Mind is born, but character is cultivated. Some people are enthusiastic, while others are introverted. No matter what kind of personality you need to improve your ability to do things, the top ability to do things is just four words: decisive, quiet, broad, and stable. Jiaomen Op

Character is born, but character is cultivated

Some people are enthusiastic, while others are reserved

No matter what kind of personality you have

Cultivation needs to improve your ability to do things.

The top ability to do things is just four words: decisive, quiet, broad, and stable. .

Jiaomen Operation Meow has read this passage: "A person's first reaction when encountering trouble hides the knowledge, experience, character and cultivation accumulated during his growth, and this reaction also determines the quality of his life."



breaking is the first aesthetic of life.

Every moment may change.

What we have to do is to cherish the present and seize the time.

No one or anything,

should be the reason that affects us from achieving this goal.

As everyone knows, desire is like a shackles on the body. If you have too much, you will be more afraid of losing it, which makes you worry about gains and losses. Therefore, only by "cutting off" at the right time can we gain true inner peace and tranquility.



In life, only by cultivating a quiet mind can

be calm and at ease.

You can see whatever you have in mind.

Quiet people have their own landscape inside.

Being calm and calm when encountering difficulties is not only a state of mind, but also a kind of wisdom.

If you are impatient, you will easily make mistakes. Only when you are calm can you face it calmly.

"Book of Rites·University" says: After being quiet, one can be at peace, after being at peace, one can think about it, and after thinking about it, one can gain.



There is a saying: "The heart is an inch wider, and the road is a foot wider."

If the heart is careless, there will be complaints everywhere;

If the heart is generous, it will always be spring.

Whether it is life or feelings, learn to face it, know how to accept it,

try your best to solve it, try to let go, adjust your mood, relax your mind,

live this ordinary and simple life well.

There is a saying in " Cai Gentan ": "In life, one step is a step forward, and a step back is a step forward. Being lenient to others is a blessing, and benefiting others is the foundation of self-interest." for

If you want to go far, you must first go steady.

sees the changes along the way and adopts different moves.

is moving steadily,

is not moving slowly, but at a moderate pace, taking it easy,

is moving forward unremittingly.

Only by being stable can we take a long-term path.

will continue to move forward and make further achievements.

A person with great wisdom should advance and retreat in a moderate manner. Being able to tolerate is tolerance and cultivation.

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