We are destined to come together from thousands of miles away, follow me, cherish the fate, share emotional articles with you every day, and taste the taste of life together. Introduction: A 53-year-old aunt: With her remarried wife, we are husband and wife during the day and nei

We are destined to come together from thousands of miles away, follow me, cherish the fate, share emotional articles with you every day, and taste the taste of life together.


A 53-year-old aunt: With my remarried wife, we are husband and wife during the day and neighbors at night. Can we still have such a marriage? What happened? Let's take a look.

Aunt He’s self-report

I lost my husband at the age of 45 and remarried at the age of 52. My remarried wife, Lao Xia, is a classmate in my calligraphy class. We get along well and often go to class together and have dinner together after class. Lao Xia is 61 years old and retired. He lives alone and has a lot of free time every day. It is difficult to cook for himself, so I often invite him to my house for dinner after class.

We are both good at cooking. Today I will cook Lao Lin’s specialty dish, and tomorrow he will show me his cooking skills. Lao Lin always accompanies me no matter what I do. We go in and out together, just like a couple. When my classmates in the calligraphy class saw how close we were, they joked that we should just get married and become a real couple.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. I feel very happy after getting along with Lao Lin these days. Besides, he is also considerate and has good character, so he is the best choice to be my wife. I also developed a friendship with Lao Lin. If I really left him, I would feel that my life would be boring.

I waited for a long time, but I didn’t see any expression from Lao Lin. I can't wait any longer. If he doesn't take the initiative, let me talk first. I went to Lao Lin and told him my true thoughts. Lao Lin thought it would be good for two people to have each other's company together. So, we remarried naturally.

I have a good relationship with Lao Lin. I think our life will be sweeter after we remarry. What I didn’t expect was that after we remarried, Lao Lin slept in a separate room with me because he was used to sleeping by himself. At first, I just thought that it would take a while for him to accept me, but as time went by, I realized that he really didn’t intend to sleep with me.

I was afraid that Lao Lin disliked me, so I chased him and asked why he wanted to sleep in a separate room with me. Lao Lin finally told the truth. He said that he only wanted to be a soul mate with me. He had long since stopped thinking about that aspect. Wouldn't it be better to cultivate one's character when he is old? Lao Lin can be pure and devoid of desires, but I can't.

But Lao Lin doesn’t want to, and I can’t force him. Now on the surface we are living a very loving life, which is enviable. I was the only one who knew that we were husband and wife during the day, but neighbors at night. Is there something wrong with Lao Lin, or am I just being naughty? Can we still have such a marriage? I really don't know what to do now.


Couple life is the bond of marriage and the spice of emotion. Young people need it, and the elderly also need it. This is a problem that couples must face squarely. It is useless to avoid it. It will only hurt the emotions and trust between husband and wife. It is recommended that Aunt He find a way to communicate openly and honestly with her husband, find out the crux of the problem, and then find a solution. This problem must not be blocked in the marriage.