vlog I took at the end of last year. It was an impromptu dynamic meditation. This netizen asked me: " I don’t understand something, can you explain it?” I was very happy to receive such feedback. I gave my own explanation and also reflected on my video production. Regarding this vlog, what I want to express is: the forms of meditation can be diverse, and it does not necessarily have to be sitting cross-legged (the posture in the video is the sitting angle of yoga movements). It can be done anywhere you want. Entering into a meditative state (non-working state), this meditation is not Zen meditation, it is not the practice of Zen, it is not "what must I do now". Mr.

Two oceans, I am close to you, and we complain in similar low voices, complaining about the uplifted sand edges and floating objects washed away by the water, and we don’t know why. These small pieces do represent you and me, and all things. - DayDayNews

: Haha, I don’t think there is any problem. I don’t think I am a professional and pious meditator. I agree with your idea that “everything is available and divinity is in the heart”.

Me: Yes, our consensus is this: once you have an overly persistent thought in doing anything, you should relax, remove your own defaults, and tear off your own labels. Of course, I also need to understand why other people's ideas are different from mine. That is to think about how the form and essence of can accurately balance the focus so that others can understand and express some of my own creative ideas. These forms (methods) ) appears to be very self-centered, but in fact it is also a way to face oneself. So meditation is just a tool. Mr.

: Knowledge and experience are both good things. However, cognitive abilities may need to be constantly practiced, reshuffled and improved through various experiences. Whenever I revisit a specific event in the past that had a great impact on me, or an old topic, I may give a different view than before, and I also hope that I can have this kind of room for improvement.

Me: Acceptance and tolerance are not compromises and blind obedience. There are so many specious things, but the truth is indeed the only one. Is this absolutism? Mr.

: Whatever, if you can’t find the answer right now, don’t fill your head too much.

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