-01-There is a movie in Japan called "The Bundle of Love", which tells a very sad story. The writer Yukio has been addicted to writing for many years, but has neglected his love for his wife. As a result, the relationship between the two gradually became cold and estranged. Sudde


There is a movie in Japan called "The Bundle of Love", which tells a very sad story.

Writer Yukio has been addicted to writing for many years, but has neglected his love for his wife. As a result, the relationship between the two gradually became cold and estranged. Suddenly one day, the man was surprised to find that many things in the house were tied up with ropes. He got up, and his wife became abnormal, always trying to tie herself up.

He took his wife to the hospital for a check-up, and found out that she suffered from a disease called "obsessive-compulsive binding syndrome," which is a mental illness.

He longed to cure his wife, but made no progress at all.

At the end, when his wife asked him to tie her up, he reluctantly and obediently tied her up in a corner with countless ropes.

The entire film is full of depression, restraint, and haze, which makes people feel the inner uneasiness of a woman and her desire to love, to be cared about by her lover, and to be wrapped in happiness.

In fact, if a man had cared about her a little more, smiled a little more, and cared a little more about her before she got sick, then this tragedy could have been avoided.

So, after reading this, if someone asks, does this man love her?

I can only say that I still love you, but I don’t love you that much.


In life, you will find that once some men enter into marriage, they will not cherish it as if they have "already bought it home" and "the uncooked rice has been cooked." It seems that he needs to continue working hard to get it... Then he will gradually transform into another person, returning from his passion for women to his previous indifference.

But women’s emotions are just the opposite.

She will think that marriage is an upgrade of the love between two people. She should be able to feel the sweetness of love better, make life more romantic, make herself live a solid and warm life, and enjoy the beauty of marriage.

Therefore, the deviation between these two concepts will make many women feel that they have married the wrong person, and they will even feel that they have been left out.

This kind of "loss of love" will put women into a state of panic. However, at this time, the test of "whether you still love the man or not" comes.

Because, a man who can sense that a woman is being left out will adjust his attitude, conscientiously comfort you, and give you peace of mind;

However, a man who doesn’t love you that much will let your anxiety and fear go unchecked. No matter how you appeal, he will not give or change you at all.

Therefore, if a man wants to have a long-term intimate relationship with you, the criterion for judgment is very simple, that is, he will develop a habit, which is: always taking care of you and caring about your emotions.

cares about you and regards your emotions as the "barometer" of his life

In fact, love has two sides. The front side will be full of positive energy, giving you sunshine, rain and dew, romance, and you Warmth... On the other hand, it is like poison, making you lonely, helpless and lonely.

However, the antidote to this "poison" is actually that your lover can give you care and love. He will not find various excuses to alienate you, nor will he find various reasons to hurt you.

So, in life, a person who doesn't love you will give you an attitude of "whatever you want"; but a man who really loves you will use his emotions as a "barometer" of his life.

once saw a story.

A girl discovered that among the photos her boyfriend took to participate in team building at the workplace over the weekend, there was a scene where the boyfriend was running with a female colleague in his arms, and the female colleague was even holding her boyfriend's coat in her hand.

She was immediately angry and asked the man sternly, who is this and why are you hugging her?

The man was confused for a moment, and then he immediately realized that the woman was overthinking, and quickly explained: While running, this female colleague sprained her foot. At that time, I happened to be on the track next to her, so I carried her to the infirmary. Can you Don't think too much about it, I have nothing to do with her.

The man looked anxious, and his veins seemed to pop out. Although the woman was very unhappy, she still didn’t mention it for the time being.

The man knew that women were still very taboo in his heart, so he worked overtime one day and found an excuse to ask the girl to come to his office to wait for him to go home with him. He also specifically mentioned to the female colleague that her ankle was sprained, and by the way He said, "I almost knelt on the washboard when I got home," and then made a funny, henpecked expression.

It can be seen that if a man cares about you, he will not let you have the slightest misunderstanding about him.

He will not act indifferent to you or want to have a big fight with you, causing your relationship to get out of control and make you feel like you have been "abandoned."

He will show his attitude and let you feel his mood, which will change depending on your mood.

He will use his care to tell you that he and you need to have a long-term relationship, not just a short-term relationship.

I don't care about you, I regard your emotional ups and downs as a "burden"

Perhaps, modern people will have some pressure in life to some extent.

However, if your attitude towards love is a "so-so" attitude, then most likely, you will be punished by love.

I once saw a case.

A woman, her husband is an executive of a large company. After they got married, because they had two children to take care of, the woman made a sacrifice and quit her job to take care of the children at home.

Because the man was too busy with his business, he often came home in the middle of the night and left early in the morning. As a result, they could not speak a few words for several days. The woman guarded two children and an empty home every day, and gradually developed a sense of emptiness in her. It seems that the man has completely treated this home like a hotel.

So, she deliberately injured herself while the man was at home, deliberately scratched herself while washing the dishes, and deliberately slipped while walking... Unfortunately, what she did did not earn the man any sympathy or concern at all. She also complained that she could hurt herself just by washing the dishes, didn't know where to look when she was walking, didn't even look at her wounds, and didn't even put a band-aid on her.

Later, the woman suffered from severe depression . The symptoms became more and more obvious, and she even had fantasies. Even the two children were afraid of seeing their mother.

At this time, the man suddenly realized that he was in great pain and lamented that he cared too little about women.

Therefore, when love turns from a beautiful thing to a "poison", it is often very simple, just ignoring every scene, not caring about every scene, and saying indifferent words... When one day, the quantitative change becomes a qualitative change, its toxicity will be emitted. , causing a family to endure extraordinary pain.

Some people say that men have to support their families, so how can they have so much time to devote to their children?

But why weren’t you busy when you were chasing women?

To put it bluntly, after getting married and returning home, I just "don't care".

So, men, spend more time and energy to spend time with your family. You know, no matter how much money you make, isn’t it just to make your family live a happy life?

If you don’t feel happy and warm in your life, then no matter how much money you make, it can’t make up for the wounds between you.


The most important thing about a long-term intimate relationship is that both people’s hearts are open.

In other words, two people who love each other can communicate at any time, and the most important thing is that a man can care about a woman's emotions.

When a woman wants to communicate with him, he will have a positive attitude and will not avoid it, let alone give her indifference.

In life, there are always some men who, when communicating with women, either say that women are "nagging", or they despise women for "taking too much care", or they give women a "It's up to you, you can think whatever you want." ... Such an attitude will only push the relationship between two people into a dead end.

When you love someone, you never have the attitude of "love as much as you want, and if it doesn't work, break up" and then complain about the woman's bad qualities.

Because, in this world, a man’s true love has never been about how much money you make to support a woman.

Instead, you adopt a "manly" attitude, develop the habit of "being able to take good care of her and being able to care about her emotions", so that a woman will never want to leave by your side for the rest of her life.

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!