Su Shi once said: "Life is like a journey against the odds, and I am also a traveler." The law of attraction shows that everyone and everything they encounter will be attracted by their characteristics. When the sycamore tree is planted, the golden phoenix will emerge spontaneous

Su Shi once said: "Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a traveler."

The law of attraction shows that everyone and everything they encounter will be attracted by their characteristics.

Indus are planted, and a golden phoenix emerges spontaneously. In this world, only by becoming the best version of yourself can you meet the inner beauty.

1 People are divided into groups, and birds of a feather flock together.

There is a saying in "Zhuangzi Autumn Water": "Summer insects cannot talk about ice, and well frogs cannot talk about the sea."

Insects that live and die in summer cannot explain ice and snow; frogs that live in wells all year round cannot understand the vastness of the sea. The same applies to people. What you say to the people you meet really matters.

One day, Confucius and Zigong were traveling in a carriage. Unexpectedly, while resting, the horses trampled the crops on the roadside into a mess. The farmer was very angry and buckled the horse. Zigong went to negotiate, and he apologized and said some nonsense. However, the farmer didn't seem to hear anything and was still angry. Zigong sweated a lot in anxiety. Seeing this, Confucius asked the groom to reconcile. The groom spoke concisely and to the point, and the matter was settled in a short time.

In fact, it means "people are divided into groups, just like things come together". Talking to an illiterate farmer is like playing the pipa on a cow, adding to the trouble. Farmers and grooms complement each other well. The groom said simply, don't be angry with the beast, it doesn't understand, how can I understand the truth? I know it so well I need a whip to make it do its thing, not to mention it doesn't know you. The farmer laughed loudly and let go of the horse. He also praised Confucius as a saint, and even his horsemen would say so.

" The Book of the Later Han " records as follows: "If you enter the house of orchid, you will not smell its fragrance for a long time; if you enter the house of abalone, you will not smell its smell for a long time."

People around you are full of negative energy, and you are full of dissatisfaction. If the people around you are positive, then you are positive and sunny. In other words, people with similar hobbies and temperaments will naturally attract each other.

Optimistic and open-minded people often make friends with positive people. Art lovers like to gather in circles of art, music and musical instruments. Sports enthusiasts are closely related to people who play football, basketball, mountain climbing, etc.

The group of people with whom a person interacts often reflects his values. Those who fly with eagles will be handsome birds, and those who collude with tigers and leopards will be ferocious beasts.

2 Enrich yourself, not please others.

I have read this passage: If you want to own a horse, it is better to plant grass while chasing the horse instead of chasing the horse. Next year, when the grass turns green, a herd of horses awaits your choice. The same can be said in life.

If you want to enter a high-quality interpersonal circle and focus on enriching yourself, it is better than pleasing others. Everyone who is used to pleasing people is busy, but it is difficult to get results.

Like the famous Fang Zhongyong, he was a child prodigy since he was a child. Under the leadership of his father, he always boasted, but in the end he gave up studying and became a "disappearing crowd." Come on, this is a lot of self-inflicted internal friction.

Without power, there is no point in pleasing someone. Enriching yourself and enriching yourself is the shortcut to life.

Western Han Dynasty Dong Zhongshu loved reading since childhood. In order to give the children a place to rest, Dong Taigong decided to build a garden in the back room. In the first year, the garden prototype was completed. The spring was beautiful, and the sisters invited Dong Zhongshu to go out to play many times, but he still shook his head and continued reading.

In the second year, there was a stone garden in the garden, and the friends had a great time playing it. They called on Dong Zhongshu to join, but he bowed and continued to study hard. In the third year, the garden was fully completed and the beautiful garden was crowded with people. From time to time, people greeted Dong Zhongshu and saw the beautiful scenery, but he was still concentrating on studying in the room. This is Dong Zhongshu, who has not seen a garden in three years.

He does not need to please anyone, but he has become a generation of Confucian master based on his ability. After four dynasties, he was reused throughout his life.

The law of attraction tells us to look within.

If you bloom, butterflies will come; if you are dazzling, the sky will sense you.

People don't have to change the world, they just have to change themselves. If you are at peace, the world will be kind to you.

If you are cold, the world will treat you ruthlessly. In short: when you change, the world changes. Life is just that it's always a process of discovering and growing yourself.

Those who know how to enrich themselves will certainly be treated kindly by life. Enriching yourself is definitely better than pleasing others.

3 Become a better version of yourself and meet better people.

The ancients said: "A gentleman must establish his foundation before he can achieve enlightenment."

When you fundamentally improve yourself, the content you read and ask for is natural.

During the Warring States Period, , Su Qin had lofty ambitions and learned the art of vertical, horizontal and horizontal closure from Guiguzi. After completing his studies, he immediately sold his property and lobbied everywhere, but he repeatedly encountered obstacles. At that time, Su Qin had insufficient lobbying ability and did not know much about the situation in other countries. He was unable to touch the issues of various vassal states at all. Failure is inevitable. After

, Su Qin began to work hard again, studying military books and studying the general trend of the world. When he came out of the mountain for the second time, his long-cherished wish came true. Su Qin became the only diplomat in history, fully responsible for the unification of the six countries against Qin.

Destiny never prioritizes each other. What you like must match you.

Wang Yangming once said: Think about the wise when you see them, and reflect on yourself when you see the unworthy. "Only by becoming better can you meet better people.

I heard a little story. A young man went to buy bowls. He picked up one and kept stroking the other bowl, but he only heard a sound There was a dull sound. The young man looked disappointed. He took the bowl out of the cabinet and said, "Try this." "Unexpectedly, after touching a few bowls at random, everyone heard a crisp sound, which surprised the young man. The store owner said with a smile. "When I try a defective product, no matter how delicious it is, The bowl is boring too. If you want to try a good bowl, you have to try it. It's an excellent product. "The bowl is like this, and so are people.

Sakyamuni once said: "No matter who you meet, he should appear in your life. This is not a coincidence. "

Meeting people is like embracing the bright sun. The light illuminates the way, warms the heart, and gradually attracts people and things of the same frequency. Many times, this does not mean that you have not met a good person, but that you have not become a better person. Be good to yourself.

If you are Bai Yang, there will be beautiful birds. If you are the sea, hundreds of rivers will meet. In one sentence: Only by becoming the best version of yourself can you meet better people.

4 Respond to the same sounds and look for the same phase.

People with similar energies are always attracted to each other. Who you are as a person will determine how you treat others in return. With yourself, you can meet better people.

How you live your life depends only on yourself. Without the phoenix and flying wings, everything you see is dark and dull; when the light shines, the world becomes Colorful and harmonious.

Make yourself better, meet better people, go on forever, be happy along the way, be happy and peaceful...