When pursuing a girl, the more you pay too much attention to her, the easier it is to lose her, because when you value her very much, you will hold her carefully in your hands like a precious object, worrying about some of your Mistakes will cause her to dislike you. So when you

When pursuing a girl, the more you pay too much attention to her, the easier it is to lose her, because when you value her very much, you will hold her in your hands carefully like a precious object, worrying about your Some mistakes will cause her to fall in love with you.

So when you are chasing a girl, obey her in every possible way. No matter what request she makes, no matter how excessive the request is, you will satisfy it. We all call it "dog licking" to pursue a girl in this way.

People nowadays like to say "lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until there is nothing left", then have you ever thought about why girls don't like the licking dog who keeps pleasing her?

You know, girls all want to find someone who can be themselves. If you rely on a boy as your boyfriend and you are always submissive when getting along with her, it will only make her feel that you are not manly and cannot give her the life she wants, so she will not choose you.

The best way to chase a girl is to attract her through your own charm, so that she will fall in love with you from the bottom of her heart. Therefore, if you want to chase a girl, the most important thing is to improve yourself instead of blindly. Do "dog licking".

When girls choose a boy, the most important thing is the boy’s personal charm, and the key to improving charm is a person’s thoughts, temper, psychology and other factors. If you lose yourself because you are afraid of losing a girl, then she will never be I won't like you.

 Because girls will think in their hearts, what reason does it have for others to love someone who doesn't even like themselves?

 Maybe you think that as long as you are really good to a girl, one day she will accept you, because she will be Touched by your actions.

I have to say that this situation does exist in reality, but it is a minority after all. More girls are more inclined to choose boys who can make her feel good, so that they can like them from the bottom of their hearts. If you have emotional problems, search for Xiaoyu Love Counseling.

 It is worthless to give sincerity to a girl casually. Just like if someone gives you something you don’t need, you won’t cherish it. Giving sincerity to a girl she doesn’t need will only increase her The troubles would not bring her any joy.

Just like giving something away, you must give the other person what she wants for this thing to be valuable.

When you really want to be nice to a girl, you also need to do it the way she wants. You have to first let her like you, and even start to like you a little bit, and then treat her well. Then she will feel that you are a person worthy of her love. The same is true of being nice to a girl, and there will be different results under different circumstances. If you try to please a girl before she has a crush on you, she will be like a licking dog that she hates. On the contrary, if you try to please her when she is already attracted to you, Good doesn't mean it's not.

Generally speaking, it is right to treat a girl sincerely. What is wrong is that you do not treat her well in the way she likes. Therefore, the better you treat her, the more she will look down on you. Therefore, instead of being a licking dog when chasing girls, it is better to spend more time improving yourself.