When two people are in love, they don't care about each other. Even if the other party drinks water or eats food, they will happily accept it. What a loving and sweet picture it looks like! When we are in love and sweet, we can be inseparable like this. With you in me and me in y

When two people are in love, they will accept each other's water and food without distinction. Even if the other party drinks water or eats something, they will happily accept it. What a loving and sweet picture it looks like! When we are in love and sweet, we can be inseparable like this. With you in me and me in you, we can tolerate and care for each other infinitely. Not willing to say anything, not willing to scold, only full of love. How enviable, jealous, and imaginative! But when they were separated, why could their faces change instantly? The smile was gone and replaced by a mouth full of vulgar and hurtful words, with a hateful expression on his face, and all he could see in his eyes were the shortcomings of the other party. This has to catch up with the rhythm of a tornado. One second, you are cuddling with each other and talking to each other, and the next second, you can meet strangers.

When fate is over, give the other person good blessings. If you can save it, show your utmost sincerity and go all out. Face is really worthless in the face of love. If it is destined that we can't be together, then part ways without too much entanglement. Don't waste all the remaining affection and love. It's really not worth it. A large number of people are relatively capable, and when they love, they give with love from the heart. We can still be friends if we don't love each other and don't interfere with each other, but some people insist on being entangled with each other, and from time to time they have to resort to moral kidnapping . It is too naive to spread the bad qualities of the other person everywhere, as if saying that the other person can come back and get back together. If you don't do that, you might have the chance to break up if you do. Do you think threats can really make people come back? Once a person has made up his mind, no matter whether he is a man or a woman, he will never look back unless it is just to scare him. Some people still don't want to give up, and even go to other people's homes to make trouble, or even upload it to the Internet. If you make people uncomfortable, they will be more disgusted with you, even if there is a possibility of reconciliation. Who would dare to come back after being so selfish? Some people are just carried away by their emotions, and they are really hopeless!

In the face of love, everyone is an equal person. When we are together, we should cherish it even more. If there are too many conflicts, it is not appropriate to communicate well. There is no need to cause a storm in the city and everyone will know it because of your anger. It will make not only the other party laugh but also you. Is it really that fun to harm others and yourself?